Chapter One~ Black Cat and the Color Red

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Here you guys go. I flew through my homework soon enough to post this on time. CX I am so excited for my first fanfic romance with my favorite killer. Please follow, it helps me to have the excitement of writing for you guys.

I chose to write one of Jeff since I call my boyfriend Jeff the Killer, and I am his Ellie. This is a reference from a fabulous writer EternalLaughter. She is the Author of 'Killer, Protector', 'Cruel & Blue' [Sequel to Killer, Protector] and many more awesome fanfics. This is dedicated to GamzeeMakara14 and EternalLaughter. Stay awesome guys cx here's a heart for both of ya


The night was still, but it had a heavy feel to it. I knew that something wasn't right with the shift of pace I was walking. I had a feeling that I wasn't alone on my midnight stroll. I felt eyes watching me, but I didn't know from where. I am for sure that I shouldn't stand around to find out. I was running through the woods behind my house. I used to play in here, ever since I was a little kid. I turned around to look behind me as I heard a twig snip. I saw a small black figure in the shadows of the trees.

'Murreow' it was a tiny black cat. I calmed down, thinking that this was my 'stalker'. I knelt down the pet the cat. He quickly warmed up to me, and I couldn't help it but to giggle a bit. He is just so adorable. "Where did you come from, umm?" I said, thinking I was going to get a reply. I knew I wasn't since it's only a cat. He only purred and nudged my hand with his cute little black nose. I spook myself way too easily- I know that for a fact. The moonlight peered through the trees and onto his soft, silky fur. I noticed that he had some fighting scars on his face and the rest of his slim body.

"If it's alright with you, I'll take good care of you, and you can live in my house." I said to the cat while looking in his eyes, wondering what his reply is. All his eyes did was glimmer and glow with the night sky. His facial expression calmed, and I saw he was real happy and felt safe. All he wanted was to be loved and cared for, but no one would take the time to love him. The moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew I was going to take him home with me. I slowly placed my hands around his tiny body?to pick him up. I was making sure he didn't care about it. He showed no worries just purred in my ear. Again I giggled silently. I looked down at him in my arms and smiled at the adorable site of a tiny black kitten.

"I wonder what I should name you. Have any good ideas Kitty?" I said sweetly, trying not to startle the purring cat. He climbed onto my shoulder, then he started purring and licking my ear- it tickled a little bit. I giggled, yet, a third time. "Are you being a silly milly?" I stopped, and I knew exactly what I was going to name my kitty. He curled back up in my arms when we started to walk again.

"For here now on, your name is Milly. I know it sounds girlish, but I think it suits you." I said with a smile. I heard his purrs slowly fade into slumber. When I made it home, I climbed back in the dinner room window, which I left open. Milly woke up and looked at his new surroundings. He was a little confused at first, but then he knew that this was going to be his home. I closed the window and carried my kitty to my room upstairs. Closing my door behind me, Milly jumped out of my arms and started to walk around, exploring with his big light blue eyes. He looked ten times more adorable under an actual light. I couldn't help but to squeal a little bit, almost scaring Milly half to death.

"Oh, I am sorry baby. You are just so adorable- I couldn't help it." He accepted my apology right away with a little sweet mew. I chuckled at this sound- he is just so cute when he mews. I scratched his chin, making him lean his head closer to my hand. I wonder what my mother would think about a cat in my room when she walks in. I laughed silently to myself, imagining my mom's reaction. I know she'll warm up to him after a while since he is such a sweetheart. I heard my phone vibrating on my nightstand next to my full sized bed. I quickly moved over to it, reading the notification- I got a message from my best friend Lerae. She's always have been there for me since like the fifth grade. She was in sixth at the time because she is a year older than me. She is just drop dead beautiful to me with her medium length, layered strawberry blonde hair. Her green eyes stand out with the slight peach color in her skin. She gets picked on every once in a while since she always wears her hair up and white plastic rimmed glasses on all the time. To a lot of people, she looks like another smarty pants, but when I saw her have her hair down and her contacts in, she looks like a different person. I asked her once why, and she told me because she doesn't want someone to fall for her looks but her personality. I thought that was really intelligent of her.

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