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After driving us to the boarder, we got the ferry across, straight to Southampton.

As we reached the docks, the buzz in the air made us all excited and nervous, to trying and find Hans. The sea air combed through my hair, as I got out of the boat and onto the wooden docks looking back out to the sea. We had come so far, and I felt as though our adventure was soon to be over - which made me feel at peace once more.

I prayed every minute that Bruno would end up in Southampton as soon as possible. I missed his touch, his voice and his warmth.

"Well, this is hopefully where our last destination will be." Louis breathed out, as he placed his hat on his head and wrapped an arm around Adele.

"I hope so too." Adele sighed, holding onto the hand that was wrapped around her shoulder.

"I say we split up." I breathed out. "Louis and Adele, you both go that way-" I pointed to the right. "And myself and Maria will go this way. We need to meet back here after a few hours if we have not had any luck."

"Good luck." Louis smiled, before walking in the direction I told him too.

Maria and I walked through the streets, knocking on doors and asking if they had seen or heard of a man named Hans. It had been a couple of hours and we had heard nothing. Maria and I were getting me exhausted by the minute, feeling freezing and very tired from our long journey.

"We should get back to the dock." Maria suggested. "Maybe they will have some news."

"Good idea." I nodded my head, walking back arm in arm and heading back to where we were meeting the others.

"I wonder when Bruno will get here?" Maria said, looking at me.

"Hopefully very soon." I smiled. "I shouldn't think he would take too long to get here."

"I agree." She smiled back. "He will be back in no time, I am sure."

"It seems as though-" I began, but someone stepped out in front of us and sent me flying onto the floor. "Ow." I gasped, as my bottom smacked to the ground.

"Oh, I am so sorry." A male voice gasped, as he bent down and reached out his hand to help stand me up again. As I looked up, the familiar face stared down and me, making me unable to move. "Amelia?"

"Hans" I gasped, which made Maria scream out in happiness. Hans immediately stood up and looked to his wife, saying nothing but grabbing his wife and holding her in his arms. I was still on the ground, until two arms came and picked me up.

"You ok?" Louis asked, as he stood me to my feet. I nodded my head and pointed to the two people that were holding each other in their arms. "Finally." He grinned from ear to ear.

"What is all the commotion?" Adele asked, as she came towards us. Before she could say another word, she saw Maria and Hans and let out a huge squeal. "No way! Oh thank god!"

"It is finally gone the way we wanted it to." I grinned, folding my arms as I continued to look at them.

"I could not be more than happier for her." Adele added. "We have been on one hell of an adventure."

"And it is not over yet." Louis smiled, nudging my shoulders; making me blush a bright red.

"If he finally gets here." I breathed out, biting the inside of my cheek.

"I am sure he will be here soon." Louis assured me. As we turned back around, we could see Maria and Hans approaching us.

"It is nice to see you Hans." I smiled, reaching up and hugging him. "You have no idea what we have been through to find you."

"I can imagine." He smiled gratefully. "I cannot thank you all enough for helping Maria find me."

"It is good to see you again." Louis stretched out his hand, shaking Hans' firmly and bringing him into a 'man hug'. "You have been missed very much."

"Oh Hans!" Adele squealed, hugging him next before pulling away and looking up at him. "You have a beard now. scruffy man." She teased, which made him chuckle and wrap an arm around Maria.

"You guys should come with me back to the house I have." He smiled. "I have a feeling you guys want to relax."

"Oh our adventure is not over yet." Maria interrupted, looking up at her husband. "We are yet to meet Bruno again."

"Bruno?" Hans asked, not knowing about my beau.

"He is Amelia's gentlemen." Adele teased, making me turn red again. "He is going to meet us here, in Southampton."

"So you two are serious?" Hans winked playfully, looking at me.

"I don't know." I shrugged, genuinely not knowing where our relationship was going too. "But I hope he will be here soon to answer those questions."

"And he is a German?" Hans questioned.

"He is-" I smiled. "How did you know?"

"Well, I only guessed." He shrugged. "I mean, he did not come with you through France, so I only presumed- but I am sure he will be here soon. But for now, why don't you follow me, I will take you back to my place."

Walking down the lane, we arrived back at Hans' house and we all relaxed on the sofa. Maria and Hans cooked us an amazing meal, which filled us all up. I started to feel a little lost, I was surrounded by happy couples and I was missing Bruno more than ever.

"I am going to go for a walk." I smiled, looking to Hans' and Maria, while Louis and Adele were curled up on the other sofa, hugging and sleeping. "I won't be long. I just need some fresh air."

"You need me to come with you?" Maria asked, but I shook my head with a smile.

"No need, you stay here." I thanked her for her kindness. "I will survive on my own."

As I grabbed my coat from the rack, I walked outside and was immediately smacked in the face by the sea breeze. I took in a deep breath and walked along the lane and beside the sea front. Looking out at the waves, as they slowly hit against the wall and it seem to hypnotise me as each wave moved. My fingers taped on the wall, closing my eyes and listening the tune that played in my head.

"It is beautiful isn't it?" I heard a voice say, as I turned around as quickly as I could.

"Oh Bruno!" I gasped, rushing up to him and jumping into his arms. He lifted me up and span me around, as I ran a hand through his hair I looked down and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips. The wind blew our clothing and hair all over the place, but we did not care one bit.

We were finally together again.

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