Chapter Three - Silence Pt 1

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I wake up alone in a car.
First I hug myself. Wherever I am, it's freezing. I probably should have brought a blanket. Jeez, past Tamara is a dick. Then the blissful "I'm awake" vibes leave me and I move to stage two.

I started to freak out about the car (where the fuck am I? Whos damn car is this?) and then slowly began to freak out about Ell (where is she?) and then everything crashes down on me and I sit up, banging my head. I'm about to exclaim but then cover my mouth and breathe in slowly.

Twins. Ell. Monsters. Guns.


I breathe in slowly and slip off the chair, cursing whichever asshole runs this place for making me hit my head, I feel like it's imploded.

I try to slowly make my way to the front of the vehicle. Looking out the front, I see we're in a very frosty looking foresty looking place and a very small glass and brick shack lurk a while away through trees. It looks homey. Instead of doors, there are fabrics, and there's smoke coming from a brick makeshift chimney.

Taking a still sleep-induced step forward, I step on a floor like a trail covered in sand, hugging myself and hoping to the lords both above and below I would survive mild hyperthermia before I even got to the house.

Waling slowly and carefully, I walk towards the house, hoping Ell is safe inside.

As I walk, I realize I have to pay attention to the ground. When I came out of the truck, I was looking down anyway (in hindsight I probably should have been watching where I was going, but the cold made me suddenly worried about my bare feet) when I almost stepped on a rope with some sort of strange bell contraption tied to it. It must be for the monsters, but if it was so easy to step on, did they tell Ell to avoid it? My thoughts immediately spiraled downwards.

I eventually got to the front "door", or red silk looking cloth, and slowly slid it aside.

By the looks of things, siblings had lived here before. It was self-sustainable, complete with glass greenhouses built on the side and even a doorbell, but, once again stating the obvious, I realized things as noisy as glass and tools and, I mean obviously, doorbells wouldn't be as useful in this current situation.

I slowly part the curtain and look into what seems like a very simple, and very normal, living space. Dimish fairy lights illuminated a small, square room that had been made for a time before the creatures. Two corners of the room covered in pillows and blankets and tables lined with books and photos of five people all with dark brown hair, even a piano in the corner that almost made Tamara laugh with how unnecessary and loud all these things must be. The only thing that struck me as truly odd was a mattress lying in the third corner.

Wandering into the next room was a kitchen, all the draws replaced with strange compartments filled with canned foods and several wooden boxes filled with things like cookies and tea and ground coffee. The fairy lighting continued, but there was also a chimney-like thing with a rack. There was no stove or oven (must be the use of the rack) and the fridge seemed to have padding at the door to seemingly muffle the suctions sound, but I was skeptical of how well that should have worked. There was an elegantly padded Horigotatsu area with two unclean plates.

Out the back was a patio, the fairy lights circling the top of the ceiling not strong enough to illuminate the darkness that seemed to go on the further she looked out the glass. A gap in the glass with another sheet, this one looking like greenish linen, separated the inside from the outside. Thinking of Ell, I remember there was no one here. Maybe they'd gone out and left their stuff here? 

I see something shift and immediately back away. I need to find them.

I went back to the living room and looked around again, and yet Ell's bag wasn't there. It wasn't in the kitchen either, and as I looked through the glass (like hell I'm was going outside) I couldn't see anything on the patio either.

Beginning to freak out, I wondered if this was either Tori and Tord's house. The family in the pictures had brown hair, maybe they'd dropped by? But there was no one there? My head spun with overthinking and lingering tiredness. 

Heading back to the living room, I try to see if Tori or Tord are in the family in the picture. Tori and Tord (their hair is brown but Tori's eyes show off who they are) look to hold onto two women's hands with grinning expressions. The woman, much older, one with long hair and one with short, are grinning as a smaller girl stands in front of them, clinging to their spare arms.

Well, at least it's their house.

But where the fucking hell are they?

At once it all rains down on me.
For a family of five, there are no bedrooms and there was no bathroom. 
Even if all of this was solved simply by an outdoor toilet and sleeping together in the lounge, there were no phones or clothes, and there were no drawers to be seen (A/N from personal experience, drawers make a lot of noise, so it's fair the Laursen family got rid of them. They smart cookies.) and the jackets the siblings had worn looked as though they'd been hung up. There were no coat rackets.
They had carried guns, but not a gun in sight. Tord said he tinkered, but there was no shed outside (that was close, to be fair there could be one)and nothing inside that gave of experimental vibes. They had backpacks, and they were missing too.

And there was warmth coming from a chimney that seemed to come from further down.

I slowly look over to the weirdly placed, ominous-looking mattress, feeling my eyes bleach white.

Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

Slowly shifting the heavy mattress aside (Wow I'm weak) I see a small ladder, lit by more (mildly infuriating) fairy lights. I climb down, lift my head and shift the mattress, and promptly interrupt a very heated game of cards with the three people I want to currently throw through a window and burn.

"Oh," says Ell quietly. "you woke up."


Sorry for the small chapter, I just felt like I should upload and well, I guess the second part didn't tie into this even though its a filler chapter and random and okay I'm sorry I can't write.



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