Confused and Cracked

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Jungkook answered Mrs. Ahn with mischievously giggle.

"Can you not doing it as a hobby?"

Jungkook put down his portable game console on the table and glared into his nephew. Mrs. Ahn just gave him the idea to make Myungsoo cry. Not everyone in Myungsoo's life would gave him fiery fierce lion glare, but Jungkook. When Seokjin said 'No' to the baby boy, the mother would say it nicely and with loving soft tune. That's true that the baby boy gonna pout, sulking, and if he was lucky he could get what he wants, because basically everyone around were always pampered him. But not with Jungkook. His 'No' was purposedly to make Myungsoo cry. Because crying Myungsoo would be so amusing.

Myungsoo looked up to see Jungkook and then avoiding the eye contacts by playing his Lego. Looked up again, and looked away, with his pouty lips formed the curve to gave the signal of going to cry anytime soon.

"What? You want to cry?" Jungkook teased. Arrogantly crossed his arms on his chest. "Then cry."

"Momm---" Myungsoo sobbed. "Mommyyy!!"

"Cry Cry Cry!!" Jungkook growled, feeling entertained as the baby boy cried even more.

"Jungkook ah!"

Jungkook tried his best to perform his angry look and not laugh, before finally took Myungsoo on his arms and shushing him.


Namjoon was so busy that day. He had so many things to do with some documents Jooheon sent him by email. He managed to eat breakfast together with Myungsoo in the morning but then he had to go back into his rented cottage to complete his works. It was 03.47 PM when those emails were all sent and he finally could take a break.

"Ahh my back." Namjoon groaned and yawned a little. Tired and sleepy since Myungsoo was still an early riser with his catch the sunrise habit. And for Seokjin's sake, he asked the pretty one to let him be the baby boy's company. Seokjin better got enough sleep and rest. And it's actually surprised him when Seokjin gave him permission.

"I need a shower before join the others for afternoon tea."

He mumbled and left the desk, heading into the bathroom for taking a shower.


Seokjin sighed as he sipped his homemade iced honey yoghurt from a jumbo glass, and enjoyed the scenery around. The beautiful scenery plus the sound of water gurgling of the river, or more precisely to be called streamlet, were so relaxing. He finally enjoyed a quiet me time afternoon, two weeks after the BBQ party. He could enjoy the peaceful bath after Mrs. Ahn finally had spare times for a routine visit like she used to, because she was quite busy lately. And also Jungkook took a weekend visit so they could help him to watch and supervise Myungsoo together.

He sighed as he reviewed the last two weeks since Namjoon told him what trully happened that night. That the man didn't kiss the woman, that the man enjoyed the meals esp chicken honey he cooked, and that the man had a fight with his father.

"If only he didn't have a fight with his father, and the woman didn't kiss him. I wonder what kind of day we could probably have then..."

Seokjin wondered, what if that woman didn't come to piss Namjoon and told the man the lie about him with Hyosang. What if Namjoon's father didn't ask his tough son for a meeting that ended with a fight. Namjoon was actually acted soft than usual. If only things were all smooth that day, Namjoon would probably came to see him in the night for a normal talk like he promised, to open up himself.

Seokjin felt really sick that day. And if those misfortune were never happened, Seokjin believed, Namjoon would ask a private doctor to examine him and they gonna find out that he was pregnant. And as Namjoon promised him, they would become friends. They would talk. They would become each other's cure. Their scars would not getting as deep as it is now. They both would started their life better, together.

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