I Can't Stop Losing You

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Regret that he hadn't had the courage to ask her to stay with him after Hydra fell, regret that he didn't tell her how he felt, and most of all, regret that he had lost her again. 

"As maybe the world's leading authority on waiting too long...don't," He had told Bruce. Wondering why he had let the best thing since Peggy slip through his fingers so damn easily. 

With that, he walked away. Wondering when he'd finally get it through his thick skull not to wait so long when it came to love. Clearly, time was never in his favor.


Once Bruce left, Steve had felt horrible for Natasha. He knew that she opened herself up to him and he knew that that wasn't an easy feat for her. 

But secretly, he couldn't help but see it as his second chance. He'd give Natasha whatever time she needed to heal, but he hoped that eventually, he'd be able to tell her how he felt. 

They trained the newcomers together and grew closer every day. Natasha seemed to be less upset about Bruce as time went on and Steve hoped that soon, he'd gain the courage to ask her out. 

He probably would have too, if the accords hadn't pulled her away from him for the third time. 

"Hey," He heard from behind him shortly after everyone had argued about the accords. 

He turned around and saw Natasha standing in the doorway, her typical smirk gone and replaced by a guilt ridden smile. 

"Hi," Steve whispered, wordlessly inviting her in by moving over on his bed and leaving her room to sit. 

Natasha did so and sighed, "I'm sorry." 

Steve shook his head, "For what? You're just doing what you think is right. I could never be mad at you for that." 

Natasha nodded slightly, still looking unsure about her decision, "It doesn't feel right. After all we've been through, I feel like I should be on your side. I just can't go against the government anymore. They aren't going to give me a third chance." 

"You don't have to explain yourself to me Nat," Steve said, looking down at the ground. 

"I want to Steve. Because I want you to know I'm still on your side. If you need me, you call. Okay? We're still partners." 

Steve nodded and bit his lip. He wanted so badly to tell her how he felt but it felt wrong. He didn't want her to think it was a lie he was using to manipulate her into not signing the accords. 

This would all blow over, and then he'd tell her. Or at least, that's what he convinced himself. 

Oh how wrong he was. 


Steve felt like a total asshole. 

Natasha had put herself on the line for him. She had betrayed Tony and let him escape...hell, she helped them escape. 

Now she was alone and probably getting all sorts of hell from Ross about her choice. 

And he had just flown away, leaving her without any support. 

"I didn't want you to be alone," She had told him. He didn't want her to be alone either, which is probably why it hurt so much knowing that he was leaving her to fight for herself all alone. 

It wasn't that she couldn't handle it.

Natasha was the best spy Shield had and she'd be able to avoid Ross if she wanted to, but it wouldn't be easy...and god forbid they did catch her, she'd be in all sorts of trouble. 

Romanogers One-Shots 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora