The scene was too similar to that off the plane crash Peter was a part of when he fought the Vulture. The fire, collapsing objects and suffocating feeing brought him right back to the most terrifying moment of his life.

Peter ignored the growing panic and his vision going dark every few seconds and focused on the child that needed help. He quickly shot a web to a secure part of the ceiling and another to the dresser. He yanked the web attached to the dresser and managed to get the dresser to budge just enough to then swing out of the small opening and onto the balcony.

Peter gasped for fresh air, and tried to catch his breath unsuccessfully.

"Your breathing has spiked irregularly and your heart rate is unhealthily high." Karen announced. "Do you request medical assistance?" She offered.

"N-n-no—" Peter heaved out, trying to get any amount of air his lungs would allow. "I-I-I—" He had to stop himself from talking due to how winded his was.

Peter then realized the women he was with on the balcony was talking to him, crying tears of joy. Peter couldn't focus on anything other than the panic coursing through his body. He felt just as small and scared as when he was trapped under the building the Vulture dropped on him.

"Peter, you seem to be experiencing extreme panic, would you like me to call Mr. Stark?" Karen was able to knock Peter out of his haze.

"N-no," He heaved, "D-don't call... don't call him." He breathes out. Peter was able to hold his focus on reality long enough to notice firemen had arrived and were helping the young boy and mother out of the dangerous situation. He ignored the questions and praises shouted at him by firemen and bystanders.

Peter had tunnel vision as he hastily attached a web to a building across the street and swung out of view into a small alley. He ran behind a crate and dumpster, still coughing.

He stumbled forward, crouching down and hugging his knees, not paying attention to the dirty alley he was sitting on.

His senses were going haywire. Every car horn, voice, footstep, and song on the radio was blasting in Peter's head so loud he felt his eyes water.

Peter felt as if his body was being compressed, he couldn't feel his legs and his arms were tingling.

"Peter, you must–" Karen spoke, her voice a million times too loud.

"Shu—Shut up!" He choked out. Ice ran through his veins as he pulled his mask off gasping for air, but not getting a single breath.

"Hello! Hello! Please. Hey, hey, please. I'm down here. I'm down here. I'm stuck. I'm stuck. I can't move. I can't..." He could feel the weight of the entire building slowly crushing his body. The concrete dug into his back and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move a muscle.

His vision was fading in and out as he was continuously transported back under the debris of the building the Vulture attempted to crush him under.

He pulled at the ends of his hair, getting dizzy and lightheaded due to the fact he was unable to get a full breath of air for a few minutes. He reached up to feel his forehead due to a dull pain he felt, and he felt even more nauseous when his hand was then covered in blood.

He brought his hands to clamp over his sensitive ears and squinted his eyes shut tightly.

"Peter!" He flinched when he heard a booming voice despite trying to block out everything. "What in God's name were you thinking? Running into a fire?" Tony was on the verge of a panic attack himself after Karen's report.

Peter opened his eyes, immediately shutting them at the brightness of the sun, despite being sat in the dark alley.

"Petey, what's wrong?" The voice was much softer and Peter allowed himself to listen this time, immediately recognizing who it was.

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