Do you love me too?

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"Dance with me!" Sean yells excitedly noticing rain starting to fall. He throws his head back taking in the rare occasion of california rain and jumps around in nearby puddles ready to splash the girl in front of him.

"I thought you said you loved rain Kayc, yet here you are hiding under an umbrella," Sean points out, laughing at the girl who ran back inside to grab an umbrella as he stayed dancing in the rain.

"I do but I don't want to get my hair wet," she replies.

Sean nods understanding and joins Kaycee under her umbrella. Although he'd much rather be jumping up and down all over the place, he takes the umbrella from her and holds it for them, shielding them away from the drops falling past them. She did just get her hair done after all, and he wouldn't want his perfectly styled hair to get ruined immediately after it was done too.

"What happened to miss sunnyside up, you told me you loved it when it was super sunny out," Sean asks as the brunette pulls him under the shade of a nearby tree.

"I don't want to get a tan," Kaycee says and takes a seat on the grass hiding away from the sun under the protection of the tree.

It was such a beautiful day out, the sun shining high above them and it brought warmth to his face. It was the perfect day for a picnic so that's what he planned for them to do. He cooked a delicious homemade lunch of all her favorite foods to enjoy under the bright sunshine, but if she'd rather sit in the shade then he'd gladly sit with her.

"So I'm guessing when you said you loved a nice breeze, you didn't really mean it," Sean laughs at the girl who was running around closing all her windows.

"Shut up and help me would you," she shoots back at him.

He puts his hands up in surrender and helps her out with the windows. He stands at one for a bit taking in the nice breeze, thinking about how it'd was a wonderful time to go out and fly a kite or out for a walk. She preferred to stay in and to watch a movie instead and that was fine with him. He tells her to get comfortable on the couch while he handles all the snacks wanting her to relax as much as possible. He comes back bowls of popcorn ready, and slides in right beside her. He smiles when she leans her head on his chest, settling down ready for the next couple hours in front of the tv. Sean looks outside the window, and would have loved to be outside right now but it was okay. As long as he was wherever Kaycee was, that was enough for him. Whatever she wants to do, even if means watching hours of spongebob for days in a row, Sean would do it without question.

"I love you," Sean says to her one day while cooking breakfast for the two of them. He has a glimmer in his eye, the same one he always has when she was around and his heart beat like a steady drum.

"I love you too," Kaycee tells him finally looking up from her phone. She sets it down on the counter and walks over to his side.

"Yeah?" he asks her.

"What, you don't believe me?" she teases him.

"Honestly I don't know," he replies quietly, "you told me you loved a lot of things but you always ran away from them so I'm afraid of you telling me you love me too."

"Sean," she starts, a guilt forming inside her.

He turns the stove off and they go take a seat at the table. She opens her mouth again to finish but sean stops her, he had something to get off his chest, "You say a lot of the right things Kayc, you really do. And you know just when to say them too. My heart skips a beat everytime you tell me you love me. But, you can tell me you love me a million times, it doesn't mean you mean it. You never show me any reasons to believe you do. If you can't put your words into action then, do they really mean anything?"

Kaycee immediately sits up and runs the windows, she opens all of them letting the breeze outside roll into the home. Then she goes back to sean and leads him outside to the lake house's back deck. He mumbles words of confusion but she continues outside without a single word. Outside, the sun glares and shines right above their heads, it's rays hitting every inch of the earth beneath them. The gentle breeze flys past them, and puts a smile on Sean's face.

Kaycee takes Sean's hand and laces their fingers together. She counts all the ways he's shown that he loves her and hopes she'll show him enough too.

Us and the Rainbow (Sean & Kaycee One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now