Ih - pif - uh - nee

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Despite shooting the girl with three arrows, not even a lick of love sparks within her. YN just continues her monotonous life, boring the hell out of Cupid.

After an entire week of this, Cupid grows impatient and decides to handle this matter even more personally.

Transforming into human form, Cupid feels the elements against his skin for the first time since . . . he shakes that thought out of his head. A little bit of persuasion is all it takes to get him a new identity and set up at a small bed and breakfast just a few minutes' walk from YN's dorm.

He has it all planned perfectly. He'll run into her at the coffee shop she works part-time at and befriend her, using their time together to find her perfect match. He's never had to put in this much effort before.

But as soon as Cupid walks into the coffee shop, the little bell over the door rings and the two of them lock eyes, the god's breath catching in his throat. She smiles at him, the very first time she's smiled since he's been trailing her.

Something pulls at his subconscious, just out of reach. Whatever it is is familiar, comforting to him. He doesn't realize that he's staring until she clears her throat uncomfortably.

"How may I help you?" she asks.

"I . . . just a coffee, please. Black," he says once he's regained a bit of his sense.

"Sure thing. What name would you like me to put it under?" YN asks, already beginning to create the drink.

"Jimin," he says before he can stop himself, his true name tumbling out between his lips.

Because she's faced away from him, YN doesn't notice the shocked look on Jimin's face. His hand covering his mouth. He can't believe he said that!

The name 'Jimin' was given to him over a thousand years ago, by someone he can't remember. His mother forbade him from using it and he's gone by Cupid ever since. So why . . . 

"Your total is $3.50. Will that be all for you today?"

"Yes," Jimin says, rummaging through his pockets to pull out some money he'd manifested earlier that day.

The coffee shop is empty besides the two of them, Jimin choosing to sit by the glass storefront while YN hums quietly to herself, wiping down the counters and tidying up. Soon though, it becomes apparent through his side-eyed watch that she's out of things to do, just sort of idling around. It's only then that he god of love remembers that he's on a mission.

"So uh," he speaks up, the coffee cup warming his hands, "I'm new in town and I was wondering if you knew of what all there is to do?"

Jimin hates how unconfident he sounds. It's so unlike him.

"Well," she begins, grateful for a distraction, "There isn't all that much to do. It is a rather small town after all."

"Surely there must be something," Jimin pushes, really eager to speak with her.

"Hm," she begins, "There's actually this very pretty underground lake. You can only see it once every couple of weeks because the cave it's in is usually flooded - it rains here a lot by the way - but it's absolutely gorgeous,"

"I'll have to go some time,"

Over the course of that singular trip to the coffee shop, Cupid completely forgets that YN is supposed to be an assignment. He becomes completely and utterly enthralled with her and her boring little life. The gods always have something going on, some drama or scandal or fight. It's so nice just to be able to relax with someone - to actually become close to someone. Jimin sees YN every day. First, he just stops by to get a morning coffee, but soon enough he ends up walking her home after her shift ends and helping her study at the library.

Every expression of hers he has memorized. He lies awake at night and thinks about her, anxious to spend time with her again. It consumes his entire being, is his motivation for his every decision.

Until . . .

Until . . .

Until two months later, when the most gorgeous woman alive is at his doorstep. His mother catches the attention of everyone who walks by, sending one gentleman a flirtatious wink and causing him to walk into a pole.

"What are you doing here, Mother?" Jimin asks sharply, less than thrilled to see her.

"Checking on you," she says, eyeing him up and down with a hand on her curved hip, "It seems you've gotten rather . . . distracted."

Jimin bristles, growing visibly upset.

"I assigned you to find this girl a mate, not to fall for her," Aphrodite says, her tone leaving no room for debate.

"I'm not falling for her," Jimin hisses through his teeth, the lie obvious even to himself.

"You have one more week," she threatens, "Or else."

She doesn't need to elaborate. Jimin knows his mother well enough to know whatever she has planned is awful.

As soon as she leaves, the god has an anger fit, trashing the small rented room he moved into just three weeks ago. He has to see her - he has to go be with YN. She's the only thing that can calm him down enough for him to make a gameplan.

But as Jimin hurriedly makes his way to her house, he stops when he sees someone - an unfamiliar man - sitting on one of the dorm porch swings and chatting with her. The stranger looks up briefly, catching eyes with Jimin.

"Apollo," Jimin curses, vision turning red from how pissed off he is.

Before YN can even blink, Jimin has Apollo by the throat, ignoring YN's panicked cries.

"Stay away from her," Jimin warms, nails digging into the other god's skin, "You run and tell my mother to keep her nose out of my business. I'm done doing her dirty work for her."

He tosses Apollo to the ground, unaware that he's partially revealed his true form to the terrified young woman behind him. Apollo flashes away, clutching his own throat, fear in his eyes.

When Jimin finally turns towards YN, she's petrified, a scream caught in her throat.

What's going on? What had just happened?

"Oh, baby, no, don't be worried," Jimin coos, taking YN into his arms.

He doesn't care that she's as stiff as a board, immobilized by fear.

"The bad people are gone now. It's just us, okay. You don't have to be worried."

His overly calm tone causes YN to snap out of her reverie, trying to pull away from the man she thought was a friend - the man she thought was human.

"I'm in love with you, YN," he says, ignoring her attempts to flee and crushing her to his chest like a small child, "I didn't think I could fall in love, but here I am. I think about you every waking moment, desperate to be around you, desperate to touch you. You feel it too, don't you, YN?" Jimin says, a crazed look glossing his eyes.

Tears well up in YN's eyes as she looks at him and realizes what danger she's in.

"I know you do," Jimin says, falsely taking her silence for agreement, "Kiss me."

It's a command, one she's much too afraid to ignore. Trembling, Yn shakily presses her lips to his, unaware of the visions she's just spawned in his head.

All at once, his memories come back to him, hitting the god like a pile of bricks. He pulls back from her only briefly to wipe her tears away before recapturing her lips in a deeper kiss, never wanting to be parted from her again.

Psyche. His Psyche. The one he'd fallen in love with all those millennia ago, only to be ripped apart when his own mother killed her and their unborn child. No wonder she felt so familiar, so comforting. YN is his soulmate, no one else's.

He wipes away every one of her continuously falling tears, moving to kiss her forehead.

"Don't worry, darling. We're going to be together for the rest of eternity . . . right after I kill my mother."

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