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It's getting harder to go on
It's getting harder to wake up in the morning
To make myself leave the confinement of my bed
It's getting harder to stop myself from crying
To sleep
To work
While doing my work
It's getting harder to stop myself from relapsing
And reach for the blade that I kept in the book that I put on my keyboard
It's getting harder

The music can only help for so long
I can't go on

Help me
I'm falling and I don't care if I fell
I don't care anymore

The emotions are relentless
They're chasing me and demand to be heard
To be felt
But I'm tired of feeling things
They're useless
Like I am

I'm forgetting things
I'm a burden
I'm a waste of space
I should die

I should let that truck hit me
Maybe I'll die
The thought of dying makes me scared
So, so, so scared

Sitting at KFC
Shouldn't but I did anyway

I don't have friends
But that's okay
I'm not a good friend anyway
And all they did is talk shit behind my back like they knew me

And I'm so tired of people's shit
I'm tired of everything
I'm tired of the world
I'm tired of my job
I'm just tired

I almost had enough

I can only be kind for so long
It's hard being kind
And being scolded for telling the truth
Nothing hurts more than that

I should end it

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