17| heaven

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"You're still so beautiful to me even with the venom spewing from your lips
you're still an angel but you aren't watching over me like you used to.
Your garments are dark, stained by the imperfections you hide,
But I was never one to look at your clothes,
For you were pure, reflected the colours of light and happiness

Your dark eyes so hard but then so soft,
but then I wished I clipped your wings and hid you away from everyone else because I was afraid they would take you from me.
The only demi god I wanted to hold and love me to taste heaven from the caress of your lips.

Before you I criticised seeing stars behind my eyelids, for it was impossible to feel something so electrifying.
And I am different, whole and alive because of you
But now I am dead, lost in a starless galaxy without you holding me.
For only the silhouette of your perfection is left behind, like a trail of star dust and rain that fall from my eyes that tell me you're really gone

Lost in the world of sinners,
to find what you want."


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