chapter 5: battle for neo Earth. tekkeden's last stand

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Fareed macgillas and gjalarhorn were getting desperate now as they decided to go on the offensive and attack neo Earth.

Little did he and his forces know that's exactly where naruto and the kitsune Barbados gundum was.

Naruto and Julietta had woken up to the sound of what was apparently a lot of fighting between gundum units. Naruto then said.

"I could only thing of ONE person who is behind this!!!.
Fareed macgillas... YOUR A DEAD MAN!!!. Kitsune Barbados!!!. Prepare for deployment!!!. This ends now!!!."

Thankfully naruto's gundum was equiped with not just swords and a shield but it's most powerful weapon...a rail gun rifle that fired over 1000 yards away. It was also recently equipped with 150 callibur anti tank pistols with ten rounds per clip and a 150 millimeter gattling gun on it's shoulder with over 2000 saber rounds of ammunition.

Julietta then said.

"Naruto!!!. Please be careful out there!!!. Your father told me that macgillas has brought his entire army with him!!!. Over 1000 units and tekkeden's barely even managed to hold them back!!!."

And naruto said.

Don't worry Julietta Chan...I have no intention of dying in battle or losing this fight. This time... it's personal.

Nobody attack's my home planet and lives to speak about it. Let's test out the new program shall we Mom???."

And kushina Barbados said.

"Why not. This is going to be very very fun. Can I take full control of the battle???."

And naruto said.

"Only if I need your help. Otherwise I'm in control. it's time to deploy."

The overhead hangar doors opened up as naruto activated the boot thrusters and flew out of the docking station. Once on the battlefield naruto and kitsune Barbados Drew the rail gun and found the perfect place to stay hidden.

Naruto then checked the distance between him and the battlefield and said.

"Alright.. this should be far enough. Let's get started."

The gundum then changed into it's fox form and began to charge up the rail gun.

Once the rail gun was fully charged he located his target and pulled the trigger. An electrified bullet then went flying more than 1000 yard's and hit the enemy gundum in the chest killing it and the pilot instantly.

Mikazuki then said.

"What the hell was that orga???. It looked like someone fired a rail gun.
But who's got that kind of weapon strapped to their Gundam???."

And orga said.

"I might have a pretty good idea of who's behind that kill.
Mikazuki. Retreat and regroup. Defend the carrier transport tank's."

And mikazuki said.

"Alright orga. Your the boss.
Let's go everyone. Before we get ourselves killed."

Mikazuki and his comrades then left the battlefield as they stood by and watch as on after another the troops of Fareed macgillas drop like flies.

Macgillas then said.

"What the hell is going on here!!!. Someone talk to me!!!. Squad A report!!!."

There was no answer.
Macgillas then called out to his other squads and said.

"Squad B. Squad C. Report!!!.
What's your status!!!.

Nothing but statick. He knew this means only one thing.
Someone just eliminated 600 of his best men. He then heard one of his men from squad D say.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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