Chapter one- Finding A Job

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A Love Lost In Time,

Chapter one- Finding A Job

~Brick's P.O.V~

i sat at my kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal as my brothers sat around the table. my brother butch was reading a news paper. butch was younger than me. not by much since we are all triplets. he had dark black hair that always hung down in his face and for some reason he always had a strand of hair poking up out of the back of his head. butch had green eyes and wore a green hoodie with black jeans. my other brother, boomer was my youngest brother. he had shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes. he wore a blue hoodie and black jeans. boomer was the shyest out of us all. butch on the other hand is a hard ass. butch is a hot head to. he usually has a short temper. my name is brick. im the oldest of us all. i have sort of long red/orange shaggy hair but mine is not as long as boomer's. i have red eyes. i usually always wear a red hoodie and black jeans. i swollowed the last bite of my cereal as butch laid the paper down. "any job opportunities?", i asked. "not today", butch said as he frowned. "damn", boomer muttered. "we have to find some thing soon", i said. my brothers and i live a a small one bedroom apartment. its a real shitty place but its all we can afford. well soon if we cant find jobs then we wont even be living in this shitty place. my brothers and i just recently turned 21 years old. our mother died when we were born so we never got to meet her. our father was a jerk who didnt really care about us. so as soon as we turned 18 we were on our own. my brothers and i had stuck together after we all moved out. we all were doing okay with our jobs and had a nicer place but just recentally in this last year we all lost our jobs and had to move into a cheaper place to live. "our rent is due in three days", boomer said. "i know", butch muttered. "were running low on food to", i said. "this is hell", butch muttered. "maybe we can find odd jobs around town or some thing. I'm sure some one would pay us to do something", i said. "yeah even if it is just mowing some ones grass at least it will be some money", boomer said. "were 21 years old we shouldn't have to mow grass for money! thats kid stuff!", butch said. "well at least its money!", i said. "do you know how many lawns we would have to mow to get $300?", butch asked. "yeah i know.. we would have to mow alot", i said. "we don't even have a lawn mower any way", butch said. "yeah but im sure who ever was paying us would let us use there lawn mower", boomer said. i stood up and carried my bowl over to the sink. i set the bowl in the sink and turned back to my brothers. "i hate talking about all this stuff its giving me a head ache", i said. "same here", boomer said. "well im gonna go for a walk i need to clear my head or something", i said. "what ever.... just look for any job opps while your out", butch said. "i will", i said as i walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. i walked over to the door and grabbed my red converse and quickly put them on. i grabbed my red and black hat off the stand and put it on backwards. i opened the door and walked outside. i walked down the side walk until i reached the road in front of my apartment building. i walked along the side walk next to the road. what the hell am i going to do? there is no way my brothers and i can come up with $300 in three days. i don't know what to do any more.... i wish things would go back to the way they used to be. when we all had jobs and a nice place to live. i miss my girlfriend... well ex girlfriend any way. she left me as soon as i lost my job and had to move into that shitty apartment. i really thought she was the one i was going to marry. i guess i was wrong. i looked up and took a deep breath as i watched all the cars speed down the street. i turned and started walking down a different street. i was now lost in thought. until suddenly i slammed into some one. i quickly looked up to see a girl with long brown curly hair. she was just a little bit shorter than me. "im so sorry", i said. "no it was my fault", she said as she bent down to pick up her spilled groceries. i quickly kneeled down and started helping her pick up her things. this girl looks familiar put i just cant recall where i know her from. "brick?", the girl asked. oh yeah i definatly know her if she knows my name. "yeah?", i asked. "your brick jojo right?", she asked. "uh yeah?", i said as i looked at her confused. "im linda.. linda thompson... we used to go to high school together", linda said. i gasped as i remembered her. "ohhh yeah i remember you", i said as i smiled. we both stood up after we picked up linda's groceries. "how have you been!?", linda asked as she smiled. "alright i guess. you?", i said. "good. i just recantly got married", linda said as she smiled. "thats great. im happy for you!", i said as i smiled. "i'm linda smith now", linda said as she smiled. "did you marry some one we went to school with?", i asked. "yeah he graduated a few years ahead of us though", linda said. "maybe i'll remember him?", i said. "his name is chase smith", linda said. "oh yeah i remember him. didn't he grow up to be a scientist or something?", i asked. "yes. he has been trying to figure out a way to create a time machine for years", linda said as she smiled. "yeah i remember in high school thats all he talked about", i said. "if you ask me i think its a waste of money. don't get me wrong. i love chase with all my heart and i will support him through anything but all those machines he builds cost so much money and he has to pay the people that let him experiment on them and it's just to much i think", linda said. "he experiments on people?", i asked. "well when he wants to test a time machine he will hire some one to stand inside it to see if he can send them a minute into the future just to see if it would work. he usually pays them like $100 and the experiment always fails", linda said. "sounds like an easy way to make money", i said. "yeah but there is the risk of getting hurt or the machine catching on fire. we have had that happen before", linda said. i nodded my head after she finished talking. "so what about you? are you married?", linda asked. "pfft no. im just trying to get by myself. i need to get my life straightened out before i try and bring a girl into it", i said. "ahh financial troubles?", linda asked. "yeah my brothers and i all lived together but about a year ago we all lost our jobs and had to move into a shitty apartment down the street", i said. "aw im sorry to hear that", linda said. "yeah were just trying to get by right now. im actually out looking for a job opp right now. even if it is just mowing some ones grass at least its money", i said. "well hey if you want to make some extra cash just be in one of my husbands experements", linda said as she smiled. "i don't know.. i don't think thats really my thing", i said as i smiled. "well no one has valunteered to do it yet and he is doing a experiment tomorrow so if you like you and your brothers can swing by the lab", linda said. "maybe. ill talk to my brothers about it but i dont really know if we will swig by", i said. "well its tommorrow at 4 o'clock but i better get going", linda said. "well it was good seeing you again", i said as i smiled. "it was good seeing you to! tell your brothers hi for me", linda said as she smiled then turned and walked away. i turned and walked into the grocery store we had been in front of. "hello brick", a man called. i turned to see Mr.Joseph. "hello Mr.Joseph", i said as i smiled. Mr.Joseph has worked at this store ever since i was a kid. he was a really nice man. i walked over to the large window and looked at the papers that hung on the window to see if there was any ads for a job but there was none. only missing cat and dog posters. "sorry brick no new posts today", Mr. Joseph said as he smiled sadly at me. "ah thats alright i guess", i said. "hows your brothers?", Mr. Joseph asked. "there alright. we have all been out looking for jobs alot lately", i said. "son if i could help you out i would. i've tried to put in a good word for you to the boss but he wont hire any one right now", Mr. Joseph said. "thats alright. i'll just keep looking for a job. i'm sure one will turn up soon", i said. "just have to keep your head up buddy", Mr.Joseph said. "i'll come back tomorrow to see if any thing has been posted", i said as i smiled lightly at Mr.Joseph. "alright see you tomorrow", Mr. Joseph said as he smiled and waved good bye. i smiled as i waved good bye to him to. i walked back to the doors and out of the store. i looked up into the sky and took a deep breath.

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