Team player 👊

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Jennie Kim POV
School - Classroom B6
2:12 PM - 12.09.18

I played with my pen, feeling bored and uninterested in the pancreas and insulin, classic old biology class, boring as shit. I looked over to my left to see Seojun, the smart kid, I like to call him Einstein. You might think he's a nerdy, scrawny little kid with glasses but he's not. He's got nice, thick brown hair, some freckles on his cheeks and a nice build. I've also heard that he's good in gym class. Wow, triple threat. We're cool, friends. I leaned over to him and whispered in his ear.
Jennie:"Can I copy your notes?"
He chuckled, pushing his book over to mine and I flashed him a grateful smile before copying his notes into my book. I pushed his back and leaned back in the stool, dangling my feet in the air. The teacher began writing more stuff on the whiteboard and then I noticed something on the corner of the board. Jungkook's name was under the detention list. He was the only one there. Stupid little bastard, what's he getting himself in trouble for? I'll get him out of it.

Jennie:"Miss, I'll clean the board for you."
I stood from my chair and she thanked me, passing over the marker eraser and retreated to the back of the classroom to put our books away. I rubbed off the ink, checked behind me and the swiped off Jungkook's name. Miss Kang always forgets everything, where she last put her glasses, where she puts the board marker, if homework is due in, so she'll have no trouble forgetting this. I swung my bag over my shoulder and just in time the bell rang. I made my way to my next class, History in A12, Lisa and I are in the same class for History. A little inside on my school, we have sets. There's 5 sets in total, for every subject, well except Gym Class, there's only 3. But if you are in set 5, you're stupid, if you're on set 1, congratulations, you could become the next Einstein. I'm mostly in set 2 but somehow in biology, I'm in set 1. Everything else is set 2 except for gym, set 1. Lisa is in Set 2 for everything except Chemistry, biology and physics, I love her loads but that bitch is dumb when it comes to science. Lucky Jungkook, I saw him walking towards classroom which was right next to mine and I speeded towards him. His back was towards me, so I grabbed onto the hook of his bag and pulled on it, causing him to halt and look back at me. Through the loud echo of the halls, I spoke to him.
Jennie:"Just got you out of a detention with Miss Kang. Don't go."
Jungkook:"Really? Thanks."
I nodded, walking away and speaking at the same time.
Jennie:"Just being nice."

Jeon Jungkook POV
School Bleachers
4:42 PM - 15.09.18

I exhaled the smoke from my mouth and tapped the cigarette with my forefinger, ridding off the ash surrounding the dog-end.
??:"You alright?"
I heard a voice speak from the other end of the bleachers, I looked over to see Jennie, holding her coat under her arm with her Gym clothes bag swung over her shoulder.
Jennie:"You look pissed off."
She started to head over and I leaned back, bringing the cig to my mouth again.
Jungkook:"Yeah, just had a shit day."
She sat herself down next to me, resting the coat on her lap.
Jennie:"I can tell, haven't seen you smoke in ages."
I exhaled some smoke again before replying and looked up to the sky.
Jungkook:"Well yeah, you know. You've gotta have a few once in a while."
I could see her face drop slightly from the corner of my eye and she looked at the one I had in my hand then back up to my face.
Jennie:"How many have you had?"
Jungkook:"This is my third."
She heaved a sigh, taking the cigarette off of me and killing the fire at the dog-end by smushing it against the bleacher seats. She chucked it away onto the field.
Jennie:"They'll kill you, too many people like you for you to die now."
I snickered just slightly, leaning back up and resting my elbows on my knees, having only my head turned to her.
Jungkook:"Is that so?"
I teased her and she gave me a deadpan look and stomped on my foot softly.
Jungkook:"How was training?"
Another thing about our Jennie, she's part of the netball team, she plays goal defence and is a monster at it. She always has training on Fridays.
Jennie:"It was alright, we're preparing to go against Moordale on Monday after school."
She crossed one leg over the other and I nodded.
Jungkook:"Do you want us to come support you?"
She shrugged her shoulders, pouting slightly.
Jennie:"You can, if you want."
I noticed her pout, and tilted my head, trying to figure her out.
Jungkook:"What's with the pout?"
She connected eye contact with me for a second before turning away and gazing across the field longingly.
Jennie:"I just...I feel like I'm always a nuisance to you guys. Like, I always come over to your house, you take me out to cool places all the time, I have dinner at yours a lot, you come see me in almost every match I play."
She uncrossed her legs and rested her hands in her lap, looking down at them.
Jungkook:"You wanna know why we do all this stuff?"
She looked up to me, holding eye contact and I leaned in closer to her before whispering.
Jungkook:"Because you're like family, and we love you."

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