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After digi tour was over the boys left and I stayed to talk to some fans. I met some girls and they asked if they could meet the boys. I asked them and they said to bring them up to Johnson's and Kenny's room. So we all went back to the hotel.

There were 5 girls. Ariana she was tan and tall with green eyes and light brown hair.

Dara, her skin was olive with jet black hair and brown eyes with freckles. Almost like she could be Greek or something.

Kayla, she was Hispanic with brown hair and hazel eyes.

Rachel, she was Asian with long black silky hair.

And Riley, she was black with shoulder length curly hair.

They were all pretty. Like wtf man.

We reach Johnson's and Kenny's room. I knocked on the door and it was slightly opened with all the lights off . I looked at the girls and they all shrugged. I turned back around and opened it more. "Wait." Kayla whispered.

I stopped before I walked in the dark room where the boys should be because they left before me. I looked at her. "What?" I whispered back.

"Flash lights." She said waving her phone.

"I'm so dumb why didn't I think of that." I whispered."

"Why are we whispering?" Dara whispered."

"Because it's freaking scary and we are all paranoid." Ariana replied in a whisper.

I chuckled and pulled out my phone from my pocket and turned on the flashlight and the girls did they same.

"Okay ready?" I said placing my hand back on the door knob. They nodded and I took a step in hearing them follow me and giggling with nervous nice.

"Shh" One of the girls said. We made our way further into the room scanning our lights everywhere.

"Guys?" I called out. "This isn't funny where are you."

The girls started to call they boys names too. I found a lamp and tried to turn it on but I didn't work. We walked around the room again this time we were clinging on each other for dear life.

"Oh my god I've never been this scared in my life." Riley whisperd.

The door of the hotel room slammed closed with made us all scream. "What was that?!" Rachel said pointing to a figure that ran past us.

"Okay guys seriously." I called out to the boys who I was hoping that was.

We huddled and stayed in one scared out of our minds.

"BOO!!" The lights flicked on and I screamed and shut my eyes. I heard laughing.

I stopped screaming and opened my eyes . I saw Jack J right in front of us laughing so hard with Sammy Kenny and Jack behind him doing the same thing.

"Aw I should of recored that. That was priceless should of seen the look on your faces." Jack J said clutching his stomache from laughing to hard. I rolled my eyes at him.

The girls started to laugh because they of Sammy's laugh,and that caused me to laugh so now we are just all laughing for no reason really. But that was a good prank though I'll give them that.

After we all calmed down I introduced the girls to the guys. It wasn't that had for them to pick a girl that they want to be with tonight. Jack J started to talk to Rachel. Kenny with Dara. Nate with Riley and Sammy with Kayla and Ariana.

Well that was fast. Someone got out drinks and turned on some music.

"Hey let's play hide in seek in the dark with all of our rooms since they are connected." Sammy slurred a little. We agreed and I was chosen to be it. I began to count and concentrated on the numbers the best I could since I was slightly drunk and can't think at the moment. I finished counting and went to go seek some people. I stumbled in to the next room and looked around the best I could with slightly blurred vision and darkness, I didn't see anything so I went to the next room.

I heard a girl giggle in the closest. I got my phone and put on the flash light. I smiled and opened the closest door.
"I found yo-" my smile slowly disappeared as tears started to form in my eyes.

I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't going crazy and seeing stuff. "What the hell is going on?" I yelled


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