09 ~ Last Time

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Once we talk with the President and say goodbye to Canton we leave to drop off River back at Stormcage. "You could come with us." The Doctor offers to River and Ryan. "Both of you."
"I escape often enough, thank you. And I have a promise to live up to. You'll understand soon enough." River promises the two of us.
"Okay. Up to you. See you next time. Call us if you need us." The Doctor calls as he backs away towards the Tardis.
"What, that's it? What's the matter with you?" River asks seeming a little offended by the lack of something and I turn to look at Ryan to see him smiling sadly. The Doctor pauses before he turns back around and walks over with a confused look.
"Have I forgotten something?" The Doctor asks genuinely.
"Oh, shut up." River laughs and pulls him into a really tight hug. He seems unsure as to what to do as he's being embraced. She finally lets go as the Doctor waved his arms around .
"Right. Okay. Interesting." The Doctor says thoughtfully to himself and I watch River as I realise the disappointed look on her face.
"What's wrong? You're acting like we've never done that before." River infers frowning a little at him and I give her a sad smile when she looks to me, confused.
"We haven't." The Doctor replies as if it's obvious, obviously not thinking about the fact that our time lines are messed up.
"We haven't?" River mutters in disbelief, obviously not wanting it to be true.
"Oh , look at the time." The Doctor exclaims, looking at a nonexistent watch on his wrist. "Must be off." He starts to back away from Ryan, River and I back to the Tardis. "It was very nice. Unexpected." He reaches the door and pauses. "You know what they say. There's a first time for everything." He then gives River and Ryan a curt wave before going into the Tardis.
"And a last." River murmurs before turning to me, teary eyed. "Don't tell me we've never hugged before, please." River pleads and I smile to her.
"Don't worry, you're still going to be hugging me for a long time yet." I promise her embracing her as I say it, she nods, understanding. "I'd better go, but I'll see you later, any clues as to when I next see you?" I ask her teasingly and she shakes her head laughing as I begin to walk away. I raise my hand in a quick wave to Ryan before I walk over to the Tardis and go in, looking back one last time.

When I walked into the Tardis I see the Doctor and Amy talking to each other and no sign of Rory.
"There's loads of stuff I can't quite remember." Amy explains noticing me and smiling to me.
"It's an after effect of the Silence. Natural enough." I say, assuming she was talking about the past few days.
"Yes, but that's not what I'm asking." The Doctor says to Amy, not paying much attention to me. "You told me, us, that you were pregnant." The Doctor says as I walk up next to him and I watch my sister closely.
"Yes." She replies simply leaving me to roll my eyes at her lack of a proper answer.
"Why?" The Doctor asks Amy  after a moment of quiet.
"Because I was. I mean, I thought I was. It turns out I wasn't." Amy tells us vaguely.
"No, why did you tell me?" The Doctor reiterates. "I understand why you told Mackenzie, but me, why?"
"Because you're my friend. You're my best friend." Amy tells him and I cross my arms as I watch the two interact.
"Did you tell Rory?" He asks her and I decide to take a seat on the captain's chair and wait for Amy to answer.
"Amy, why tell me and not Rory?" The Doctor questions sternly.
"Why do you think?" Amy asked rhetorically. "I travelled with you two in this Tardis for so long. All that time. If I was pregnant for some of it, wouldn't it have had an effect?" Amy pauses as the Doctor and I watch him thoughtfully. "I don't want to tell Rory his baby might have three heads or, like, a timehead or something." Amy says causing me to laugh lightly at her imagination.
"What's a timehead?" I ask smiling to her warmly.
"I don't know, but what if it had one?" She replies and the Doctor shakes his head.
"A timehead." He chuckles lightly as she punches his shoulder.
"Shut up." She laughs back before she finally decides to take note of the fact that Rory was listening in on their entire conversation. "Oi, stupid face." Rory slowly peaks out from behind a wall down the stairs and we watch him, Amy pretending to be angry whilst the Doctor and I watch, entertained.
"Er, yeah?" Rory asks unsurely, trying to pretend he wasn't listening. "Hello."
"I'm taking that away from you, if you're going to listen in all the time." Amy threatens him.
"You should just take it away, Aims." I suggest, knowing I wouldn't be comfortable having the Doctor being able to tell what I'm saying every minute of the day.
"Okay, that's a fair point. But you should've told me that you thought you were pregnant. I'm a nurse, I'm good with pregnancy." Rory says to Amy ignoring me completely.
"Not, as it turns out, that good. So please stop being stupid." Amy says walking to him and hugging him.
"Er, no, never. I'm never going to stop being stupid." Rory says spinning her around and I smile before moving on to the Doctor as he grabs the monitor and swings it to face the two of us.
"So, this little girl. It's all about her. Who was she?" The Doctor questions rhetorically.
"Or," I say dragging out the words as I lean onto his shoulder. "We could just go off and have some adventures. Anyone in the mood for adventures? Because I am." I laugh watching as the Doctor pulls up a scan for Amy.
"You only live once." The Doctor grins, pecking my lips as he sets the Tardis off. Amy's face seems to drop uncertainly and I smile to her comfortingly before looking back to the monitor to see the scan for pregnancy flipping between positive and negative.

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