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Hello everyone, it has been an incredibly long time since I have updated Unwanted, but I wanted to make an update on what will be happening to this story and the plans ahead.

I would also like to thank everyone for all the views, likes and comments! Goodness, this story has gained a lot of attention since I posted the last chapter. I do not deserve any of this, my writing a few years ago in particular not being anything so special to warrant such appeal.

To make it quick, I have some good news and bad news.

The good news, I will be continuing this series! I have an overall story format planned and many notes on how I want the story to proceed further. I have several drafts of new chapters that just need to be refined to make them a suitable final product to be read.

The bad news, there will a little bit of waiting needed. I intend on making a full comeback this June (2020), so there will be no updates until that month.

You may all ask, why, dear author, why have you taken so long to come back, only to say you are taking even longer? Why couldn't you have waited till June to just update the story and leave us be?

Well, to answer that, I wanted to give some readers closure. I don't know how many people are still interested in this work, given that Hetalia is nowhere near the height of its popularity like it used to be back in 2015, and people have moved on from the fandom, but I still intend to deliver a finished product to every person that has read something from this work, even if they only read a single sentence. I myself have experienced the unfortunate tragedy of a story I've been engaged in and constantly follow randomly hit a block and never be continued. No more chapters or updates, writer just packs up and disappears. It's awful, and I know many people here have faced a similar disappointment with this story, but do not worry. This story will be getting finished, and I just wanted to let people know about that.

I plan on rewriting some of the earlier chapters as well, given that I wrote them when I was 15-16 years old, and I am now 20! It's shocking to me how many years have passed, and just makes me even more sorry for everyone who wanted to read more! 

Unwanted  was a story I wanted to write as a tribute to the tantalisingly interesting character, Prussia. Whilst Norway is my favourite character (I am Norwegian, so there may be a heavy bias as to why haha), there was always something interesting about Prussia as a character to me, his tragic history and unusual persona made me want to explore his design further. Unfortunately, during the time of writing this story, I was going through some rather troubling times, which I am still recovering from to this day, and that resulted in this work being a form outlet to all that negativity... hence the edgy, angsty, and dare I say, emo, nature of this story.

Looking back, there are some scenes that feel awkward whilst reading now, and some horrible pacing issues. There's also some darker tones I wish I hadn't handled in such a typical teenage fashion. Having gone through a low mental state and therapy, I feel the way I've gone about Prussia's mental health and experiences does not reflect his character properly, and is a disservice to mental health sufferers around the world.

Unwanted was meant to be a tribute as well as a story of resurgence, going through themes of despondency and depression, as well as loneliness and abandonment. As an adult now, I feel like I can write this work with a lot more care and attention than my earlier sloppy approach.

Every chapter is going to be rewritten, and there will be a slew of new updates in June.

I hope this update can give some readers, both new and old, something to hold onto and give them hope. Until then, I'll only ask you keep your patience on for a little longer, and promise that this long wait will be worth it. I would do anything to make these updates happen right now at this moment, but that is currently out of my power due to personal reasons.

The rewrites and new chapters will make this story something of a masterpiece.

Hope to see everyone soon!

-Felix (Nordic_Norwegian)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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