28 - The Regeneration

Start from the beginning

I was getting changed in mine and the Doctor's room when suddenly a pain shoots into my shoulder, like being shot and suddenly the Tardis starts to go out of control. "What the hell happened, T?" I ask. A buzz runs through me. "Mels did what?" I shout as I make my way to the console room.
"You've shot it! You shot my Tardis! You shot the console!" I hear the Doctor yelling as I walk into the console room.
"Mels, why the hell would you shoot the Tardis?" I ask her as I grip my shoulder.
"It's his fault!" Mels points to the Doctor and he gapes at her.
"How's it my fault?" The Doctor asks, before coming over to me. "Are you okay?"
"No, Mels shot the Tardis, that's like shooting me!" I shout at him.
"You said guns didn't work in this place. You said we're in a state of temporal grace." Mels explains.
"That was a clever lie, you idiot! Anyone could tell that was a clever lie." The Doctor shouts back.
"Oi, don't call her an idiot, it doesn't help. And Mels, next time he seems to give you a clever little fact to stop you from doing something. Do not do it! And definitely do not shoot the Tardis, she does not appreciate it!" I yell trying to get the Tardis to stop freaking out. "It's okay, T, calm down!" I shout over the noise.

When we finally get the Tardis to land the Doctor and I rush to get everyone out.
"Out, out, out!" The Doctor shouts. "Everybody out. Don't breathe the smoke, just get out!" The Doctor says as we finally shepherd everyone out of the Tardis.
"Where are we?" Amy asks as she, Rory and Mels cough.
"A room." The Doctor replies.
"What room?" Rory asks and I roll my eyes, the pain in my shoulder not making me the most pleasant.
"Oh, I don't know what room, sorry, I had the day off yesterday, didn't have the chance to memorise every room in the universe." I grumble to him sarcastically.
"Mels, don't go in there." The Doctor scolds as Mels tries to go back in. He stops her and takes her gun away. "Bad smoke. Don't breathe the bad, bad smoke. Bad, deadly smoke because someone shot my Tardis!" The Doctor shouts.
"Doctor. This guy, I think he's hurt." Rory states, crouching down by a man with Amy. "No, hang on. No, he's fine." Rory adds surprised as the man continues to lie there. The Doctor then walks away and I follow him as he tries to work out what to do with the gun. I walk over to him as he stands at the desk putting the gun in the fruit bowl before seeing a man groaning and clambering up from the floor.
"Oo, hello. Sorry, is this your office? Had a sort of collision with my vehicle. Faults on both sides, let's say no more about..." The Doctor fades off and we both face a man we have never wanted to meet. "it." He finishes his sentence. I stand with my mouth slightly open as Rory and Amy step closer behind us, whispering.
"Is that? No, it can't be, Doctor?" Amy whispers frantically.
"Thank you, whoever you are. I think you have just saved my life." Hitler says.
"Believe us, it was an accident." I say to him with a slight stutter.
"What is this thing?" Hitler turns his attention to the Tardis and walking towards it. Amy and Rory come around so that they're facing us.
"What did he mean, we saved his life? We could not have just saved Hitler." My sister says sounding disgusted.
"Well, apparently we just did." I whisper before turning with my hands in my hair, freaking out a little. "Oh my God we just saved Adolf Hitler's life, I'm going to hell." I mutter to myself.
"You see? You see? Time travel, it never goes to plan." The Doctor hisses annoyed to Mels.
"This box, what is it?" Hitler asks bringing our attention back to him. I whip my head around to face him.
"It's a police telephone box from London, England. That's right, Adolf. The British are coming." I tell him putting on my best English accent, but his attention isn't on me as I hear someone getting up behind me. I turn to see the man who was on the floor now standing up. Hitler's hand raises towards him whilst the other reaches for his holster.
"No, stop him!" He announces before raising his gun and aiming, as I duck he begins to shoot at the man a few times before Rory punches him in the face, making him drop the gun and grabs it off the floor, pointing it at the now kneeling Hitler.
"Sit still! Shut up!" Rory says and I smile at him impressed.
"Go Rory!" I shout happily, as Amy goes over to the man Hitler had shot multiple times.
"Are you okay?" Amy asks helping him off of the floor.
"Yes, yes. Yes, I'm fine, I think he missed." The man replies and I look over to the Doctor, unconvinced as he walks over to me and takes my arm gently checking me over.
"He was going to kill me." Hitler tries to defend his actions but none of us cared.
"Shut up, Hitler!" Rory repeats.
"Seriously, none of us give a damn about what that man was going to do, because we don't care about you, at all." I say to him with a short side-glance, seeing his shock at my disrespect before looking back to the Doctor, assuring him I was okay, silently. I push past him walking over to the man, getting right up to his face and looking in his eyes, something felt wrong about him.
"Are you okay?" I ask as the Doctor comes up next to me.
"Oh... I...." He says before quite smoothly collapsing to the floor as Rory comes back from locking Hitler in the cupboard.
"I think he just fainted." Rory says as the four of us look down at the unconscious man.
"Yes, that was a faint. A perfect faint." The Doctor says and I smile at a thought.
"May as well have put a hand to his forehead and sighed as he fell so dramatically." But no one reacted to my comment as the other's eyes turned to something behind me.
"Mels?" Amy asks and I spin around to see her holding her side and my eyebrows crease as I start to walk towards her.
"Hitler." She says, a bitter, toothy smile on her face.
"What about him?" I ask reaching her and taking her hand as she pulls it away.
"Lousy shot." She says as I feel sticky blood on my hands and my heart drop.
"No, no, no." I say as she drops and the other three run over Amy yelling, as I catch her in my lap, stroking her face with my stained, shaky hands.
"Mels." Amy mutters over and over trying to keep her aware.
"Rory!" The Doctor shouts.
"I've got to stop the bleeding." Rory says pressing down on the gunshot and panic started to run through me and I struggled to breathe.
"How bad is it? Rory, what can we do?" Amy asks.
"Just keep her conscious. Stay with us, Mels." Rory replies.
"Hey, hey, look at me." I say through jagged breaths, looking over her and she looks up at me and I force a smile. "Just hold on, you're gonna be fine."
"I used to dream about you two, together. All those stories you and Amy used to tell me." Mels says and I smile at her.
"But you always said you'd fight me to marry him." I laugh through teary eyes.
"I just liked to watch you fight for him. Your wedding would be one I'd go to." She says and I sniff laughing again.
"You know what, good idea, let's get married. You stay alive and you can see us get married, deal?" The Doctor says.
"I can sit in the front row with my parents." She says and blocking out logic I nodded and smiled.
"Yeah, you and Amy my maids of honour, it will be perfect."
"Yep in fact we can do it straight after, call your parents as soon as your better and we can shoot off to Vegas, yeah?" The Doctor says.
"Might as well invite them now, they're both right here." Mel says and my head shoots up as I look from Amy to Rory to the Doctor and my eyes widen as everyone else reacts similarly. "Penny in the air." She says as a golden glow surrounds her and the Doctor gets up, backing away. "Penny drops." She says looking at her hands, as I stay sat with Rory and Amy.
"What the hell is going on?" Rory shouts, freaked out.
"Back! Back! Back! Get back!" The Doctor shouts as she starts to get up and I back away so I'm on one side of Mels and the Doctor, Amy and Rory are on the other. Mels gets up and starts to back towards me and I move around the side of her so I'm over from the other three but still backed away from Mels.
"Last time I did this, I ended up a toddler in the middle of New York." She says.
"Doctor, explain what is happening, please." Amy begs and I look over to them.
"Mels. Short for..." The Doctor says.
"Melody." Mels says.
"Yeah, I named my daughter after her." Amy confirms.
"You named your daughter, after you daughter." I say.
"It took me years to find you three. I'm so glad I did. Mom and dad, overprotective but caring, and the crazy aunt who turns out to be a lot more like a best friend. It all worked out in the end, didn't it. You got to raise me after all." Mels says.
"You're Melody?" Amy asks, not being able to take it in.
"But if she's Melody, that means that she's also-" Rory tries to say.
"Oh shut up, Dad. I'm focusing on a dress size." Mels says as her body bursts with energy and she screams out and we all duck down as we look up to see the one and only, River Song.


Omg guys!!!

I'm so glad to be updating again, I freaking missed these guys. As I said last time, after this episode we're skipping some, all the way to the one I think everyone's waiting for. But I'm planning on writing the ones in between a little later on. I will get to it, I promise! Hope that the wait for the continuation of this story was worth it. I love you all so much, I'm honestly blown away by all the support I've had over the two books so far. I mean I'm nearly at 60,000 reads for the first book, that is actually crazy and almost 15,000 on this one. Honestly thank you so much for the support guys, you really are the ones who make me want to continue this book and I love writing it for you!!

PS: I've literally put this on my personal statement for Uni XD

Lizzy Briton

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