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5 years later.

"Mummy!" My sweet little girl called, making me walk over to the swings.

"Yes my darling?" I asked, looking down at her as she swung slightly.

"Where is daddy?" She sighed, her hair falling on her face.

"He will be here soon." I grinned. "He is working. Why don't we go inside and get dinner ready for him?"

"Yes!" She grinned, her blonde hair flowing in the wind as she ran back to the house.

"She looks so much like Bruno." Adele laughed, watching the hyperactive girl. "I still cannot get over it."

"Neither can I." I breathe out, feeling a little kick in my pregnant belly. "Neither can this little one it would seem." We both laughed.

"I cannot wait to pop the little thing out." Adele laughed, placing a hand on her stomach. "It will be soon, for the both of us."

"I am surprised it has taken you two, so long to have one." I winked. "I mean, I know you two were always at it-"

"Amelia!" She gasped playfully, smacking my arm gently. Hooping arms with one another, we walked back into the house.

After we had settled our visas to stay in the United Kingdom, us girls thought it would be perfect to stay together. We had all been through so much and we were the only thing we had left. Getting a farm, we had built a barn house, that accommodated the three families. While the boys worked on the mainland farm and surroundings, us girls would do the cooking for the farm shop we had - also taking it in turns to run it.

Business was booming. We were all very well off and so incredibly happy with how our lives had turned out. It was Maria's turn to do the shop today, which meant we looked after her three children, alongside our own.

I had two children, with the third on its way. Bruno and I were so happy with our life and we could have never pictured that our lives would have ended up like this. We were still madly in love and we knew nothing could ever change it.

The music that was played during the first time we met, was always played in our household, which always calmed the children. The way he played the piano still made me more attracted to him day by day - if that was even possible.

"Amelia?" I heard Maria say, as she walked into the kitchen. I looked up at the time, seeing it was 5:30, the time the shop closed - which would explain the presence of my friend. "I will help with tea, you sit down. You look exhausted."

"It is all good Maria." I laughed, thankful that she was so caring towards my condition. "I need to keep on my feet."

"You and I both know that is not true at all." She scolded me. "Or am I going to have to tell your husband?"

"Tell your husband what?" Bruno said, as he walked into the room and immediately coming over to me and placing a kiss on the side of my cheek.

"That she needs to rest." Maria folded her arms, with a slight smirk on her face.

"Amelia you know-" Bruno began but I cut him off.

"I have done this two times already-" I smiled, putting my hands on his chest. "I know what I am doing my love." I kissed his lips gently, before pulling away and looking at his mucky hands. "Mow get changed and wash yourself. Dinner will be ready an hour."

"Oh I call first shot in the bath." Louis smirked, as he ran past us and straight to the bathroom. We all laughed, as we watched the dad of 1 run to the bathroom, so no one else could get there first.

"And I am married to him?" Adele laughed, as she looked towards us, walking in with the rest of the children.

"Daddy!" Annabelle giggled, as she walked up to Bruno and hugged into him - making Bruno crouch to the ground. "Mummy said I can help make dinner."

"Oh, did she really?" He smiled, as he looked up to me from the ground. "Well you make sure you look after mummy, won't you?"

"I will." The little three year old grinned as she rushed into the living room to play with the toys.

Victor, our other soon, was playing with Maria's eldest - Arthur. The two were the best of friends, being the same age as one another. They were nearly 5 years old and were already like little men, which only made me feel old.

"Right, you mean go clean yourselves." Maria demanded, as Hans walked through the door and kissed his wife. "It is family night tonight, it is Friday."

"My favourite night of the week." Bruno grinned as he stood up and held me in his arms.

"Well, let's make sure we are ready for family night." I teased, pushing him away from me playfully and walking back into the kitchen to prepare our dinner, with the rest of the girls.

We had everyones favourite tonight, lamb stew, Parisian style. Something I had missed greatly since my time in France, my homeland, which I had very much missed. We all sat around the dinner table, said grace and we all began to tuck into our meals.

Shortly after everyone had finished, the commotion of everyone going into the music room, where the grand piano took centre stage. Bruno sat down on the piano and started to stroke each key, getting the spirt of the piano before he played it - something I always saw him do.

As he pressed down on one key, all other sound disappeared and he had the attention of everyone in the room. Looking up to me, he began to play that famous piece. The piece that brought us together from the very beginning.

I always reminded myself, of a quote Music alone can abolish differences of language or culture between two people and evoke something indestructible within them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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