Chapter Five- will they except us?

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Chapter Five- will they except us?

~Brick's P.O.V~

my eyes slowly fluttered open to the sunlight shinning down into my eyes. i felt some thing touching my side so i quickly looked. i smiled when i seen it was momoko. we must of fallen asleep out here while we were talking last night. momoko looked so peaceful as she slept. i didnt want to wake her so i laid still. she was laying really close to me and was practically cuddling with my arm. "oh my god there you are!", a voice yelled. the sudden noise made me jump. when i jumped it scared momoko awake. "huh?", momoko muttered as she noticed she had been cuddling with my arm. she quickly pushed herself away and jumped to her feet wide awake. kaoru, miyako, boomer and butch walked out into the open where we could see them. i slowly stood up and rubbed my eyes trying to gain focus. momoko looks like she has been awake for an hour. you must get used to waking up and being focused quick in this time. "you scared the fuck out of me! you didnt come back last night and i thought something happened to you!", kaoru yelled. "im fine we just fell asleep out here that's all", momoko said. "your not hurt are you?", kaoru asked. "no. why would i be?", momoko asked. "you were out here all night with a stranger", kaoru said as she looked at me giving me a dirty look. "you think i would hurt her?", i asked. "i know him enough to know that he would never hurt me!", momoko said. "yeah.. you knew zack enough to and he still hurt you", kaoru muttered as she looked away. a look of hurt and anger appeared on momoko's face but before she could say any thing miyako interrupted her. "hey uh since every one is found and okay we should head back to our home base", miyako said. "then lets go", momoko said as she angrily walked passed kaoru. miyako and kaoru followed her. my brothers and i followed them. we were a few feet behind them. "so uh what happened out here last nigt?", butch asked as he wiggled his eyebrow at me. "nothing really", i said. "tell me!", butch said. "we talked. thats it", i said. "come on! when we found you guys she was practically cuddling with you!", butch said. "so what? she did it in her sleep.. she didn't know what she was doing", i said. "so you didn't make a move on her?", butch asked. "butch i just met her!", i said. "yeah butch. only you hit on girls you just met", boomer said. butch rolled his eyes and looked away. "yeah boomer and i are smart enough to know that hitting on girls right off the bat is a turn off to most girls", brick said. "no you two are just wussies", butch said. "what ever", boomer said as he rolled his eyes. "you guys don't have the stunning good looks and the charm like i do", butch said as he smirked. "oh jeez", boomer said. "you call that stunning good looks?", i asked as i pointed to butch's face. "what exactly do you see when you look in the mirror? because i don't think we see the same thing", boomer joked. "ohh burn!", i said as i slapped boomer a high five. "shut up. at least i have charm", butch said as he smirked. "yeah that charm of yours really worked on momoko yesterday when you tried flirting with her", i said. "she is just stubbern. she will come around", butch said as he smirked again. "i think your barking up the wrong tree here butch", boomer said. "what do you mean?", butch asked. "i think momoko is more interested in brick than you", boomer said. i smiled at the thought of momoko liking me. "you have to take things slow with girls", boomer said. "i didn't back in our time", butch said. "butch the girls you went out with were different", i said. "how?", butch asked. "uh well dont take this the wrong way but the girls you went after were uh kinda easy", boomer said. "well no shit! there easier to get when there easy! the others were just teases..", butch said. i rolled my eyes. "oh grow up butch!", boomer said. "yeah.. when are you ever going to settle down and have a steady girlfriend?", i asked. "when im dead", butch said. i rolled my eyes and chuckled. "seriously man", boomer said. "okay fine.. when the right girl comes along i will", butch said. i made sure the girls couldnt hear us before i said,"kaoru's your type". "i don't think she wants to be with any one. and besides. i don't like her attitude. sure i think it's funny but if i was with her she would just nag me all the time", butch said. i chuckled at butch. "butch take out the trash! butch did you clean the garage? butch stop leaving the tiolet seat up! I almost fell in again!", butch said in a girl's voice mocking kaoru. boomer and i couldn't help but laugh. "oh my god butch.. just shut up", i said as i laughed. "maybe your better off alone", boomer said as he laughed. we quickly stopped talking as we walked into the clearing where the girl's base was. the girls were already there gathering up there stuff. after a few minutes momoko finished gathering her things and then walked over to her suit and quickly put it on but left her mask off. after that kaoru and miyako slipped on there suits. there suits were different though. they were made for a girl and fitted to there bodys. momoko's suit didnt. hers was bigger and bulkier. it looked like it would be a mens suit. "so whats up with the different suits?", i asked as i motioned to kaoru and miyako's suits then to momoko's. "my suit got damaged in a fight with a zoron last week. so i had to use this mens one until mine was fixed. it should be finished today though", momoko said as she reached down and picked up her bag. "ready?", kaoru asked as she picked up her bag. miyako nodded her head. kaoru turned and started walking away. so we all quickly followed her. I'm certain we must be heading in the direction of the home base. miyako walked by kaoru with boomer trailing behind her with butch next to him. i smiled as i seen boomer trying to talk to her. miyako is totally boomer's type. "so uh what's the smile for huh?", momoko asked. "huh? oh nothing", i said as i smiled again. momoko looked at me questionably. "boomer is trying to talk to miyako.. girls like miyako are boomer's type", i said. "so he is trying to get with her?", momoko asked. " i doubt it.. boomer's to shy. he probably just wants to be friends", i said. "i think he is miyako's type as well", momoko said. "really?", i asked. "yeah.. who knows maybe they will be a thing in the future", momoko said. "maybe", i said as i smiled. "so did you sleep good last night?", momoko asked. "well i mean i slept on the forest's floor so I'm just a little sore", i said. "so that was your first time sleeping outside?", momoko asked. "i've been camping before but I've never slept on the ground", i said as i chuckled. "ahh you get used to it some times.", momoko said. "you sleep out here allot?", i asked. "not so much any more but when i was younger.. as a rogue i often slept in what ever safe spot i could", momoko said. "do you ever miss being a rogue?", i asked. "some times.. it was nice only having to worry about yourself and the other people in your group. but now as a soldier you have to look out for every one", momoko said. "so you devote allot of your time huh?", i asked. "some of it. but it's not our whole life you know", momoko said. "oh", i said. "uh sorry about last night", momoko said. "huh? what do you mean?", i asked. "me being so emotional.. i'm not usually like that... it's just that subject really upsets me", momoko said. "your apologizing for having feelings?", i asked. momoko nodded her head. "you dont have to apologize for that! i mean every one has feelings and its okay to show them.. you dont have to be a non emotional soldier bad ass all the time", i said. momoko chuckled as she looked up at me. "i just dont want you to think im a wuss", momoko said. "are you kidding me? i seen you single handedly kill a zoron.. i could never think of you as a wuss", i said. "come on.. allot of people can kill a zoron by them selves", momoko said. "well i couldnt", i said. "i'll have to teach you then", momoko said as she smiled and bumped my arm with her elbow. "I'm going to hold you to that", i said as i smiled. "okay.. we will start your training tomorrow then", momoko said. "sounds good", i said as i smiled. "so do you have any fighting experience?", momoko asked. "well.. just from when butch and i used to get in fights and the occasional fights at school", i said. "your school taught you how to fight?", momoko asked. "no.. some times you would get into fights with other class mates.. usually over stupid things", i said. "i'm learning so much from you", momoko said as she smiled. "didn't zack teach you any thing about the past?", i asked. my heart dropped when i realized what i had just said. oh shit! come on dumb ass! she said she doesnt like talking about him. why did you bring it up? stupid stupid stupid! "he did.. but every ones time was different... he came from a few years before the zorons came through the portal", momoko said. "i'm sorry.. i shouldn't of asked that.. i know you dont like talking about him", i said. "it's fine..", momoko said. "so how far is this place any way?", i asked. "we're actually not that far", momoko said. "really?", i asked. "yeah. were only like ten minutes away", momoko said. "so why were you guys out here?", i asked. "every once in a while a group gets chosen to go out and look for some extra food.. we grow our own in the home base but some times there is more things out here", momoko said. "so when you saved us.. what were you doing out there.. so far away from kaoru and miyako", i asked. "some times it's nice to just go for a walk by yourself.. it gives you time to think.. clear your mind and shake off all the worries you know?", momoko said. "i used to do that back in my time.. i used to go for walks just to get away and clear my head", i said. "some times it sucks being alone.. with no one to turn to... it can get lonely", momoko said. "yeah.. i know how you feel", i said. "it is nice to be around friends though. i don't know what i would have done if i had never met kaoru or miyako.. there like sisters to me", momoko said. "all you guys are pretty close huh?", i asked. "yeah.. we have been through hell together", momoko said. "i bet", i said. "they was really there for me when i needed them", momoko said as she sighed. she must of been referring to when zack left her. "that's what friends are for.. they help you until the end", i said. "you know.. im glad i saved your ass yesterday", momoko said as she smiled. "why?", i asked. "because i think your a really good person", momoko said. "i try to be", i said as i smiled. "I'm so sorry that you got transported here though.. i mean this time is not an ideal time to live in. i know your not used to this foreign land and this is pretty much like a whole other planet to you", momoko said. "well i mean its not ideal but i'm glad i'm here", i said. it was the truth. i was sorta glad i was transported here. i'm not so thrilled about the zorons but I'm glad i met momoko. "why?", momoko asked. "well for one.. i wasn't happy back in my time. my brothers and i were just nearly getting by every month.. and cloe... cloe really put me into a depression that i had so much trouble trying to come out of.. i always wondered if maybe there was a chance that we would get back together.. even if she was a selfish bitch i still loved her. but here.. im free. i dont have to worry about any of that. i dont have to worry about cloe because well she is dead. she probably lived a long and happy life being a gold digger", i said. "but here you have to worry about zorons", momoko said. "yeah.. but a zoron will just flat out kill you.. cloe will just play with your heart and torture your emotions. i think i'd rather face a zoron", i said. "well you have faced one already and you had to be saved", momoko said as she chuckled. "hey that was the first time i ever seen a zoron. i didn't know what to do", i said as i chuckled. "well don't worry.. i'll teach you how to take care of a zoron", momoko said. "I'm really looking forward to your training, you know?", i said. "oh really?", momoko asked. "yeah i'm so ready to kick some zoron ass!", i said. "slow down there tiger.. it's not about running out and picking a fight with a zoron just because you feel like it.. its about protecting yourself and others. if you just run out to pick a fight with a zoron your just putting your life in danger. and as we already know. you like picking fights with zorons", momoko said. "i didn't know there was a zoron under that pile of rubble.. and besides butch is the one who pissed him off", i said as i chuckled. "lesson one. if you see a sleeping zoron.. just shoot it. don't wake it up because you think it's not a fair fight.. just kill the fucking thing so it doesn't kill you or any one else", momoko said. "i'll remember that", i said as i smiled. "so are you any good with any kind of weapons?", momoko asked. "well im pretty good swinging light sabers around", i joked. "light sabers?", momoko asked as she looked at me questionably. then i realized she doesn't know what I'm talking about since she isn't from my time. "uh sorry bad joke.. back in my time there was a movie called star wars that took place in the future and they had weapons called light sabers that was pretty much a laser coming out of a sword handle", i said. "really? we do have a weapon like that", momoko said. "you do?", i asked. "yeah there called plasma sword", momoko said. "can you teach me how to use one of those?", i asked. "sure", momoko said as she smiled. "back when my brothers and i were kids we had toy light sabers and we used to play fight with them all the time.. maybe my skills will work with the real thing", i said. "well toys and a real laser are to different things. lasers will chop off your arm", momoko said. "hey now don't under estimate those toys. the plastic was hard and when it hit one of your fingers it fucking hurt!", i said as i smirked. momoko laughed at my joke. i looked forward and noticed there was a huge wall up ahead. "whats that?", i asked. "thats our home base", momoko said. "whats the wall for?", i asked. "to keep the zorons out duh", momoko said. ah jeez that was a stupid question. i should of known that. now she probably thinks I'm not smart! slick move brick! momoko and i quickly caught up with kaoru, miyako, butch, and boomer. none us us talked until we were at the the walls huge gate. there was a box hanging on the wall with 2 buttom and a speaker. momoko pressed one of the buttons making it beep. after a few seconds a mans voice came through the speaker. "name?", the man asked. "akatsutsumi, momoko", momoko said. the gate slowly started to open. "come on", momoko said as she waved her arm and we quickly followed her. i looked around and the place actually looked like a town. there were small houses and other buildings. there were even kids running around laughing and kicking a ball. in this insane world.. this place seemed sane. this place seemed normal.. it felt homey. "so we just have to drop this stuff off at the kitchen then we can show you around", momoko said. i noticed some people staring and whispering as we walked through what i think is a street. "why are they staring?", i asked. "your new", momoko said. "every one knows every one around here.. we don't get many new faces that often", miyako said. i looked to my right to see a huge garden with so many plants growing. that must be where they grow there food. we kept walking until we stopped infront of a gate that lead into the garden area. a man with grey/white hair was watering the garden with a water hose. the man turned and smiled as he seen us. "momoko! kaoru! miyako!", the man said with happiness. "hello joe", the girls said politely. "we brought the food", momoko said. "oh good! just set it down right there by the bulding", joe said. the girls quickly set the bags down. i smiled to myself as i thought about mr. joeseph being a worker at a grocerey store and in this time a man named joe worked in the garden.. its kinda ironic. "so who are these fellas?", joe asked. "i saved them from a zoron", momoko said. "there not soilders?", joe asked. "no", kaoru said. "mom!", a little girl squealed as she ran and jumped up into momoko's arms. my eyes widened as shock went through me. momoko was a mother!? "hi jane! how are you?", momoko asked. "good!", jane said as she smiled. was jane zack's child as well? "i missed you!", jane said. "well i missed you to!", momoko said. miyako must of noticed my mouth hanging open. "you okay?", miyako asked. "momoko's a mother?", i asked. miyako giggled and shook her head no. "a few years ago jane got separated from her family and momoko took her in. jane was to young and couldn't say momoko so she called her mom for short. but we have found jane's father so she stays with him", miyako said. "oh.. i thought maybe she was momoko and zack's kid", i said. "no... i don't think she wants kids for a long time", miyako said. "so where is your father?", momoko asked. "i dont know.. some where inside i think", jane said. momoko set jane down on the ground. "why dont you help your grandpa okay?", momoko asked. "are you leaving?", jane asked as she frowned. "yeah.. you see i'v met a few new people and i need to show them around here since there new here", momoko said as she gestured to us guys. "can i come?", jane asked. "i think it might be better if you stay here and help your grandpa", momoko said. "okay", jane said as she walked over to her grandpa. "bye mom, miyako, kaoru and the new people", jane said as she waved. we all walked back to the gate and out of the garden. "alright so this is the main area. this is the place where you can pretty much find any thing", momoko said. "as you have just seen that is the garden area", miyako said. "and that building over there is the mess hall", kaoru said as she pointed to a building across from us. "that is the showers and training center", momoko said as she pointed to another building. they continued to point and tell us where all the buildings were. "and lastly all the smaller things that look like houses.. are houses", kaoru said. "well no shit", butch said. "watch it!", kaoru said as she frowned angrily at butch. "kaoru...", miyako said calmly. "look I'm gonna head over to the showers so you guys take them to jack okay?", kaoru said as she turned and walked away. "okay so i guess all thats left now is to take you three to jack", miyako said. "who is jack?", boomer asked. "he is our leader.. head of the home base", momoko said. "oh okay", i said as momoko and miyako started walking. butch, boomer and i quickly followed them. "so lets get your story straight.. you three came from a base called base 23. you three are brothers and you lived in base 23 all your lives and have never been outside the gates. last week when the zorons invaded your base you three escaped and have been wondering around trying to find a refuge. tell them your parents died and you have no other relatives and no where else to go", momoko said. "so not a word about time---", i started to say but momoko quickly spun around and slapped her hand over my mouth causing me to stop talking. i noticed people started to stare. she must of noticed to. she quickly moved her hand away and to my surprise pulled me into a hug. i could feel her lips brush up against my ear which sent a shiver down my whole body. in a good way through! "don't say that word! if any one knew about you being a time traveler they would kill you!", momoko whispered. momoko pulled away and smiled at me as she turned away. i noticed people were not staring any more. as much as i loved that hug i knew it was fake.. i knew she only hugged me so people wouldn't suspect any thing since she had covered my mouth to stop me from saying any thing. we coninued to walk until we were in front of a building with steps leading up to the doors. momoko and miyako jogged up the steps like it was nothing. butch, boomer and i tried to keep up with the girls but they were faster than us. once we reached the top of the stairs us guys were a bit winded but tried not to show it in front of the girls who where just fine and they were even wearing heavy ass suits! "soo all of you need to be on the same page in there. if one of you says some thing the others have to go along with it okay?", momoko said. "got it", butch said. miyako opened the door to the building and we all walked in. at first when you walk in it was a large room with doors with labels on them. it looks like the inside of a goverment building or some thing like that. I've never been in a government building but i have seen them in movies. there was a desk and a lady was sitting it. the lady had light brown hair and brown eyes. she wore a white botton up shirt. she looked like she was in her late thirties or early forties. "miss. akatsutsumi, miss. gotokuji", the lady said as she smiled. "hello whitney", momoko said. "hello", miyako said politely. "is jack in?", momoko asked. "yes he is. may i ask why?", whitney asked. "we found outsiders", momoko said. whitney quickly stood up. "i'll get jack right away", whitney said as she practically ran down the hall way. "if you guys are willing to be soldiers make sure you tell him.. you get better housing, free food and weapons", momoko said. "we will keep that in mind", butch said. after a few seconds whitney came back. "mr. bates would like to see you now", whitney said. the five us us started to walk but whitney grabbed miyako and momoko's arms. "alone...", whitney said. "oh okay.. i guess we will catch you guys later then", momoko said as smiled at us lightly. "bye", i said as i smiled. every one said good bye to each other then momoko and miyako turned and walked to the doors. "last door at the end of the hall is mr.bates office", whitney said. "thank you", i said as i smiled politely. my brothers and i quickly walked to the hall way. i took a deep breath trying to prepare for our talk with jack. we all stopped at the last door. "should i knock?", i asked. "no just go in. he knows where coming", butch said. "no knock! it is polite!", boomer said. i slowly raised my hand up and knocked on the door. "come in", i heard a mans voice say. i opened the door to see a man sitting at a desk. the man was wearing a suit. not a fighter suit but a normal suit and tie. the man had hair that was going grey with light blue eyes. he looked like he was in his early forties. he looked tough. he must of been a soldier once. "sit down", the man said as he guestured to the three chairs on the other side of the desk. we quickly walked over and sat down. "my name is jack bates", the man said. "uh nice to meet you im brick jojo", i said as i smiled politely. jack smiled at me then looked at boomer. "uh im boomer jojo", boomer said as he smiled nicely. "butch jojo", butch said. "so you three are brothers?", jack asked. "yes", i said. "so i was told you are outsiders?", jack asked. "yes were outsiders", butch said. "tell me where your from", jack said. oh shit! what did momoko say? base 21? 22? or maybe it was 23? shit i was to busy stairing at her eyes. ugh i swear you could get lost in those beautiful pink eyes. "base 23", boomer said. thank god he was paying attention. jack's eyes widened. "your survivors!?", jack asked. "yes we just nearly made it out with our lives.", i said. "tell me your story", jack said. "story?", i asked. "you know.. about your life", jack said. "well we lived in base 23 all our lives. we never once set foot outside until now", i said. "really?", jack asked. "yes our mother died after giving birth to us. you cant really tell but were actually triplets", boomer said. "wow.. i never would of guessed", jack said. "our father was a baker. he used to help bake things for our base", butch said. "he was all we ever had. he wanted to keep us safe so he never allowed us to go outside the walls of our base... he loved us very much", i said as i forced fake tears to come into my eyes. jack looked at me with sad eyes. "our dad would of given up any thing for us... when those zorons invaded our base.. we were cornered by one.. and our dad tried to save us from it. he distracted it long enough for us to run away but... he didn't get so lucky", i said as fake tears rolled down my cheeks. "our father died trying to save us", boomer said in a shaky voice. boomer quickly reached over and put his arm around my shoulders and pretended to comfort me. "im so sorry.. i know how hard it is losing a parent", jack said. "thank you", i said as i wiped away a tear. "so you have no belongings then? it must of all burned along with base 23", jack asked. "we have no belongings... or relatives", butch said sadly as he looked down. "so how did you find this base?", jack asked. "well after a few days of us walking around trying to find refuge we ran into a zoron. we tried running but we were cornered and it was going to kill us. when a soldier came out of no where and saved us. she lead us back here", i said. "who was the soldier?", jack asked. "momoko akatsutsumi", i said. jack smiled at her name. "ah yes. a very pleasant girl... she has had a rough life and is always tring to help out people.. even if that means putting her life in danger", jack said. "were just happy she found us.. or else we would of died out there", i said. "you boys are very lucky... i suppose you three want to become residents here?", jack asked. "yes", butch said. "i want to be a soldier!", i said. jack looked at me as he raised an eyebrow. "really?", jack asked. "yes... i want to learn how to fight off a zoron.. a zoron killed my father. i'm not saying i want revenge on all zorons because i know its not smart to go off and just kill them for the fun of it but i want to help save people.. help save families so no kid or parent has to watch a loved one die by a zoron", i said. "your a smart thinker", jack said as he smiled. "i'd like to be a soldier to", boomer said. "me to", butch said. "so all three of you would like to be soldiers?", jack asked. "yes", the three of us said at the same time. "very well then.. you can pick up your suits tomorrow at the training center.. some one there can start training you", jack said. "thank you so much!", i said as i smiled. "so you will need housing for three?", jack asked. "yes", boomer said. jack pulled out a book and started flipping through some pages. "well boys were in the middle of building more houses. each house holds six- eight people. do you mind bunking with some one?", jack asked. "we dont mind", i said. "alright.. your house will be building 3D", jack said as he smiled. jack stood up. so my brothers and i quickly stood up as well. jack reached his hand out to me. i quickly took his hand and shook it. boomer and butch did the same. "it was nice meeting you. welcome to our community... and i'm so sorry for your loss", jack said. "thank you. it was nice meeting you as well", i said. "i can escort you out", a voice said. i turned to see whitney. whitney walked out of the room so we quickly followed. once we were in the lobby area whitney said,"have a nice day". "you to", the three of us said as we walked to the doors. i opened the door and walked out. my brothers and i quickly walked down the steps. "so 3D. where the hell is that?", butch asked. "i dont know", i said. "here is a wild idea... maybe its over there where that big sign says section D!", boomer said as he pointed. butch and i turned to see what he was pointing at. sure enough there was a wooden gate that said "soldier housing" then in big black letters said, "section D". "shut up boomer", butch grumbled. "come on", i said as i turned and started walking to section D. my brothers followed me. "look butch. i know your not happy about being here but this is our life now and we need to make the best of it. being an asshole isn't going to help us so drop the attitude", i said. "shut up brick", butch said angrily. "butch!", i said sternly. "look none of this would of happened if it wasn't for you!", butch said. "look at least we have friends here! at least we get food and a free place to sleep! people like us here! the only person that liked us in our time was mr.joesoph!", i said. "but in our time we didn't have zorons!", butch said. "no but we had debt!", i said. non of us talked again until we were inside the section D gate. all the houses here kind of looked like cabins. they were only one story. all the cabins had a number carved in the side. "look theres 3", boomer said. "yep", butch said. we quickly walked over to cabin 3D. "well lets go meet our roomates", i said. we had just started to walk up the steps when a man came out of the cabin. he was tall and muscular. he had dark black hair and dark eyes. he wore a black shirt with a white skull on it and dark jeans. he looked surprised as he seen us but then his face quickly turned into an angry look. "what the hell are you doing here?", the man asked angrily. "we live here.. mr.bates just assigned us to this house", i said. "oh just fucking great!", the man said angrily as he walked passed me shoulder bumping me hard. he almost knocked me off the steps. i quickly gained my balance and watched the man walk away. "rude ass!", i muttered. we quickly walked up the steps. i opened the door and seen my new roommates.

A Love Lost In Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें