A Push in the Right Direction

Start from the beginning

"You sure you don't have anything better to do? I don't want to take you away from any plans you had." Steve said, wanting to take her up on the offer but not wanting her to do it out of pity. 

Hopping off the counter, Natasha smiled and held her hand out to Steve, "I don't have any plans. So stop putting it off and come on." 

Steve laughed and took her hand, following her as she led them to her Corvette. 

Steve was growing more nervous as they got closer. 

Natasha noticed and reached out to grab his hand, which was resting on the consul between them.

"Hey," She said quietly, causing him to look up at her, "It's going to be fine okay? Peggy's gonna be thrilled to see you." 

Steve nodded, "I hope you're right." 

Natasha smiled, "I thought we established that I'm always right?" 

Steve shook his head with a small laugh, "Right. Sorry." 

They pulled into the facility and Steve couldn't help but pause before he got out.

"It'll be fine Steve, go on." 

Steve nodded, "Thank you." 

Natasha just nodded and gently pushed his shoulder so he would get out of the car, "Go." 

Steve did as she said and Natasha watched with a small smile as Steve walked away. 


Steve's visit with Peggy went better then he expected. Peggy had been, like Natasha said, thrilled to see him and she had rambled on for almost an hour about her life after Steve died and then proceed to ask how he was. 

Steve had been honest about how it had been hard to adjust. 

"My partner...she's helped a lot. She's been a good friend," Steve said honestly, thinking about how Natasha had been there for him since he came out of the ice...even more so now that they were partners. 

Peggy smiled, "Just a friend huh?" 

Steve looked down with a small blush, "Just friends." 

"But you want to be more right? When you talk about her, you look happier then I've ever seen you," Peggy said with a smile. 

Steve sighed, "If I'm being honest then yeah, I'm completely in love with her Peg. She's incredible...she's a lot like you in some ways. Strong, stubborn, witty. She doesn't take shit from anyone and without her I don't know if I'd have built up the courage to come see you today." 

Peggy smiled, "What's her name?" 

"Natasha. Natasha Romanoff. I think you'd really like her Peggy," Steve said with a grin. 

Peggy nodded, "I'm sure I would. Maybe next time you visit you can bring her." 

Steve nodded, "Maybe." 

They talked for a little longer before the nurse said that visiting hours were over. Steve promised he would visit again soon before walking back down to Natasha's car. 

"How'd it go?" She asked when he got into the car. 

Steve smiled, "You were right. It was great. I think we both got some much needed closure." 

Natasha pulled out of the parking lot quickly, "Told you so." 

Steve laughed and shook his head, just hoping she didn't ask what they talked about, because truthfully most of the conversation had been Peggy asking about Natasha.

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