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I've been at school for about a month and a half and Halloween is just 2 days from now. Jack is expecting me to go to this party that Sammy is hosting but I don't know if I can go since my parents don't really celebrate Halloween and never let me participate in it either. Yes I'm almost 18 and a senior in highschool and my parents don't let me celebrate Halloween. I know tragic.

I did my morning routine and got dressed putting on a white pullover sweater with a light pink scarf and light jeans and white converse. I told my parents bye and headed for school.

Once I got to school I headed to the libary and waited for everyone else to come. I pulled out some homework that I didn't do last night and started it. I see someone put a Starbucks cup in front of me. I looked up and saw Gilinsky leaning over the table. "You're welcome."

"Aww Gilinsky you're so cute thank you." I said sipping my Pumpkin spice latte. He seemed satisfied with my response and nodded with a smiled. I went back to doing my work "So about the Halloween party I don't think I can go." I said sadly.

He looked at me confused "What? why?"

"Well I don't really celebrate it and my parents won't let me out."

After I said that Gilinsky looked like he was in deep thought.

"What are you thinking about?"

"You and how I can get you out of the house."

"Nothing isn't gonna work." I shrugged.

"Don't underestimate me I will get you out of the house one way or another."

"Okay Gilinsky." I said laughing. The bell rang and we went our separate ways to class.

At lunch...

"Aw I can't wait for the party!" McKenna said setting her food on the table.

"Yeah it's gonna be so fun." Amber said.

We had small talk about the party that I was not going to and waited for the boys to come to the table.

"Okay guys we need to brainstorm." Gilinsky said as he sat next to me and Jack and Sammy finding a spot around the table.

"Okay but what are we brainstorming for?" Asked Sammy.

"Well Mia can't go to the party." Gilinsky said kinda sad.

"Wait why?" Asked Johnson.

"Cause my parents don't celebrate and they won't let me out the house." I told them.

"That's why we need to brainstorm." Gilinsky said. We brain stormed all lunch.And in class we texted each other in our group chat after lunch to make sure everthing was in place. I am gonna get out the house for Halloween.

After class Gilinsky and I went to our cars and he followed me home. My mom has been asking to meet my friends so today was the day she was gonna meet Gilinsky.

We reached my house and got out of our cars. "Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said with a nervous smile. I really hope this plan works. I opened the door "MOM IM HOME!"

"In the kitchen." She called back.

Jack Gilinsky's POV:

I followed her in to the kitchen to where her mom was. Man I really hope this plan works I really want her to come out with me on Friday. We don't even need to go to the party as long as I'm with her I'm happy, I really do like her.

"Hey Mom I brought one of my friends over we have this project we have to work on."

"Oh hi!" She said wiping her hands on her apron. "You must be Jack. Right. I've heard so much about you."She said opening her arms for a hug.

Oh She talks about me. I keep my self from smirking. "Hi Mrs. Thompson and yes I'm Jack" I said hugging her. "It's very nice to finally meet you Mrs. Thompson."

"Okay we are gonna go up stairs now." Mia said pulling me toward the stairs.

I followed Mia upstairs to her room. I put my stuff on the floor and sat on her swivel chair. "So... you talk about me?" I said smiling a little.

"Yeah." She said walking in to her bathroom with clothes.

"Yeah? Like what?" I said looking around and picking up and picture of her and this girl. It was half folded so I unfolded it and it was a guy on the part that was folded over. Hmm.

"Oh you know the usual, just bad things." She said laughing.

"Mmmhmm I don't know what bad things you're talking about." I said still looking at the picture. She comes out laughing and putting her beautiful curly hair up in a bun. "Who's this?" I asked.

"My best friend kylie and that is my horrible ex boyfriend Austin.

"Ohh" I said putting the picture down.

"Yeah so what are we gonna do for like 3 hours cause my mom thinks we are working on a project."

"Well we can make-"

"Shut up Gilinsky!" Hitting my arm playfully.

"What a boy can't have ideas."

"No he cant." She said smiling. I know she wants to kiss me. So what's stopping her? I get up and tackle her on her bed and start tickling her.

"Gilinsky why are you always messing with me!" She said laughing.

"Because I can." I said still tickling her.

"S-s-stop please J-j-jack!"

"Only if you say that I am the best."

"Okay okay Jack is the b-best!" She said practically out breath.

I looked into her eyes. I really wanted to kiss her. Her eyes were searching mine like she wanted to do the same. I leaned in. And the phone starts at to ring. Great just with my luck. She reaches for the phone and answers. Thanks for that phone call ruining the moment.

Mia's POV:

Jack was about to kiss me until I got a phone call from an unknown caller. I answered it and all there was breathing on the other end. I hung up and set my phone down on the dresser.

"Who was that?" Jack asked

"I have no idea. Want something to eat?" He says yeah and we go down stairs. My mom tells me that its time to eat and Jack could stay if he wants. Jack meets my dad and he seems to like him. Hopefully it stays that way. Jack leaves my house and I collapse on my bed because I'm so tried. I feel something on my pillow it was a note.

Mia I had so much fun with you. Hopefully the plan works. Hope you have a goodnight beautiful.

-Jack Gilinsky

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