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There are no fixed reasons of why people harm themselves. It is different for everyone. Could be specific experiences, as it their way of dealing with something that happens at the moment or in the past.

As for Seokjin, those difficult experiences, difficult feelings and numbness, caused the self harm. After what happened with him, he didn't know how to express himself, what he needed, what he wanted. Somehow, he had guilty feelings for his baby boy, whether brought him into life was really a good idea. Because there were times where he felt sorry, as the baby has no sin. He wanted to kept the baby save. But he as well feeling so selfish. He didn't know why.

He didn't know why, but that night when he finished doing those tiring works as an architect and staring his baby boy, he felt so much pain. The guilty feelings killed him inside. He didn't know why he suddenly grabbed the flower vase in the table in front of him, and break it. With vase fragment, he scratched around his left arm. He didn't know why, but what he did made him stay sane.

You saved me. I was wrong. It's now my time to save you. Please give me a chance. I love you.

Seokjin took a piece of cupcake from the tray on his bedside table. It's a cute succulent cupcake.

"Really? You really didn't kiss her?" He mumbled while spacing out. He admitted, he was jealous.



"Yoongs, Please. I must be ready before 08.30 AM it's already 06.39 AM!!" Bomi grunted as she prepared her morning coffee and making some toast. She squeaked when she turned her body to find someone so pale like a ghost stood in the kitchen doorway. "FETTUCCINE ALFREDO!!"

The other person who stood in the kitchen doorway flinched when he heard such swearing.

"Oh Lord. I'm sorry. Seokjin ssi, please don't be scare. I'm not an intruder. I'm a doctor. My name is Bomi, Namjoon's cousin. You got fever, and I was here since last night after Namjoon asked me to check on your condition." Bomi knew, Seokjin must be questioning her, who she was, and what she did. She explained it before Seokjin even asked her.

Instead of screaming and run calling police like panic people usually did when they saw stranger making some toast in their kitchen, Seokjin unexpectedly tilted his head and smiled. "Ahh... Thanks for taking care of me..."

That warm innocent smile. Bomi didn't know why Seokjin could be this calm, but she could understand why Hyosang and Namjoon fell for this pretty one.

"Well, it was nothing. I just did what I supposed to do." Bomi awkwardly smiled. "Uhh, wanna a cup of tea, and toast?" Bomi forgot that she wasn't the house owner.

Not long after, they both sat in the corner of wooden kitchen island. There were toasts with two mugs of coffee and tea served in the table. Bomi checked on Seokjin's vital sign with her medical equipment. As well told Seokjin about the charity, the cottage where she supposed to stay, about Yoongi, about Mrs. Ahn and their distance relatives, also about pudding accident that made Taehyung -that later she found out has relationship with Seokjin's cousin Jungkook- eventually came along with Jimin and was sleeping in the smaller cottage. Bomi didn't talk about Namjoon as she was unsure about their current condition, too complicated, and Namjoon haven't explain anything either. But she did mention about the man kept the baby companied. Mentioned that the baby wasn't in good condition as well.

Bomi cleaned up her equipment and washed her hands. "Your condition is way better, but you still need rest."

Seokjin just nodded. He understood, speed recovery is good. But he better not getting more ill in the middle of his recovery by forcing himself to work. He would probably take a whole week to rest.

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