07 ~ Spacesuit

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As I walk down another hall I hear the familiar voice of the girl and I run down it trying to figure out who the girl is but I hear a door slam a little way down from where I was and I then hear a scream that I recognised as Amy's. "Amy!" I yell running faster, reaching the door where I could hear her screams behind it.
"Help me! Please. I can't see. Somebody, help me." Amy yells.
"Amy!" I yell, banging on the door trying to kick it open. "Amy! Amy I'm here, open the door, what's happening?!" I yell back to her, terrified for my sister's life.
"I can't see, help me!" She screams as I hear gunshots.
"Amy! I'm here, I'm here Amy just tell me what's going on!" I shout, kicking at the metal door, but it won't budge. "Amy, please hold on!" I cry out, dreading what I'd see if I opened the door.
"Help me. Please, I can't. I can't see. Somebody help me." Amy cries from inside the room, causing tears to gather in my eyes at my sister freaked out tone.
I hear someone approaching and I get ready to fight, but I see it's Canton. "Canton! It's Amy she's been trapped in here and she isn't replying to me." I manage to stutter out.
"Amy, I'm going to try to blow the lock. I need you to stand back." Canton calls through the door pushing me gently to the side as I anxiously watch in wait before I hear the Doctor call.
"Okay, gun down. I've got it." He says sonicking the lock opening the door and the two of us push ourselves into the room to see the only humanoid object in the room is a spacesuit. A quivering sigh escapes my lips as I feel my hands begin to shake when I realise Amy's not here. I feel someone take my hands and see it's Ryan. He's looking at me worriedly and I know he thinks it's a panic attack but I push him away, in my way of showing him it's not, as I stand beside the Doctor watching him scan things. River goes to the space suit looking in.
"It's empty." She tells us.
"It's dark. So dark. I don't know where I am. Please, can anybody hear me?" Amy's voice calls and I look to the source of the sound horror filling me as I see her nanorecorder on the floor. Rory picks it up and stands up looking at the flashing object.
"They took this out of her. How did they do that, Doctor?" Rory asks as I feel my legs go weaker as the Doctor wraps his arm around my waist, knowing I'm trying to hold myself together as much as possible as I force back tears. "Why can I still hear her?" Rory asks sorrowfully.
"Is it a recording?" River asks. The Doctor scans it looking at his sonic. The usual excited buzz that I received from this group had disappeared and was left with a sad group of time travellers and humans and whatever Ryan, is worried about their friend.
"Er, it defaults to live. This is current. Wherever she is right now, this is what she's saying." The Doctor replies awkwardly and I grasp at his hand squeezing my eyes shut trying to block out the sound of my vulnerable and scared older sister. He pulls me into a hug as I rest my head on his chest listening as Rory tries to speak to Amy.
"Amy, can you hear me? We're coming for you. Wherever you are, we're coming, I swear." Rory promises but stops as the Doctor talks.
"She can't hear you. I'm so sorry. It's one way." He says to him as I look to Rory, half my face pressed against the Doctor's chest.
"She can always hear me, Doctor. Always. Wherever she is, and she always knows that I am coming for her. Do you understand me? Always." He says and I watch him sadly feeling myself start to shake again and the Doctor holds me tighter.
"Doctor, Kenz, are you out there? Can you hear me? Doctor? Mackenzie? Oh, God. Please, please, Doctor, just get me out of this." Amy cries quietly through the radio and I can't help but look away from Rory, feeling slightly guilty.
"He's coming. I'll bring him, I swear." Rory says as another voice comes from outside the room, in the hallway. Canton raises his gun, but I already recognise the voice as Renfrew and by my lack of interest in him the Doctor doesn't react either.
"Hello? Is somebody there?" Renfrew asks entering the room as we all watch the poor man. "I think someone has been shot. I think we should help. We c..." He fades off, forgetting already. "I can't re... I can't remember." With that I let go of the Doctor and he takes my hand and we both hurry towards Refrew's office being led by himself. As we reach the office we see one of the creatures writhing, having been shot by Canton. The Doctor and I walk towards it, kneeling in front of it. "Okay... Who and what are you?" The Doctor asks it, Skeptically.
"Silence, Doctor and Guardian. We are the Silence." It says and both our eyes widen as we remember the past encounters we'd had with the mentions of the silence. "And Silence will fall."

Back at the Warehouse River, Ryan, the Doctor and I are working on the astronaut's suit, using the alien technology. "It's an exoskeleton. Basically, life support. There's about twenty different kinds of alien tech in here." I say to the three of them reading off of a scanner that I'd been given by River.
"Who was she? Why put her in here?" The Doctor asks.
"You put this on, you don't even need to eat. The suit processes sunlight directly. It's got built in weaponry, and a communications system that can hack into anything." I tell him looking up to Ryan and River to see them watching me. "What?"
"Are you okay?" Ryan asks hesitantly, everyone going silent a moment.
"Don't ask me that, this isn't about me." I say emotionlessly looking back at my scanner.
"Including the telephone network?" The Doctor asks, trying to move the conversation on, knowing I don't want to talk about it.
"Easily." River replies.
"But why phone the President?" Ryan asks us.
"It defaults to the highest authority it can find. The little girl gets frightened, the most powerful man on Earth gets a phone call. The night terrors with a hotline to the White House." I say.
"Kenz, she's your sister, you're allowed to be emotional." River says obviously a little frustrated at how easily I turned Ryan's question down.
"River, not now." I tell her, a warning tone in my voice. River and I had spent a lot of time together these past few months, we knew each other as well as we were allowed to at this point and I was always open to her about my feelings, but there came points, like now where I just want to work through it, not talk about it. We turn around to see the Doctor licking his envelope. "You won't learn anything from that envelope, love." I tell him.
"Purchased on earth. Perfectly ordinary stationery. Tardis blue. Summoned by a stranger who won't even show his face. That's a first, for me." The Doctor says and I scoff at the man.
"Ever wondered why? Maybe because they don't want you to know." I tell him but he waves me off with a smile so I know he isn't serious.
"How about you?" The Doctor asks River.
"Our lives are back to front. Your future's my past. Your firsts are my lasts." River says cryptically.
"That's not really what I asked." The Doctor tells her.
"Ask something else, then." River replies as I look back to my scanner, bored by the conversation.
"What are the Silence doing, raising a child?" The Doctor asks sarcastically.
"Keeping her safe, even giving her independence." River says. 
"The only way to save Amy is to work out what the Silence are doing." I say.
"I know." Rory says behind me, not sure what to do with himself.
"And every single thing we learn about them brings us a step closer." I evaluate.
"Yeah, Kenz, I get it. I know." Rory says.
"Of course, it's possible she's not just any little girl." Ryan suggests.
"Well, I'd say she's human, going by the life support software." I reply looking at the scanners.
"But?" The Doctor pushes.
"She climbed out of this suit. Like she forced her way out. She must be incredibly strong." I tell them.
"Incredibly strong and running away. I like her." The Doctor states.
"We should be trying to find her." River says to us.
": Yes, I know. But how? Anyway, I have the strangest feeling she's going to find us." The Doctor replies, as the television turns on.
"Apollo 11, this is Houston. How do you read? Over." A voice says over it.
"Why does it look like a NASA spacesuit?" Rory asks finally walking towards us as the Doctor walks to the telly.
"Because that's what the Silence do. Think about it. They don't make anything themselves. They don't have to. They get other life forms to do it for them." I figure out looking between the Doctor and Ryan as they both nod in agreement as they listen.
"So they're parasites." Ryan concludes.
"Superparasites, standing in the shadows of human history since the very beginning. We know they can influence human behaviour any way they want. If they've been doing that on a global scale for thousands of years." The Doctor extends going on.
"Then what?" Rory asks.
"Then why did the human race suddenly decide to go to the Moon?" I ask.
"Because the Silence needed a spacesuit." The Doctor answers my question as the rocket blasts off from Apollo 11.

The Time Lord's Hope [2] • Doctor WhoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ