Chapter Four - Silence pt 2

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Tord went up the ladder to make sure I'd "adjusted the mattress correctly" while Tori and Ell threw random and conflicting excuses at me. I pretty much just collapsed on a pillow.

We were in what looked like a room as big as the house above, sitting in a corner that was completely covered in pillows. There were more holes carved into the walls filled with clothes and personal trinkets and a screen door. There were two tables (both padded) and both were covered with books and devices. There was a cabinet in front of her filled with books in foreign languages and a strange flag with a cursive "M" which they were playing cards on. A massive whiteboard with numbers and words in what looked like german, and underneath that was a small (warm) fireplace. This looks more post-apocalypse.

Tord came back down and put a finger to his lips and both women shut up.

"Tamara, did you see anything?" He asks, voice hushed.
I turn to him "I think. I just saw something move."
He sighed "Either you were too noisy getting here," I glare at him and he smirks "hey, it's a possibility, or we were too loud playing cards. There's something up there, and I don't know whether its a monster or some type of weirdly pissed raccoon."
Tori looks at him with a raised eyebrow and Ell turns to her.
"Can't you just shoot it?" asks Ell, incredibly out of character.
"Better question," I say, glaring at her "why didn't you move me? I could have died! Or at least have left me a note?"
Tori gives me a look "We did."
"No, you didn't." I retaliate.
"Yea, I did."
"In what, german? I saw nothing." I glare at her.
"Norwegian and no, I le-"
"Tori hold left, du lager for mye lyd." Tord glared. (Tori shut up, you're making too much noise.)
"Fakk Deg." She hissed (Fuck you)
I glare at them "English? You both done with French?"
He rolled his eyes. "We were gonna come back for you in the morning, it's not like we were gonna leave you there."
"Like shit," I mutter, and Ell nudges me, picking up her cards and throwing them at Tord, who gasped silently and kicked the pack at her legs.
Tori came to lay her head on my lap, and in surprise and leftover pissy-ness, I promptly shoved her off. Looking a bit upset, she then grabbed a pillow and whacked me across the face, and I hit the wall with a thud.

Ell and Tord stopped and the four of us waited for clawing, death, thuds, but nothing happened. The two glared at us and went back to packing up their cards as we looked at each other and cracked up laughing. This is so fucking dumb. I threw a pillow at her, grinning.
She laughed "Pft, dust."
I look at her "Weirdo."
Tord looked at Tori sideways, and Tori ignored him, grinning.

Then right above me, there was a massive thud. Gasping, I bumped into Tori, who hissed and pinned me to the pillows and covered my mouth. 
The four of us froze, all looking at the spot I was occupying about a second ago, and after a while that seemed like a decade, relaxed. Then something fell through the roof.

I almost screamed and terrified, I grabbed the closest thing to me (a pillow), but Tori shoved me and grabbed the closest thing to her (a pillow) and then the thing came at us and Tord shot it (with a gun, which would have been wonderful if either Tori or I had it but sure) and it fell on Tori, which made her silently scream and flick it at me.

I looked down at the dead thing on my lap. It was a weird cat.

Tori looked at me, puzzled.

"That's a Lynx Tord." She said.
"That's weird, they're pretty shy around humans..." He started, but Ell waved her arms frantically and glared at him. He shut up.

As Tord once again disappeared up the stairs, Ell took out her phone and Tori and I followed suit.

"What's he doing?" messaged Ell.
"prob fixing lynx hole Tam made" typed Tori.
"That wasn't me!" I typed furiously.
Both of them looked up at their phones to look at me, sceptic.

"didn't make shit hole" I type back. Standing up and chucking my stuff to the back of the room, I turn my back. 
"She's sulking" whispers Tori. I ignore her.

Tord comes down a few moments later. Says something about a lynx, and ell giggles, and lights get turned off. I don't sleep, but I feel so tired I may as well have been out. Ell comes up behind me, and lies next to me.
I don't respond.
"Hey, Tamara?" she tries again, touching my shoulder.
I grunt and move her off, then roll over and see her grinning. "Sleep" I say, poking her back.
"You alright? This place is cool, right?" she says.
I smile up at her, and she smiles back, and I punch her in the knee.
"Fuck! Tam" she hisses, frowning. I grin and roll over, and she puts her back to me grinning. I fall asleep as soon as she's there.

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