Chapter four- A heart to heart conversation

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Chapter four- A heart to heart conversation

~Brick's P.O.V~

we had been walking for what seemed like hours now. my feet were beginning to hurt but i didn't want to complain over some thing so trivial. plus i didn't want to sound like a wimp in front of momoko. i mean like seriously the girl is walking around in a suit made of medal. that has to be heavy and she hasn't complained once. i thought my life was bad but compared to hers my life sounds fantastic. well not any more because im stuck here in the future but now i realize i had so much more back then. i thought i had nothing but apparently i had so much more. i had freedom. i had the ability to go any where. but here your so limited. you have to watch your back. a zoron could be anywhere. "are we almost there?", boomer asked. "yeah were only about 10 minutes away now", momoko said. i looked around at the trees. we're now walking through some woods. "so are there many zorons in the woods?", boomer asked. "no. very rarely do they come into the woods so humans usually hide here. Zorons like to stay out in the open where there in direct sunlight", momoko said. "really? i havn't seen any people?", butch said. "like i said hiding in the woods. we have walked by a few places with people hiding underground", momoko said. "really?", boomer asked. "yeah", momoko said. "so do you ever get scared out here by yourself?", butch asked. "it gets erie some times", momoko said. "you know if you ever get scared and need some one to hold you. im the guy", butch said as he smirked and winked at momoko. i shot butch a "what the hell" glare but he ignored me. "oh please.. a tree would protect me better than you could", momoko said as she rolled her eyes. i snickered at momoko as butch shot me a "shut the hell up" glare. "i don't need any one to protect me..", momoko muttered. butch rolled his eyes and looked away. we walked in silence for a while until we could see a flickering light up a head. "whoa wait whats that?", i asked. "my base.. kaoru must have started a fire", momoko said. "oh", i said. we walked further until we stepped into a small clearing. two other girls sat around a fire. the first girl had dark black spikey hair and green eyes. she wore a green shirt and a pair of jeans. the second girl had blonde hair in curly pigtails. her hair must be naturally curly because im pretty sure they don't have curling irons in this time. she had blue eyes and wore a light blue shirt and a pair of jeans. the green girl looked up in shock as she seen us. "oh great", the green girl muttered. "oh momoko you brought company", the blue girl said. "guys this is kaoru and miyako", momoko said as she pointed to the girls showing us that the green one was kaoru and the blue one was miyako. kaoru shot us a death glare as she looked at us. "this is brick, butch and boomer jojo", momoko said as she pointed to each of us. "you seriously brought more people here?", kaoru asked. "i saved them from a zoron! what was i supposed to do? leave them to die? you know thats not what soldiers do!", momoko said as she crossed her arms. "yeah but you remember what happened last time you brought some one back to our home base!", kaoru said. "shut up kaoru! i don't want to talk about him!", momoko said as a sad look appeared on her face. "kaoru these guys are not zack...", miyako said. momoko flinched at the sound of his name. "please stop talking about him...", momoko said as she looked even more sad. "so where did you find these guys?", kaoru asked. "near north ridge. they were running for there life from a zoron. they managed to run into a dead end so i had to save there asses", momoko said. kaoru snickered as she looked at us. momoko pressed a button on her suit which made one of the sides come apart. she quickly took off the suit and put it on the ground. she was wearing a pink shirt and a pair of jeans under the suit. "you guys can sit down if you like", momoko said. kaoru and miyako were sitting on a log on the other side of the fire. butch and boomer quickly sat down on the short log across from kaoru and miyako. momoko sat down on a log near the fire as well. so i walked over and sat down next to her. "so where are you guys from?", miyako asked. "japan", boomer said. i quickly shot boomer a glare. "uhh there not exactly uh from here", momoko said. "well duh he said he comes from japan", kaoru said. "so uh you remember how all this started. you know this hell? the war between humans and zorons right?", momoko asked. "of course", kaoru said. "well uh you know those three test subjects... that were sent into the future?", momoko asked. "yes", kaoru said. "there the test subjects", momoko said. kaoru's face quickly changed into shock. "momoko! more time travelers!", kaoru yelled. "hey! it's not my fault there travelers!", momoko yelled back. "you remember what happened last time you brought a traveler here!", kaoru yelled. momoko didn't say any thing. momoko looked down at the ground as her facial expression became pained. "kaoru... please", momoko murmured. "you remember the pain it brought us!?", kaoru yelled. "you mean the pain it brought me! huh kaoru? you know how i felt about him!", momoko yelled. "yeah and look what that traveler did to you! he hurt you", kaoru yelled. "i don't need this", momoko said angrily as she stood up and stormed off into the woods. "kaoru...", miyako said. "what!?", kaoru asked. "you know that hurts her!", miyako said. "it hurts us all! we were friends with him to and look what he did!", kaoru said. "kaoru these guys are different! there not zack!", miyako said. "look you tell any one else your time travelers and they will kill you!", kaoru said as she pointed at my brothers and i. "what do you mean?", i asked. "three years ago momoko found a traveler. his name was zack. he became a soldier like us. after a few months of being here zack and momoko fell in love. they were never apart from each other", miyako said. "no he used her! he used us!", kaoru said angrily. "momoko really loved him... but on day during battle he was hurt. zack lived but... he wanted to leave this time. he figured that he would just go back to the time machine he came in.. he figured if he kept traveling.. eventually he would find a time were the zorons no longer existed or a time when they had a time machine that goes back in time so he could go back to his original time. he wanted momoko to go with him but she refused", miyako said. "why wouldn't she go?", boomer asked. "she wouldn't leave us.. or her family.. she still has small hope that her family is still alive", miyako said. "shouldn't we go after her? i mean she is out there with out any weapons.. she could get hurt", i said. "no.. if you want to go look for her. go ahead", kaoru said. "maybe she just needs some time.. kaoru really upset her. she really cared for zack", miyako said. i want to go look for her but i could get lost or killed or attacked by a zoron. she has experience out there. she can handle her self right?

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