"Maybe check the pockets," Veronica suggested as Betty began searching the pockets.

"There's something in here," the blonde girl said as she struggled through the lining to find a small object.

She pulled out a USB key and the girls began giving each other confused glances.

"What's on it?" Cheryl wondered curiously.

"Let's head back to the Pembrooke to see what it's about," Veronica said as the girls headed towards her car.


Betty sat down at Hiram's desk, placing her laptop in front of them. She inserted the USB drive into her computer and selected the file. Surveillance footage of Clifford Blossom and a large unknown man hidden by the shadows, sitting on opposing sides of a table in a dark room played.

"Replicate these prints onto this gun," Clifford demanded as he slid a gun, a stack of cash and an envelope to the stranger.

"Of course, Clifford," the unknown man said in a deep and low voice "You said you needed these by tonight, what's so important?"

"I'll be hitting two birds with one stone," Clifford grinned mischievously "I'm keeping a snake far from my family and I'll be leading the blames of crime away from me,"

Blames of crime? What other crime does he mean...

The recording ended at that. It was undoubtable that Cheryl's father had set up the Serpent. She felt relieved that she could bail Toni with the evidence. But despite the fact that she had already expected that her father framed Toni, nevertheless, the redhead felt heartbroken, similar to when she discovered that her parents were behind Heather's disappearance. At least she could bring her father to justice and free Toni, the thing she couldn't do for Heather.

"This is definite proof that my father forged the fingerprints, Sheriff Keller must believe us now"

"Wait, there's a second attachment in the file," Betty pointed out.

The blonde girl clicked the second file attachment. A recording with no audio from a surveillance camera for the bunker where her brother was kept hostage began playing. There he was, Jason, tied to a chair as an older and taller Serpent taunted him. Cheryl could imagine how scared he must have felt, locked up, alone and frightened, just like Toni. This went on for about three minutes before Cheryl's father entered the room.

"Daddy.." Cheryl muttered as the other two girls sat stiffly in shock.

He took a step closer and said something to his son. Just from his facial expression alone, Cheryl could tell he was threatening her brother in a deep intimidating tone. Then, he took a step closer, pulled out a gun, the same one Sheriff Keller showed Cheryl, aimed it towards her brother's head, and, pulled the trigger.

Cheryl froze in an instant. She felt as if her heart was dropped and shattered into a thousand pieces. She felt light-headed and her entire body was trembling. Betty instantly closed her laptop as if it were instinct and slowly turned her head to the redhead, wide-eyed.

"Cheryl, are you ok..." Veronica placed her hand on the redhead's arm.

She had just watched her twin brother get shot by their own father, no she wasn't ok. Will she ever be ok? Cheryl wished Toni was by her side to console her when she needed it the most. She needed her shoulder to cry on.

"I'm fine, Veronica," Cheryl wiped her tears "don't worry about me," she assured, keeping a smile on her face.

"We have to get this to Sheriff Keller immediately," Betty insisted as she detached the USB key.


"Is this enough evidence for you," Veronica slammed the USB key onto Keller's desk.

"What's this supposed to be?" the sheriff questioned as he examined the USB key.

"Proof," the redhead smirked proudly "that will prove Toni's innocence is out of the question,"

"Alright, I'll take a look at it,"

The sheriff inserted the USB drive into his computer and watched both files as the three girls waited patiently. Cheryl feared it wouldn't be sufficing, she couldn't think of any other method of acquiring more evidence. And she wasn't sure she wanted to when it comes with so many horrible secrets revealed.


Cheryl entered Thorn Hill, keeping the door unlocked. Once again, the place was quiet, well, it wasn't going to last that way for long. She knew her parents were home when she saw her father's car parked in the driveway as Veronica dropped her off. Cheryl turned her gaze to the family room door to see her parents heading towards her. Her father stepped closer as the redhead looked downwards to see one of the microphones in hand.

"You thought we wouldn't notice these," Clifford said as he held one of the transmitters in front of her face "spying on your parents, are we now,"

Cheryl kept her mouth shut, locking her gaze with her father's eyes.

"You truly have gone mad, Cheryl," her mother said disgustedly "you saw the evidence for yourself. Stop it with these crazy assumptions and accusations,"

"Disappointment after disappointment," her father tsked "that's all you bring," he said slowly, bringing his face closer, exhaling his warm breath onto Cheryl's cheeks.

I know what part would've came next...

Suddenly, the front door burst open followed by Sheriff Keller and a team of officers handling Glock pistols. Cheryl smirked to herself, looking back at her parents who were being cuffed.

"What is the meaning of this!" Penelope struggled.

"Penelope and Clifford Blossom, you are under arrest for your crimes of murder and frame,"

I see through you - A Choni StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz