What am I?

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What am I?
Are my feelings not important?
Was it okay to mess with my head?

All of those little mistakes that I made?
Yeah, they scolded me like I committed a crime

And seriously
I tried
I want to stop
But they keep pushing me towards the edge
And I'm tipping over

I said, "I'm fine. I'm okay."
Cause I know no one cares
They expect me to say that
So, I said that

They'll be thrown off their games if I suddenly said that "I'm not okay"

I don't want to burden someone like that
I keep replaying all their words in my head
Every day
Every night

Where did I go wrong?
Did I do something that they don't like?
Did I offend them?

I am a nuisance, aren't I?

Truth is...

I think I am.

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