Chapter 35

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When Selene woke up it was to a pair of warm lips trailing down her stomach, rough yet smooth hands on her waist and she shivered before opening her eyes and looking down to see ashen silver hair. "Mmm, well that's an interesting way to wake up." Said man only chuckled against her skin before moving his way back up and kissed her slowly on the lips. "Mm, morning beautiful." She faintly blushed but moved his hair out of his face. "Morning Geralt."

He smiled softly and grabbed her hand before kissing her palm. "How did you sleep Sel?" "Better then I have in the last two years. How did you sleep?" He smiled at this. "I slept fine after you sang to me." She rolled her eyes but he could see the way her lips twitched in a slight smile. "Awe come on Sel, I wanna see you smile."

She shook her head and he chuckled before he kissed her forehead. "Come on Sel, please?" She laughed before smiling at him. "That's better. Now come on, let's get dressed before Jaskir breaks down the door looking for us." Selene nodded in agreement and sat up only after Geralt moved off of her. Sitting up she found her bag as she kept the blanket over the chest and he rolled his eyes. "Now you wanna be modest?" She stuck her tongue out at him and he smiled. "Do it again and I'll bite it."

She shrugged before standing up and grabbing her bag and pulling out her clean clothes. "Close your eyes Geralt." "Really Sel? I've seen you naked." She raised an eyebrow. "I'm aware but..." he moved so he was standing behind her with his hands on her waist. "I understand Sel, and one day i hope you're comfortable enough to let me see you for all that you are." She turned her head to look at him and weakly smiled before she pulled away and slowly put down the sheet.

Geralt raised an eyebrow as he watched her. "Am I closing my eyes?" ", it's fine, you'll only see my back anyway." He grinned at this and grabbed his own change of clothes. Selene quickly moved as she put on her clean shirt and since she didn't feel his eyes on her she quickly changed her pants. "Well that's a shame." She turned to look at him. "What is?" "Nothing Sel." She laughed. "Someone's upset that he didn't get to enjoy the view." He smirked. "Partly, but I had a pretty nice one last night and this morning."

Selene blushed before she threw her old shirt at his face and he laughed. "So rude." However as he was removing the shirt from his face, he saw how she was brushing out her hair and gather it up into a high ponytail before she blinked and looked at him. "What?" "You have my hair tie." He grinned this time. "That's true, did you need it?" She pouted "you know I do." He walked towards her and held it out. "It'll cost you." She hummed softly. "And what will it cost me?" He grinned. "A kiss." She arched an eyebrow before she hummed again. "Mhm, Alright." She took the hair tie and pulled up her hair.

Geralt waited until she was done so he gently grabbed her chin and pushed her into the wall behind her and kissed her long and hard, his tongue seeking entrance, which she easily gave him. However before they could go any further a knock on the door broke the mood and he growled. "Calm down Geralt." She rubbed his back and he didn't look amused. "Geralt, Selene, come on you two. And look if you're trying to have sex it can damn well wait until tonight." Selene felt her eye twitch before she moved away from Geralt and ripped open the door.

Brown eyes met silver and Jaskir gulped. "I....I was only kidding." Silver eyes narrowed as she glared him down. "I'm sorry." Selene nodded and geralt snickered. "You wouldn't be laughing if you were in my shoes Geralt." "Oh no, you're absolutely right, no one, and I mean not a single Witcher alive wants to be on the receiving end of her wrath." "And you didn't warn me?" "Nope. Live and learn Dandelion, but try not to die at the same time." His jaw dropped as Geralt walked over and led Selene out of the room after the two grabbed their swords and bags.

"So where too?" "I took a job. Part of why I'm here in Tamriel." He raised an eyebrow at this. "What kind of job?" "Taking out some Nekkers, and make sure there isn't a nest anywhere around here." He nodded. "Mind if I tag along?" "Sure, I could use the company." At this point Jaskir had finally caught up, to them. "What's the plan today?" "Monster hunting so you're staying here." "Like hell I am." Selene rolled her eyes and started walking faster, she did not feel like dealing with the fighting.

"Why did she walk off?" "She hates when we fight from the looks of it." Dandelion shrugged but they both raced off to catch up with Selene. As they moved they saw her waiting by the gates which would lead them out to the swamp. "Oh, gods the swamps?" Selene shrugged. "Did you expect anything else?" He scowled before sighing. "No." Geralt rolled his eyes. "So do we have a plan?" Selene looked at him and shrugged. "Usually wing it, however if we split we can finish it faster." He nodded at this. "What part do you want?" "I'll kill them, you destroy the nests." Geralt frowned, he wasn't okay with this, but he also trusted Selene so he sighed as he finally gave her an answer. "Fine, lets go." Dandelion at this point didn't know who to go with so he just followed them and decided when they split he would pick who to go with.

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