6 ᠁ She Doesn't Pick Up On My Signs

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📌ᴘɪɴɴᴇᴅ 📌

Have ya'll watched the Hunter?

📌ᴘɪɴɴᴇᴅ 📌

the characters are likeable but the CGI is terrible

- sinking.n_dying

no :(

- peachhss.joonie

why pay money to watch it when you can pirate it on 123movies.com

- elfester


He was still fuming. It's wasn't just about the competition now. Gusion caught up to him. He wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Granger... Claude doesn't mean those things."


He slowed down when he say who was standing by the school gate. Lesley Vance. Her bag was slung over her left shoulder and her magenta braid rested on the other. She looked up from her phone when he approached. She doesn't seem too happy. 

Granger now regretted his outburst. If he had handled things with Claude calmly, maybe he wouldn't have turned his friend group against him. He tried walking briskly. Maybe he could shake Gusion off and prevent Lesley from following. 

It didn't work.

"Granger, slow down," Lesley jogged to keep up with him. 

He slowed down.

The two of them walked beside him. 

"You don't even know why Claude put your name on the list," Gusion tried to reason.

"Don't know, don't care," He said without thinking, then regretted it immediately. He really did sound like a dick. 

"He doesn't know either. Why you don't want to join."

Granger opted to shut up. That really was the best way of preventing worse assumptions of him. 

"He doesn't need to," Lesley interrupted. Granger looked at her, surprised. He had fully expected her to take Claude's side like everyone else.

"If he doesn't want to play, he doesn't want to. No one is owed an explanation."

Gusion had no reply. That was the first Granger had seen of the smooth boy. 

Lesley placed a hand on Granger's arm and rubbed it, like he'd seen her do whenever her friends were upset. It calmed it. 

"Is there really no way you can pull out?"


The three of them walked in silence, drowning in three different pools of thought. 


Wanwan's mother was ecstatic to find out she was attending class. But her sister, as usual, was cynical. The only "praise" she received was in the form of a sarcastic, snarky comment. Wanwan was determined to prove Meiling wrong, and finally take her place in her mother's line of proud children. 

Or she would, if she hadn't been... enticed... 

See, the tuition centre was at the top floor of the mall. She and Lesley passed by a movie theatre that smelled of popcorns. 

"Let's a box," Wanwan nudged her. Her eyes and nose only fueled her mouth's desires. 

"I don't think we can eat in the tuition centre."

Raining FlowersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora