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The next morning came and I was awoken by the sounds of birds tweeting outside. My eyes were still closed and my body was still warmed by the man beside me.

I slowly opened my eyes and allowed my eyes to adjust brightness that beamed into the car. Looking around, I saw Louis leaning his head on the window and Adele curled up on her seat. Maria was awake, looking out the window with tears quietly streaming down her face.

"Maria?" I whispered, getting her attention, from the small jump she did. Wiping her eyes quickly, she turned to me and smiled.

"Good morning." She stuttered, her voice breaking as she spoke.

"What's happened?" I look to her with concern.

"Nothing." She smiled ever so slightly. I raised an eyebrow at her, as she knew I didn't believe her. "Honestly, morning has happened." She pauses for a moment and looked to me. "I just miss him. Seeing your man here, has just made me miss him more."

"Gosh, Maria-" I sighed, putting a hand on her arm. "I'm sorry-"

"-No." She gasped. "Don't he sorry. Gosh please don't be sorry." She smiled genuinely towards me. "He makes you happy, I can see that now. No wonder you had been so miserable all these years."

"Maria!" I laughed, gasping as I smacked her arm playfully - but making sure I was still quiet.

We both stopped laughing and sat in silence for a moment.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We are in Switzerland." She smiled, looking out of the car, wiping off the condensation that had misted the car up.

"Wow." I breathed out, Looking our into the hills that were surrounding us. "How long did Adele drive for?"

"About 2 hours." She answered. "You had fallen asleep."

"Where are we?" I heard Louis voice ask, yawning between each word. Stretching his arms, he smacked my cheek by accident. "Crap, sorry."

"It's okay." I giggled, rubbing my cheek playfully.

"Will you guys just be quiet." Adele huffed, moving over and still wanting to sleep more.

"I agree with her." Bruno muttered, refusing to open his eyes.

"Good morning." I smiled, turning around to Bruno, who still wouldn't open his blue eyes.

"Good morning angel." He grinned, opening his eyes slightly; brushing some hair behind my ear.

"Okay, I'm ready to get out of the car now." Louis teaser, before opening the car door and stretching his legs.

"You coming?" I asked Bruno, who nodded his head gently. "Come on then."

I slid across the back seat, before standing up and allowing the cool breeze to brush past my face. My body longed for a nice stretch, which of course did happen.

"It is so beautiful." Louis gasped, looking around in complete awe.

"It really is." I grinned, turning around and seeing Bruno sat in the car - his legs out of the car and on the grass - watching me as I admired the view.

"What are you staring at?" I blushed, watching his gaze more every time I did.

"You." He answered, with a grin plastered across his face. Blushing even more, I turned around and took a massive inhale.

"I feel so free here." I sighed. "I want to stay here forever."

"As soon as we find Hans, let's please come back here." Louis agreed, putting his hands on his hips, looking to us. "Speaking of which, what are we going to do now?"

"I have no clue." I sigh, walking over to Bruno and standing in between his legs, his arms wrapping around my waist.

"Do you know anything?" Louis asked Bruno, who nodded his head while looking at my friend.

"I think I know how to find him." He breathed out. "But it will require us to go undercover."

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking down to him.

"We are staying here." Bruno answered. "I think we will find our answers here."

"We need to tell Maria." Louis said, walking over to the other side of the car.

Turning around, I looked down to Bruno and placed my hands on his face. My thumb traced his lips and then the side of his jaw - repeating the same thing again.

"Oh how I have missed you." Bruno breathed out. "I am so in love with you."

"I haven't been the same without you." I honestly answered. "There has not been a moment where I have not thought about you."

"You have changed." He smiled, which made me blush.

"In what way?" I questioned, brushing my hands across his head.

"You are more honest with how you feel-" He began, moving his hands a little lower than my hips. "-you are more open. I like it."

"The war taught me a lot of things-" I leaned in closer. "-It taught me time is too short and that I need to start not being afraid of my feelings."

He said nothing but grinned from ear to ear.

"Just kiss me." He smirked, moving one hand to cup my face. Leaning down, I pressed my lips on his.

His lips moved against mine as the fireworks still went off in our bodies. Our lips moulded together, like magnets that did not want to leave the other. Just the way he touched me, the way he made me feel, made me feel like I was the only girl in the world.

"Stop it you two." Adele playfully smacked my back, making me pull away. I hid my face into Bruno's neck, embarrassed that they had been watching - which only made Bruno chuckle.

"So where are we heading too?" Adele asked.

"We need to head to Geneva." Bruno sighed. "I have a friend who lives there, who will have information on where all the Germans are."

"I feel like there is a catch." Louis mumbled, not feeling 100% great about the plan.

"He won't just give me it." Bruno replies, making our mission harder.

"Why ever not?" Maria asked, standing with a hand on her hip.

"He's a man who likes something in return." Bruno muttered. "I don't really trust him."

"Then how is he a friend?" Maria questioned.

"Well, let's say he is more of an acquaintance." Bruno answered, looking to my friends and then me.

"So who is going to go?" Adele asked. "We need to have a plan before we get there."

"Louis and I will go." I said, saying something before anyone else had the chance. "We will distract him, while Bruno gets the key and finds out where Hans is."

"How will we do that?" Louis questioned.

"Somethings are best left unsaid for the time being." I mumbled, thinking of a plan but not entirely sure it would work.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Bruno asked, while the others got back into the car.

"I have no choice." I smiled. "I got you back and now it is time to get Hans."

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