05 ~ The Astronaut

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As we reach the bottom I stop dead in my tracks as we're faced with the aliens from the bathroom again, but this time there are more. I gasp, surprised and scared by their sudden appearance, River sees them too. "Riv, don't take your eyes off of them." I instruct, my voice breathy and gasping as I try to remember to breathe.
"We need to go back and tell the others." She replies breathlessly turning away and scrambling back up the ladder. Causing my attention to be ripped from the aliens and I felt the memories of the aliens drift away quickly and the feeling is replaced with déjà vu as I hurry after my friend. Reaching the top River helps me up. "All clear. Just tunnels. Nothing down there I can see. Er, give me five minutes. I want to take another look around." River helps me up.
"Stupidly dangerous!" The Doctor tells us.
"Oh please." I scoff.
"You definitely not, you are staying with me." He tells me as River climbs back in and going down.
"Rory, would you mind going with her?" I give up, knowing the Doctor won't let me go.
"Yeah, a bit." He complains and I pout at him.
"I'd appreciate it even more." I say sticking out my bottom lip and he groans, allowing a smile to spread across my face and the Doctor and I leave him to follow after River as he calls out for her to wait up.

We decide to carry on investigating whilst River and Rory, but we don't stray far from the room and Ryan and I wander off, exploring the area, looking around in the boxes. "So between you and me, who are you really?" I question crouching on the floor as I tear my way through some straw to reveal another suit.
"You know I can't tell you that, Mackenzie." Ryan replies laughing lightly at my pathetic attempt to discover his true identity.
"What about River, you're not River, I mean sure she's full of spoilers but they can't be that big." I try to compromise with him.
"You know the rules of time travel, Mackenzie." He answers simply, not giving in.
"Ok, so is me asking why you call me Mackenzie also a forbidden answer?" I ask standing up and moving to the other side of the room finding nothing of interest where I was first at.
"Not if I answer it carefully." He replies and I send him a sly smile.
"I love a clue." I tell him looking down to the box I was now sifting through.
"I know," He laughs back. "and it's because there's not people who call you Kenzie in the future. To new people you start introducing yourself as Guardian, and you only let close family call you by your name and, the Doctor always introduces you as Mackenzie. Kenz stopped sticking as much." He tells me and I think about his answer, as I try to imagine introducing myself as the Guardian.
"So you're like River. When you first meet us we'll know everything about you and you'll know nothing about us?" I ask.
"No, my timeline is a lot less complicated than River's... I met you and the Doctor very young, and there won't ever be a point from now on where neither of us are unknown to each other. I meet you all over the place, for example, clast time I saw you, you knew practically everything about me, but the time before that and now, I'm still a mystery." He tells me and I watch him and watch as he awkwardly pauses as he tries to explain when he first met the Doctor and I but I don't reply with another question, I simply nod, accepting that that was probably the most I was going to get out of him. "The only thing I need you to know is you can trust me." He says, sounding like it was the most important thing that we do.
"I do, I just can't help but wonder who you are." I tell him after a few moments of silence before I stand up brushing off the fake dust and straightening out my jacket as I decide there is nothing of interest in this room and walk back into the other one.

As Ryan and I walk back into the room with the Doctor, Amy and Canton, we're welcomed by the sound of the child's cries. "Help me! Help! Help me!" The child cries out and I watch Canton take out a pistol and hurry towards the voice, whilst Amy curls in on herself groaning as the Doctor and I instantly run over to Amy, Ryan standing in front of us holding a gun I hadn't realised he had.
"Amy?" I ask worriedly as she leans against the Doctor.
"I need to tell you something, it's important." Amy says to him, ignoring me as my head whips in the direction that Canton ran off in.
"Doctor!" Canton calls for our attention but I turn back to Amy as the Doctor looks from Amy to Canton's direction.
"It's really, really important." Amy says, looking to me finally and I can see the importance of it in her eyes.
"Amy?" I ask concerned for my older sister.
"What, now?" The Doctor simply replies pulling Amy in the direction of Canton, Ryan and I quickly in suit. Ryan takes a hold of Amy as the Doctor and I run ahead, stopping at a  corner and gesturing for the other two to stay quiet as we turn the corner to see Canton lying on the floor.
"Canton?" I call out running over to him, the Doctor beside me as we crouch beside him.
"Canton, are you okay?" The Doctor asks before I check him over.
"Is he alright?" Ryan asks.
"Yeah, he's just unconscious. Got a proper whack." I tell them as I check his head.
"Guys, I need to tell you something and I have to tell you it now." Amy says.
"Not a great moment." The Doctor replies going back to Canton; I look up to my sister seeing how scared and worried she looks right now.
"Aims? What's wrong?" I ask her, the girl cries out again, her voice getting louder. And she kneels down as she takes my questions as the chance to tell us and looking me right in the eyes, fear evident in both.
"I'm pregnant." She tells us and I feel my heart rise and drop at the same time, we didn't know the effects of being on the Tardis and being pregnant, plus the predicament we were in at the moment didn't help settle my suddenly raging nerves however I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of excitement at the thought of having a niece or nephew, so I have no idea what look my face was expressing at the news but heavy footsteps behind Amy divert my attention and my excitement plummets as I see the astronaut approaching us the Doctor and I stand up, Ryan stepping beside me as we watch the astronaut come towards us. "That's it. The astronaut." Amy mutters and I look down to Amy trying to predict what she's thinking as the astronaut stops and lifts its arms as if reaching for us and I feel my body go cold as I watch the action that seems calm and peaceful and I don't see Amy throw herself to the ground reaching for  Canton's gun as the astronaut lifts its visor to reveal the small girl as she calls out and I barely notice Amy yelling for us to get down, as I take a step towards the child, and Amy turns to her too, gun raised
"What are you doing?" The Doctor asks Amy panic stricken and everything seems to go in slow motion as Amy aims her gun and I turn wide eyed as I realise what she's doing.
"Saving your life!" Amy yells.
"Amy, no!" I scream as the other two yell at her whilst Amy pulls the trigger, releasing a bang as I spin, teary eyed, towards the little girl.

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