Chapter three- we meet a new friend

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Chapter three- we meet a new friend

~Brick's P.O.V~

i slowly opened my eyes as the machine stopped shaking. i looked up to see a small ray of light shinning into the machine that my brothers and i was in. i slowly pushed myself up and looked at my brothers. butch was rubbing the back of his head as he muttered curse words. boomer rubbed his face as he looked pained. "you guys alright?", i asked. "just dandy", butch said sarcastically. i rolled my eyes as i stood up and pushed open the door that was now unlocked. i stepped out of the machine and gasped as i seen the world. "oh shit!", i said. "what?", butch asked. "get out here", i said. butch and boomer quickly crawled out of the machine and stood up. they gasped as they seen what i seen. we were no longer in the lab building. we were in a place of destruction. there were no buildings, no houses, no sign of life any where. just a bunch of concrete rubble from buildings that was once here. "where are we?", boomer asked. "do you think that machine blew up the lab and city?", butch asked. "we would of died if it did", i said. "well maybe us being inside of that machine protected us from the blast?", butch said. "guys... i think this is the future...", boomer said. "no way! time travel isn't real!", butch said. "what do you think brick?", boomer asked. "i don't know what to think...", i said. butch sat down on a pile of rubble next to us. "so i guess this means we wont have to worry about rent then right?", boomer said. "shut up boomer!", butch said as he gave boomer a death glare. boomer rolled his eyes as he sat down on a huge slab of concrete lying on the ground. "we need to find some one", i said. "who?", boomer asked. "oh man dont tell me your going to go try and find cloe! she probably died in the blast! so don't waste your time searching!", butch said angrily. "i'm not going to look for cloe! okay? she made her life decision. she ended it. yes i may miss her but she made it pretty clear to me that she didn't want to have any thing to do with me so i'd appreciate it if you would stop bringing her up!", i yelled. butch rolled his eyes and looked at the ground. "she wasn't good enough for you brick... you deserve some one better. some one who will love and care for you and not care about money and what you have", boomer said. "i don't want to talk about it", i said as i sat down next to boomer. "what i meant was we need to find some one and ask them whats going on", i said. "well lets see", butch said as he looked around,"nope no one here". "come on its not like were the only people here", boomer said. "do you see any one?", butch asked. "well no but that doesn't mean were alone!", boomer said. "you know what? this is all your fault brick. i thought our lives was hell already but you have proved me wrong", butch said. "what?! my fault!?", i yelled as i stood up. "yeah! this is your fault if you would of never ran into linda then we would be home right now", butch said as he stood up and walked over to me so we were face to face. "hey man you didn't have to agree to the test!", i said. "yeah but i wasn't going to let you do it alone!", butch said. "it was an easy way to make money! how else was we going to get $300 in three damn days huh?", i yelled. "there could of been other ways!", butch yelled. "guys... shhh", boomer said. "shut up boomer!", butch and i yelled. "this is your fault and you know it!", butch yelled. "oh yeah? well---", i started to yell but boomer quickly got between butch and i and pushed us away from each other. "guys shhhh! i heard some thing", boomer said. "like what?", butch asked annoyed. "i don't know the sound was coming from that huge pile of concrete", boomer said. "hey! hello? come on out who ever you are!", butch yelled. "butch what if its a mugger!", boomer asked. "so what? there is three of us", butch said. "but--", boomer started to say. "hey! get your ass out here! we need some questions answered!", butch yelled. suddenly the pile if concrete rubble started to move. my heart sank and what was in the pile stood up. pieces of concrete fell of the thing as it stood up. "what the hell is that?", boomer asked. i stared at the monster in front of me. this was at least 10 feet tall. it kinda looked like an alligator but it was much bigger and was standing on two feet with 3 tentacles on each side. it sneered its lips at us showing us its teeth. i gasped as i seen its long and sharp teeth. "oh shit thats not a mugger....", i said. it stood about 50 feet away from us just glaring. suddenly it launched it self at us. "run!", i yelled as i quickly ran and jumped over a small pile of rubble. boomer ran on my left and butch ran on my right. "what the hell is that thing?", butch huffed. "how the hell should i know!", i huffed back as we ran. "do you think we can out run it?", boomer asked. "i don't need to out run it.... i just have to out run you!", butch huffed. i quickly peeked back at it and gasped. "shit duck!", i yelled. we all quickly duct as the monster threw a huge slab of concrete at us. the concrete sailed over our heads and smashed into the ground. we quickly stood back up and ran again. "what the hell are we going to do?", boomer huffed. "theres no place to hide except for the piles of rubble", i huffed. "it will see us!", butch said. "shit guys!", boomer said. i looked up to see we had just ran into a dead end. this pile of concrete was to high to jump over. "we have to climb it", i said as we stopped running. "we wont have time!", butch said. "duck!", boomer yelled. we quickly duct down as another peice of concrete sailed over our heads and slammed into the pile of rubble. i looked back up to see the monster about 10 feet away from us. there was no time for us to climb over this huge pile of rubble. i looked over at boomer then to butch. By the looks on there faces i could tell they knew it was over. "its been nice knowing you guys", butch said. "i'm glad you two are my brothers", boomer said. "i'm sorry for all the times i was an ass!", i said. suddenly a person jumped down from a pile of rubble and stood in between us and the monster. i couldn't tell who it was. they were wearing a full body armor suit and helmet which covered there face. the suit reminded me of the suits in the game called dead space. i used to play that game all the time when i was younger. the person quickly pulled out a weird looking gun and fired it at the monster. i gasped as i seen what came out of the gun. it wasn't bullets it was a light green ray. the ray hit the things tentacle making one of them fall off. the monster roared in pain as it swung one of its tentacles to hit the masked person. the person quickly jumped up and did a flip over the tentacle. the tentacle just bearly missed him. the person landed on the ground and quickly turned to face the monster. he quickly fired his gun hitting another tentacle making it fall off. the monster roared in pain as it swung another tentacle at the person but he quickly ducked and rolled under the tentacle as it went by. he quickly shot his gun and hit the monster in the chest. dark purple liquid began coming out of the monster. the person quickly fired the gun shooting off the rest of the tentacles. so now the monster didn't have any tentacles left. the monster quickly charged at the person but the person quickly dodged it and fired the gun again hitting the monster on the arm. the monster quickly turned around and swung its tail at the person. the tail hit the person making him fly back and slam into a pile of rubble. the person quickly jumped to his feet and shot the gun at the monster again as he ran towards it. the monster roared as every blast hit him. the person quickly jumped up onto the monster and wrapped one arm around its neck and used the other to hold the gun up to its head. the person fired the gun making purple liquid slat out of the other side. the monster dropped down to the ground. the person quickly stood up and kicked the monster a few times to make sure it was dead. the person slowly walked over to us. "that was pretty bad ass man!", i said as i smiled. "oh man thank you so much for saving us. i though we were goners!", boomer said. the person stood about 5 feet away from us. the person reached up and pressed a button making there helmet split into two peices. the back peice retracted into the back of the suit and the front peice retracted into the front part of the suit. i gasped as i seen there long red/orange hair fall from there helemt. i looked into there beautiful pink eyes. "holy shit! it's a chick!", butch said. i could feel my heart beat faster. this was the most beautiful girl i'd ever seen. it was almost like a spark whent off in my heart as i seen her. when i first met cloe i had a spark simular to this. but this spark was much more intense than the one with cloe. "what the hell were you three thinking! you could of gotten killed out there!", she yelled. we all looked at her confused. "why are you not in your suits?", she yelled. "uhh.. we just got here", i said. "you mean your from another base?", she asked. "no i mean we just stepped out of a machine and we were here", i said. "a machine?", she asked as she looked at me confused. "we were at dr. chase smiths lab helping him with his time machine. he was using us as test---", i started to say. "dr. chase? he has been dead for yesrs", she said. "what?", i asked. "you don't think his machine really worked do you?", boomer asked. "what year is this?", i asked. "2517", she said. "what!?", i said in shock. "we went 502 years into the future...", boomer murmered in shock. "what the hell are you talking about?", she ordered. "what do you know about dr chase?", i asked. "that fucking idiot killed us all", she said. "huh?", i asked. "in the year 2015 he built a time machine. he successfully sent three test subjects into the future. with his machine you could only send things forward. so he spent 60 years trying to figure out how to build a machine that would go back in time. he fell ill and spent his last few years of his life sick. he died in 2075. his asistant dr. goft sold the machine to the government for millions of dollars in 2077. the government then kept it and kept doing experiments on it trying to make it able to go back in time. in 2101 they decided it was a waste so they put it away along with other technology that was usless. but in 2120 they decided to work on the machine again. in 2140 they thought they figured it out. they thought they could send some one back in time. they tried but instead it created a portal into an unknown universe. a creature called a zoron came threw the portal. the zoron killed all the scientists in the lab. the military stepped in and tried to kill it but our weapons were not strong enough. more and more zorons came threw the portal. no one could figure out how to shut the portal until 2170. the portal was destroyed but there was already to many zorons that had climbed threw in the past 30 years. the zorons began to repopulate so there were many more. the zorons began destroying every thing so in 2172 the government had all the humans go into a shelter under ground so they could bomb the hell out of the surface world and kill off the zorons. but there plan didn't work. people came up to see every thing we once knew was gone. every building was gone. ever house every land mark.... it was just gone. the zorons thrived in this situation. in 2173 the governent disbanded and us as people was left to defend ourselves. we are the resistance. we have been the resistance for 344 years. we try to get by on what little we have. we fight off zorons as needed but we dont go out picking a fight with them just for the hell of it!", she said then looked at butch. " a zoron is one of those monster things right?", i asked as i pointed to the monster lying on the ground. she nodded her head. "i know this is going to sound totally crazy but we are the three test subject that chase used to send forward in time", i said. "what?", she asked as she looked at me. "chase's wife linda offered us money to be a test subjects. so we accepted the job and he tried sending us each but the machine didn't work. so he put all of us in there together and i guess the machine worked because it brought us here", i said. the girl stared at me for a few seconds as if she was deciding something. "how do i know your not lying?", she asked. "what would i gain from lying to you?", i asked. she stared at me questionally. "you don't believe us?", butch asked. "was the three test subjects ever discovered in the past?", boomer asked. "no", she said. "see were not lying", i said. "alright fine i believe you", she said. "so who are you?", i asked. " akatsutsumi... momoko akatsutsumi", she said. "momoko?", i said. "yes", momoko said as she nodded her head,"and you are?". "my names brick.. brick jojo", i said. "butch jojo", butch said. "im boomer jojo", boomer said. "ahh your brothers?", momoko said. "triplets actually", i said. "we don't see many of those these days", momoko said. "really?", i asked. "yeah... its kinda rare now", momoko said. "so uh are you alone out here?", i asked. "you mean do i have family?", momoko asked. "yeah", i said. "no...", momoko said as she looked down at her feet. "i'm sorry", i said softly. "what... what happened to them?", boomer asked. i quickly shot boomer a "what the hell" glare. i hope his question don't upset her. "back when i was 13 zorons attacked the base my family and i were in. i got separated from my mother, father and younger sister. many people were killed by the zorons that day but... every where i looked for my family i couldn't find them.. so i had to go off on my own", momoko said. "are you still alone?", butch asked. "no.. when i was 14 i met another girl who had been abandon my her parents at a young age. her grandmother took care of her until she was 14. but like me she had also gotten separated from her grandmother. we became friends and about six months later ran into another girl who had been separated from her family", momoko said. "so how old are you now?", i asked. "20.. birthdays in a few weeks though", momoko said. "were 21", i said. "well technically were like 523 years old since we were born in 1993", boomer said. momoko smiled lightly at boomer's joke. oh god her smile was perfect. i could feel my heart beat faster as i seen her smile. "uh hey why don't you guys follow me back to my base?", momoko said. "you would take us in?", i asked. "well i can't leave you out here alone... i've seen how you guys are out here... you would die if i left", momoko said as she smiled. "we can handle our selves!", butch said. "yeah you did a good job running away from that zoron into a deadend", momoko said. butch crossed his arms and looked away. "hey lets not pick fights with her! we would be dead if she hadn't come along", i said. momoko turned and started to walk away. "coming?", momoko asked. "yeah", i said as i quickly began to follow her. my brothers also followed. i walked my momoko's side. "so uhh what kind of gun is that?", i asked as i gestured to the gun that was in its holster on the side of her leg. "plasma ray gun", momoko said. "plasma?", i asked. "yeah.. it's one of the most effective guns we can use against the zorons", momoko said. "so are you like a soldier or some thing?", butch asked. "yeah.. i'm a soldier for the resistance.. pretty much every one is except for kids and the elderly. you dont really have a choice here. well you do but it's best to be a soldier because you get supplied with weapons and stuff. if your a rogue then your just kinda on your own and trying to get by on what little you have", momoko said. "so when did you become a soldier?", i asked. "when i was 16", momoko said. "so thats were you learned all those cool fighting moves at then huh?", boomer asked. "no my father taught me when i was young. he started training me when i was 5", momoko said. "so when you were a kid did you want to grow up to be a soldier?", i asked. "yeah. i wanted to protect people but after i was separated from my family i kinda lost hope. i was alone and fended for myself for a year before i met miyako. she was a total newbie to all the fighting stuff so i had to teach her. then we met kaoru and she was already really well trained. she is a good fighter", momoko said. "this place must suck huh?", i asked. "it's not a good life if thats what you mean", momoko said. i looked up into the sky and noticed it was starting to get dark. "so.. tell me about your life in your time", momoko said. "well our mother died when we were born so our dad took care of us. he wasn't much of a father. so once we turned 18 we moved out got our own place. had good jobs. but one day we all lost our jobs and had to move into a really shitty place to live. we were just barely scraping by each month. i know this stuff sounds like its a good situation compared to this..", i said. "yeah any thing is better than this", momoko said. "yeah", i said as i looked around.

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