Chapter Two: Not-exactly-Joy ride

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We look at the monster in front of us with his long, sharp black limbs. I slowly turn back to the poor girl and choke out a sob.
The girl was immediately on me, covering my mouth and I nod. She, still covering mouth, pulls me to my feet and pushes me to the wall. Going close to my ear and whispering in the barest whispers she tells me "They're sensitive to noise."

I nod, still hazy and confused from what happened. She smiles briefly and looks over the bench, her breath hitching. I get out from under her and watch her. She adopts a hard, readless expression and sighs.

My phone vibrates against my leg. Her eyes snap to me and mouths "company?" I nod and take it out of my pocket and as silently as I could, open my phone. It's Ell. 

"Tam," she's typed.

I hurriedly get up, feeling a odd numbness, and walk and open the door.

This is the worst I've seen her. Pale is an understatement, and she's on the ground crying. I hug her and she seems to sink in my arms.

The girl comes through the door and squeezes Ell's arm with a blank expression, and Ell jumps on her. She seems surprised and goes to push her off but we lock eyes and she freezes.
It's probably my eyes. After I took the surgery to gain my vision, and they turned black, most people have been almost scared of them.
But she didn't look scared. She looked curious and intrigued. She reaches out to put her hand on my face and I look into her eyes. They're silver, but a light, shining, moon-like silver. The sort that almost glows. I place my hand on hers.

Ell taps me on the shoulder, and I snapped back to reality. Monsters. Silence. Right.

"Are you okay?" She starts patting my shoulders and arms and lifts up my t-shirt to check my chest. I lightly slap her hand and stand up, away from the girl, and get out my phone to text Ell.
The girl immediately takes out her own, a brand I haven't seen before with sleek features and a padded case, and gives it to me. I tilt my head and then nod and give her my number.

First I text Ell. "we need to leave. there's a dead girl in the bottle shop"
"I know. When you were on the ground, I went and saw it." she reponds, shaking

"can we go" I ask. Fucking outside.
"Okay, but the shelter is so far away. We'd need a car to get there with the energy we have now. We're both tired." she texts back.

I then get a text from an anonymous number. Probably the woman.

"My names Tori. I've got a car out the front. My Brother is in there, do u guys have house?" 

"oddly convenient." I text back.


I make a group chat with the three of us and we all sit down again.
Tori types.
"I got a car out the front there. We should go to your shelter." types Tori.

Ell and Tori exchange details of shelters and I get up and walk back into the bottle shop. I brace myself and look over the counter. She still looks dead. Pretty fucking dead.

I get a sheet and slowly lean down to close her eyes. Then I take the sheet and place it over her. I avoid looking at the monster and walk back into the service station. Ell looks up and I nod.

We all get up and we follow Tori out to a white van and get inside. It's pretty big with a bus sort of shape and chairs on either side. I look at Ell. This is a car, and cars make noise. But she sits down and throws her bag, tired.

I get up and peered into the front seat. There's a man, identical to Tori and presumably her sibling, but slightly older looking. Leaning over and looking into the mirror, I want to see if his eyes look like Tori's, to see if they still have a moonlight that Tori's does, that curiosity, but he doesn't. They looked hopeless. Sad. Blank. Storm clouds.

"What? Who are you?" He whispers, and I pale as he reaches for a handgun and points at my head, but Tori gets in the front and slaps him. She says something in a foreign language, that I can't understand, and he rolls his eyes.

"Okay, okay, cal-" He begins again, but I cover my mouth and tilt my head. He looks confused and then laughs. Tori punches him.

"You can whisper honey. The cars muffled, so the engine makes enough noise to cover our talking. Tord's driving" Tori grinned.
"There's no other recorded monsters in this area," whispered the man, presumably Tord "The car noise should be fine. And Tori's got a gun anyway."

I look at her she holds up a gun, grinning. I gasp, realising she has a massive gash on her arm, but as I calm down I realise it isn't bleeding.
I lightly place my hand on her shoulder. "Is that... okay?" I'm whispering so quietly, I still feel like that monsters going to come.
"Hm?" She looks down. How could she not have realised a deep gash in her arm?
Tord realised too and he hit her over the head.
"Don't use your prosthetic arm as an excuse to fight Death Angels!" He whispered loudly, hitting her over the head again. We both shush him.
She raises her hand, grinning, but Tord looks mad.
"What are Death Angels?" I think aloud.
They both look at me confused, and then Tori grins.
Tori lightly karate chops me in the stomach. "Nightmare spicy dicy" she whispers.
"Beaty Meaty Eatey" teases Tord, smiling and starting the car.
"Gotta kill it will it" laughs Tori, and I leave to check on Ell before they can keep going.

I walk over and sit down next to Ell. She looks like she cried herself to sleep, and she must be exhausted, her bag discarded on the ground. I put my backpack next to hers and sit down on the seat in behind her, taking out my laptop and writing down the next chapter in my "diary." I started it when Ell started going out, and thought I might take the place of my Psychologist. I spend half a year wrestling the headphones out of the dumb plastic with my bare hands and plugged them in, listening to one of the 24 songs I downloaded; I think it might be love. But I couldn't focus; I kept thinking about stars and Tori's pretty eyes.

I press my forehead against the window and watch as it rains. I close my eyes. I'm so tired. This is why Ell must have made me stay inside. I feel so bad for threatening to scream now.

I feel one of the headphones leave my ears and I open one eye and look at Tori, who's grinning and listening to my music. I smile and look back out the window.

"You saved me," She whispered and looked down as I watched her through the window. "I was fighting one of them and when you screamed it was distracted. Thank You."
I look at her. Ironic; I would have died just because I couldn't handle a corpse. "Well you saved me. I couldn't even handle a dead body, and I didn't know about the Death..."
"Angels." she muttered.
"...Death Angels until you saved me. Otherwise I would have shut up. Thanks for that I... guess." I say begrudgingly. We both fall silent.
Tori perks up. "So... you'd owe me something?" she whispers.
"I mean... I guess..." I mumble.
I look at her confused; I barely know this woman, and she can shoot a gun. Even if she saved me, I have all rights to be cautious.
"Could you hold my hand?" She asks meekly.
I stutter, it's honestly a weird request because I've known her for what, an hour? I look at her strangely.

But I'm tired, and she's so sweet, and she did save my life.

I sigh . If I was fully awake (and not numb with realisation) I would have said no. Asked why the fuck she would think she could ask that after only just meeting her.. But instead I rested my hand in hers and smiled, looking out the window as the glow arose over the horizon, and I rested my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes.

I felt her prosthetic arm snake around my waist and I lean into her, drifting to a fitful sleep.

I'm going to hit myself when I wake up.


Sorry, I'm not that proud of this chapter! If things are unexplained, please tell me so I'm able to fix them.


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