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Championship game tonight everyone was hyped. Streamers balloons posters all over the school. I felt like I was in high school musical. It was too happy today. Trust me I'm ready for the game,but I have so many test today.I go to my locker and put in my headphones I can't with these people today. Jack is coming late to school because he claims that he needs extra sleep for tonight. So I walk in class ready to take this test.

I finish my test early and put my headphones back in and put my head on my desk. I literally just got comfortable, and someone is tapping me.

"If you want the answers I don't-" I say looking up.

Jack was standing there with a big smile. "Oh what are you doing here?" I looked around and whispered.

"Come on." He said totally dismissing my question.

I look at Mr. Corona and he nods signaling that I could leave. I grab my stuff and follow Jack out the door. We walk out side "What are we doing?" I ask.

He kisses me "Well hi to you too." He said laughing.

I kiss him back "Hi. So?"

"We are gonna decorate the field for tonight well I'm not but you are."

"That sounds fun but Jack you know I have test today." I said looking at him.

"And that's why I got them to move it for you."

"Only you can charm teachers like that." I say shaking my head.

"What can I say." He said with a smug look.

I laughed and walked in to ASB (Associate Student Body) Room. There was glitter, posters, paint, and glue everywhere. Oh this is gonna be fun. McKenna and amber where already there running around with streamers in there hands.

"Have fun!" He said shutting the door. I stuck my tongue out at him.

I talked to some girl and basically all we were doing was making posters and stuff and getting pictures of players that had girlfriends and gluing the players heads to Popsicle sticks for their girlfriends.


Let's just say by the end of the day I was covered in glitter. The posters look cute but I didn't. I went home to get clean from all the glitter that was everywhere and to get ready for the game. I took a long shower. Do you know how long it takes to get glitter out of hair?


I got out and did my hair and my makeup. I got dressed I put on a white tank top, light blue Hollister ripped jeans, Jack's Varsity Jacket that he let me borrow, with red high-top converse and a white bow where I braided my hair back at. I went on my computer and watched Kian and JC on YouTube to pass time.

Jack's POV:

I got Mia out of class quite easy all I had to do was flash my smile and bam. She's out. But mainly why I got her in ASB was so that she would be distracted. I'm want her to meet my family. We are having a party after the game whether we win or lose it's gonna be a great party. And I think it's just a good time for her to meet them all at once.

Mia's POV:

After laughing way too hard at Kian & Jc I decided to make my way back to school for the game. I got to school it was already crowded and way too hyped. I think more hyped than the morning. I grabbed my purse and got out my car and went to the line to pay for my ticket. I walked in, the stadium was packed. I looked for McKenna and Amber. I see McKenna trying to flag me down. I smile and walk up the steps of the bleachers. I said hi and hugged them. I look around and see Jessica right diagonal from me.

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