1 ᠁ My Heart Is Fluttering For Him

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Before you continue, I implore you to read deeper. Something is wrong. Someone is lying.


📌ᴘɪɴɴᴇᴅ 📌

I have a crush on Lesley.

📌ᴘɪɴɴᴇᴅ 📌

Who tf is that ???? Vance ?? Marttel ????

- velveteen

lol fake news
just trying to stir up drama

- disappointingmyfams

prob lesley vance bc shes like the hottest girl in school
not saying that lesley marttel isnt but more likely u know hahaha

- rocketbabie

OMG it's like the first day can yall chill with this drama shit 

- imclosertoflowers


The "Academy of Dawn" sounded prestigious name for an average highschool. It was Lesley Vance's second year here. She scrolled down the list of classes for her name. 

"2-A," She muttered to herself. Wanwan was in her class this time again. She can at least have fun being distracted by her best friend's antics. And so was Lesley Marttel. Lesley can already foresee the confusion when calling their names. 

She jumped up to a surprise slap on her back.

"Les! We're in the same class!" Wanwan said happily. Lesley scrunched her nose and rubbed her neck in pain.

"Thank god, huh?"

"Yeah! But Claude isn't anymore. How sad," Lesley smirked and the Chinese girl gave an innocent shrug. She couldn't resist the urge for her smile to break into the giggles that made Wanwan roll her eyes and walk into the classroom. 

The two of them took the last row seats right beside the window, behind Lesley Marttel. From what she's heard, they had a lot in common that reached after beyond just first name. They both had waist length hair that they commonly braid, bangs that covered alternate sides of their face and a hobby for drawing. 

She was silently reading the book they were studying that year while the rest of the class buzzed. 

Lesley nudged Wanwan, "Have you finished reading the House of Bernada Alba?"

"Are you kidding? I haven't even started."

"It says in the holiday homework package that we're supposed to have finished it at least once before lessons start."

"Then, have you?"

Lesley looked to the side for a moment then back at her, "No?"

They giggled.

"But... She's here." Wanwan said, pointing at Lesley Marttel, who was sitting in front of them. She had earpieces in and was reading a book, "Doesn't that mean I'm in a good class?"

"Obviously not since I'm also here."

They laughed again. 

"Hey, hey, HEY!" A boisterous voice shouted from the door. Wanwan immediately jumped up and screamed his name in response, "CLAUDE!"

They ran to each other into a tight hug. The others in the room momentarily pause to gawk, laugh and wrinkle their brows. Lesley crossed her arms and grinned, both with second hand embarrassment and disbelief that they haven't realized their very obvious feelings for each other. 

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