No More Treats

549 21 1

Yoongi Halloween Fluff

Yoongi has to smother the groan that arises when the doorbell rings once more.

YN pauses the scary movie right in the middle of a jump scare and detangles from the grip she has on Yoongi, grabbing the candy bowl and greeting the children outside their door.

When it happens again Yoongi refuses to let her up.

"Yoongi, the kids,"

"No," he pouts, "I'm tried of you giving all of your attention to the random kids in the neighborhood. You're supposed to pay attention to me,"

He's whining, puppy dog face in full force.



Her defenses instantly crumble.

"Alright, alright! Let me just give these kids the rest of the candy and turn off the light, okay? Then we can return to our cuddle time uninterrupted,"

Yoongi grins brightly.



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