Crazy 4 U

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2 hours later, and the plane has finally landed. This time she didn't have a panic attack, she had slept right through it.

"Nathalie wake up," Gabriel nudged her.

No response

"Nathalie? Geez she must be a heavy sleeper.. " He slightly shook her.

"wh-what...?" Her eyes fluttered open, glancing around at her surroundings.

"You must be a heavy sleeper, you wouldn't wake up." He chuckled standing up.

"Wait.. where are my glasses?" She fumbled around looking for them.

"Here." Gabriel took her glasses from his breast pocket, and put them on for her. "Now can you see?" He smiled which was a rare occurrence.

She blushed walking beside him.

Adrien alerted his friends about the two lovebirds, walking past them.

"Come one lets see what happens next!" Adrien whispered getting up and following them.

Most of the adults were outside already, along with some students.

Nathalie was still half asleep, and tripped on her own heel on the steps. A pair of strong arms wrapped around her, holding her from falling.

"Are you okay Nathalie??" His voice was laced with concern.

"When I meant I live on coffee, I meant it." She steadied herself.

He sighed, wrapping his arm around her waist supporting her.

"Sir, this is unnecessary."

"Its not, you could collapse at any second after that display."

Miss Bustier nudged Alya's mom, "they just look so sweet together."

"I know," Marlena replied, wiping her eyes.

Gabriel and Nathalie walked over to them, waiting for the rest of the class to walk out.

"There are cars waiting for us just a small walk away." Nathalie spoke up first flipping through her tablet.

The rest of the class piled out of the airplane, and went over to the adults.

Miss Bustier started going over the rules. And by Adrien's instruction, she put Nathalie and Gabriel, at the back of the line to make sure no kids fell behind.

"Maybe I could even get a meeting in, with some fabric suppliers while were'er here." Nathalie looked through her tablet, trying to get work done while she walked.

"Nathalie!" He pulled her into him, before she walked into the streetlight.

" ! I'm s-s-sorry sir! I'll look where I'm going from now on.."

"Mhm sure." Gabriel took her tablet from her.

Nathalie gave him dirty look, but it immediately melted away into blush. When she had noticed his hand, still lingered on her waist.

'Should I say something?? Is this wrong.. He's married and the wife is in the basement.. Yikes thats sounds wrong.. But would it be so terrible if she just. . . Wrapped her arm around him to?'

'Can't my conscious just F* off I'm doing it.'

Nathalie wrapped her arm around his waist, and leaned her head on his shoulder, as they walked down the sidewalks of Italy. She glanced out of corner of her eye to see the blush on his face.

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