ii. when they arrived

Começar do início

Taylor tried not to think about him, tried not to imagine his smile or his laugh or his teasing, and instead focused on the ground beneath her feet. Yes, she could do that. The secrets buried beneath layers of rock and dirt revealed themselves to her freely if she chose to receive them. It was a knowledge, an intuition and a feeling deep inside her chest. Somehow she knew what was there. Every speck of dirt, every tiny pebble. She'd become quite adept at blocking all the little things out, enabling her to quickly detect larger things like bones or shards of pottery or metals. The ability had made her career as an archeologist and explorer.

Sierra led them up the beach and through a shallow pass, where they waded through knee-high grass to eventually reach a path leading into the forest. "It's a bit of a trek," Sierra said, taking a pause, "but it's pretty nice. The scenery here is gorgeous, and best of all, it's untouched. All these woods and mountains and rivers and waterfalls—most of them have never come into contact with humans."

Sierra glanced over at Elias, who was listening silently. He hadn't said a word since the beach, being a good sport and hiking along, even offering to carry some of Taylor's gear. He'd always been protective of her, even though she wasn't his mother, and that concern for her welfare had only increased after Riyad's disappearance.

They headed up a hill, trees rising up all around them, branches sticking out and snagging their clothes. Taylor moved to the side to avoid a patch of devil's club in the path. The plant's tiny thorns on the underside of the leaves would be painful if they came into contact with bare skin, not to mention the longer thorns adorning the thick stems.

Her calves were burning despite the endurance she'd built up over the years, and she looked back to check on Elias. "You good?" she asked, trying to read the expression on his face.

He looked up. "What? Yeah."

"Eli, I know this is hard for you," she said, trying to gauge his response and failing. "It's tough for both of us. But I just want you to know that I'm glad you decided to come. I think your dad would have wanted you to."

Elias blinked a couple times, looking away. "Yeah," he said, swallowing. "He would have."

"This'll only be for a couple of weeks, okay? It'll go by fast."

Elias nodded, and Taylor glanced back up the path. Sierra had gotten a ways ahead and was waiting for them on the next little hill.

"We can talk more later," she said, and judging by Elias's expression, he wasn't looking forward to it. Taylor tilted her head toward the path. "We gotta catch up. Can't keep Aunt Sierra waiting."

• • •

When they arrived at the camp—a clearing with a few tents set up and a fire pit in the center—they were greeted by an enthusiastic college student bounding in, announcing that he and the others had found something.

Sierra let one of the bags slide off her shoulder and onto the ground, the image of calm. "What did you find, Derek?"

Derek's voice vibrated with excitement. "A lean-to—way back in the woods. I think someone lived there."

"Pretty sure that's what shelters are for." Sierra gestured to Taylor. "Derek, I'd like you to meet my cousin, Taylor Sloan."

Derek stuck out a hand. He looked in his very early twenties, just out of his teenage years, and possessed an easy-going demeanor that matched his friendly smile. "Nice to meet you, Dr. Sloan. I've read a lot about your discoveries. I'm a big fan."

A small, reluctant smile pulled at her mouth, and she did he polite thing and thanked him. She was relatively famous in the archeological world for all the places she'd found or assisted in finding. She tried to keep her skills quiet, having never told anyone about them but a select few, but rumors still ran rampant about her mysterious ability to know exactly what was buried in the ground.

Her attention was drawn back to the conversation as Sierra rattled off some comment about Taylor's work and then introduced Elias.

"Hey, man. Nice to meet you." Derek shook Elias's hand, his manner open and curious. "Are you one of Doctor Sloan's students?"

"No. I'm still in high school," Elias said, shaking his head. "I'm just here with Taylor. She's my guardian."

"Oh, cool." Derek glanced from Elias to Taylor. "Well, you must be awfully lucky to live with an archeologist. Especially one as well-known as Taylor Sloan. I'd kill to be able to learn her secrets."

"Derek, where did you say the others were?" Sierra asked, pulling the conversation back to the previous subject.

Derek pushed a hand through his dark blond hair, his eyes lighting as he recalled the reason for his return to camp. "Back at the lean-to."

"Derek, are you sure there isn't someone living in this shelter right now?"

He paused, his shoulders lifting in a shrug. "It looked abandoned. And we're supposed to be the only ones on the island, right?"

Sierra let out an exasperated sigh. "Hold on while I get these guys settled." She showed them where they'd be staying; Elias would share a tent with the other male students and Taylor would bunk with Sierra. Taylor dropped her bags on the cot already set up across from her cousins, casting a quick glance around the small structure. Consisting of canvas stretched over a frame and pinned down at the edges, the tent was actually tall enough to stand up fully. Taylor noted the only slightly warmer air inside and was glad she'd brought a heavy-duty sleeping bag. Hearing voices from outside, she left the tent and joined the others.

Sierra placed her hands on her hips and looked expectantly at Taylor and Elias. "Well? Shall we go see this shelter Derek and the others found?"

Beneath This Lonely Ground [ ONC2020 ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora