Chapter 6- meeting the room mates

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Chapter 6- meeting the room mates

~Brick's P.O.V~

"momoko!?", i gasped. "brick!? how did you find us?", momoko asked as she smiled. "jack assigned us to this cabin", i said. "oh shit you live with us now?", kaoru asked. "yeah he said this was like the only place they had open", boomer said. i looked around the room and noticed that the room was pretty plain. there was a small table and some chairs. there were four sets of bunk beds along the walls. there was a door that i assumed lead to the bathroom. it was pretty small in here. "so uh whats the bed situation?", i asked. "well this is my bunk", momoko said as she pointed to one of the upper bunks. "that one is mine", miyako said as she pointed to another upper bunk. "that one is mine so stay away from it!", kaoru said as she pointed to another upper bunk. "so that bunk over there must be that guys bunk?", i asked. "what guy?", miyako asked. "that dude that was here before we got here", boomer said. "he was coming out as we were walking up the steps", i said. "oh you mean mitch? no he doesn't live here", momoko said. "good!", butch said as he crossed his arms. "why?", kaoru asked. "because he is an asshole!", butch said. i shot butch a look hoping he would shut up. "wow for once i agree with you", kaoru said as she smiled. "you guys dont like that guy either?", i asked. "no way", momoko said. "he is not very pleasant to be around", miyako said. "did he say any thing to you guys?", kaoru asked. "uh just asked us what we were doing here. so we told him we lived here and he didnt seem to happy about it", i said. "yeah he even shoulder bumped brick and almost knocked him down", butch said as he smiled. "thank you butch", i said sarcastically. i didnt really want momoko to know that. i dont wont her to think im a wuss compared to him!. kaoru smirked at me. i could feel my self turning red from embarrassment. "he did what!?", momoko asked. "it was just a shoulder bump. nothing serious", i said. "that ass hole!", momoko said as she frowned. "really its okay", i said. "you cant let people push you around here! you should have said some thing to him and put him in his place", momoko said. "yeah if you dont stand up for yourself your just going to get pushed into shit every day", kaoru said. "some of the soldier guys here are not friendly and they mess with any new comers any chance they get so watch your backs", miyako said. "dont worry we can handle ourselves", butch said. "yeah back in our time every one was pretty much mean to each other", boomer said. "well just be careful and try not to get on any ones bad side", momoko said. "so uh is it just us six that live here then?", butch asked. "yeah", miyako said as she nodded her head. "so these bunks are open?", butch asked as he pointed over to a set of bunk beds thats not being used. "there open", kaoru said. "good. i call the top!", butch said. "i guess ill get the bottom", boomer said. so that means the guys have there own bed. so i guess i will have to sleep under one of the girls. "dont worry you can bunk with me. you can have the bottom bunk", momoko said as she smiled lightly at me. "thanks", i said as i smiled. "you know any time brick pisses you off and you dont want to sleep above him any more you can always come sleep with me in my bed", butch said as he winked at momoko. momoko quickly turned herhead to look at butch. "i promise.. i dont bite... unless you want me to", butch said as he smirked. "thats a great offer! i might take it up some time when im dead!", momoko said as she smiled then gave butch a dirty look. "i think i like you more and more each day! were gonna be great friends!", i said as i chuckled. butch shot me a dirty look so i smiled back at him. "so are you guys hungry? we can head over to the mess hall and get some thing to eat", momoko said. "sounds like a good plan", i said. "yeah im totally starving", boomer said. "well lets go then", kaoru said as she quickly walked passed me. every one followed kaoru out side. we all walked down the steps and onto the ground then started walking in the direction of the mess hall. "so uh is the food any good here?", boomer asked. "eh it's alright", miyako said. "its probably better than butch's cooking", i said. "hey at least i try!", butch said. "huh yeah right", i said. "come on! all you know how to do is pour a bowl of cereal!", butch said. "hey thats not true! i can make grilled cheeses and ramen noodles!", i said. butch opened his mouth to say some thing but momoko cut him off. "whats a grilled cheese?", momoko asked. "haha i love her. she is like a Martians!", i said as i smiled. "technically were the Martians here", boomer said. "whats a Martian?", miyako asked. "well to start. a grilled cheese is a sandwich that is two pieces of toasted bread with melted cheese inside and secondly a Martian is like an alien from a different planet. so if one came here it wouldnt know any thing of what humans use and know every day", i said. "you guys know what aliens are right?", boomer asked. "were not stupid!", kaoru said coldly. "kaoru...", miyako said sternly. "so you think im a Martian?", momoko asked as she raised an eyebrow. "it a figure of speach. i dont really think your a Martian. your a normal person", i said. "so you think im normal?", momoko asked. "well not really i think your better than normal. normal girls are not as pretty as you", i said as i smiled. "aw thank you", momoko said as she smiled. "so wait if brick flirts with you its okay but when i do you want to rip my head off?", butch said. "butch im not flirting. im being polite and telling her the truth. im a nice guy.. you on the other hand are just trying to get her to sleep with you", i said. "you think being a nice guy works? you were a nice guy to cloe and look where that got you! into a nice dark depression!", butch said. i could feel my heart get heavy again. just at the sound of her name and remembering how depressed i was there for a while. i sighed as i looked down at my feet. "guys this is our first day here... we dont want to make a scene", boomer said sternly. i could feel a hand on my shoulder. i looked up to see it was momoko's hand. i looked into her eyes and she smiled softly at me. i smiled back at her. it was like i was at war with my self on the inside. part of me had a huge ass crush on momoko. and the other half was still upset about cloe... its not fair. why am i still so hung up over cloe.. why cant i forget about her!? i mean its pointless now! she isnt even alive any more. "boomer is right. we dont want to make a scene butch!", i said sternly. butch gave me a dirty look as he held up his hands saying he surrenders. i looked forward and noticd we were right infront of the mess hall now. we walked over to the building and i quickly opened the door and stood off to the side to hold the door open for every one. "thank you", miyako said as she walked inside. "thanks", boomer said as he walked in. butch and kaoru ignored me as they both walked in. "thank you", momoko said as she smiled at me. after momoko walked in i followed her. the room was filled with tables and chairs. there was a long food bar at the back of the room. i followed momoko until we were back at the food bar. there were a stack of treys at the begining of the line. every one grabbed one and we started down the line. there were workers on the other side of the bar that reached their arms under the window to put the food on our treys. to be honest it pretty much just looked like a school lunch room. by the time we got to the end of the line i had mashed potatoes and gravy with some kind of meat that i was unsure of. and i think that is apple sauce? we also had a cup of water. i followed every one over to an empty table. the girls sat on one side and us guys sat across fom them. butch sat at the end across from kaoru. boomer sat in the middle across from miyako and i sat on the other end across from momoko. " so what kind of meat is this?", i asked as i picked up my spoon. "soy", momoko said. "what this is fake meat?!", butch asked. "duh... do you see any cows or chickens running around here?", kaoru said. "meat is a delicacy here... you rarely get it", miyako said. "how the hell do you live! a man needs a steak!", butch said. "shhhh", boomer hushed him. "alot of animals have gone extict since the zorons took over", momoko said quietly. "really?", i asked. "yeah", momoko said. "ohh noo! is there still bunnies?", boomer asked. butch and i looked at boomer giving him a funny look. " i mean uh is there still rabits?", boomer asked in a more manly voice. "yes there is still bunnies", miyako said as she giggled at boomer. every one kinda stopped talking as we ate. i ate my potatoes and gravy first then the apple sauce. i wasnt going to eat the soy meat at first but then i decided i should to keep my energy up even if the meat is going to be disgusting. i used my fork to cut a piece of the meat of then used the fork to pick it up. i took a deep breath as i lifted the fork up to my mouth. i took the first bite of the meat and expected to throw up but to my surprise it actually tasted good! "holy shit!", i said. "what?", momoko asked. "that actually tastes good! if i would of known this i would of been a vegetarian a long time ago!", i said. "its good?", butch asked. "yeah!", i said. i watched butch cautiously take a bite of his meat and surprisingly his face lite up. "whoa this is pretty good!", butch said. momoko and miyako giggled at us guys while kaoru only smiled and rolled her eyes. after a short time every one finished there food except for boomer who was still eating. i was taking a drink of my water when a guy quickly pulled a chair up next to kaoru and sat down dropping his trey next to kaoru's. it was that guy from earlier... i think his name was mitch? "hey theres my girl!", mitch said as he put his arm around kaoru's shoulders. kaoru's face instantly turned red. not embarrassed red. it was pissed of red! in one swift move kaoru grabbed mitch's arm and pulled it off her shoulders as she stood up and twisted it behind his back and slamming his face into the table. "ow ow okay!", mitch said as he tried to move put kaoru twisted his arm more making him stop trying to get up. kaoru leaned down and put her lips right next to mitch's ear. "im not your girl!", kaoru yelled. mitch flinched at the loud noise. kaoru let go of him then gave him a hard push that almost knocked him out of his chair. kaoru grabbed her trey and walked off. mitch had mashed potatoes and gravy dripping off of his face as he watched kaoru walk away. "she totally wants me", mitch said as he smiled. butch started busting out laughing as he looked at mitch. "whats so funny!", mitch demanded angrily. "a girl slamming your face into your food is a sign that she doesnt like you! if you cant see that then your blind!", butch said as he smirked. mitch was about to say some thing but momoko cut him off. "mitch i think you should go", momoko said. mitch looked down at momoko and smiled at her. "whats wrong baby? dont feel like sharing your lunch table?", mitch asked. momoko gave mitch a (go to hell) glare. miyako slowly scooted her chair over to momoko's so she could be farther away from mitch. "you will stand up for me right babe?", mitch asked miyako. "hey! the girl asked you to leave!", i said sternly. mitch looked at me giving me a dirty look. "and what are you going to do about it huh?", mitch asked. "im going to ask you to leave!", i said. "to chicken shit to make me leave huh?", mitch asked. "no im not afraid of you.. i'm new here and i'm not trying to start any trouble to get my ass kicked out", i said sternly. mitch stood up and walked around the table so he was now next to me. "you better watch your back!", mitch said angrily as he grabbed my shoulder and pointed at me. "you better watch yours... i think kaoru wants to kick your ass so i'd be carful", i said as i smirked. mitch gave me a dirty look before walking away. i turned to make sure he was leaving and when i did i noticed pretty much every one was staring at us. "so whats up with that guy?", butch asked. "mitch is very protective of us.. he acts like were his property", miyako said. "i wish he would quit... i dont belong to any one", momoko muttered. "at first it started with just kaoru that he liked then momoko then me.. and now its like he wants all of us", miyako said. "one guy three girls.. sounds like evry mans dream", butch joked. "butch!", boomer said sternly as he elbowed butch in the side. "what its the truth!", butch said as he chuckled. momoko rolled her eyes at him and looked away. i looked over at boomer to see that he was done eating. "so now what?", i asked. "well i dont know about you guys but im ready for a shower", momoko said. "need any help with that?", butch asked. "go to hell", momoko said coldly. "alright alright! im just playing!", butch said as he smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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