part 7

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The three of us had a long talk. It didnt go well. Alex said he was caught in the moment, but is bisexual.

Damon said hes been drinking, and this is why he doesnt fuck when drunk. I could taste the whiskey on him. "I'm not bi" he kept saying.

He eventually slammed the door, and left the room leaving me confused with Alex.

"I should get back to work." I eventually said to Alex.

"Yeah, I have paperwork to get filed."

I left and spent the day helping around the hotel. I didnt see much of Damon the rest of the week, and Alex kept claiming to be busy.

This is why friendships shoukd stay separate. By Saturday, I was crying in Ellies arms as Carson was keeping the tequilia flowing.

"I really liked him. And I liked Damon too. I just wanted to be friends." I inaudible attempted to say.

"Look, Damon is pretty tore up and embarrassed about what happened." He placed another shot in front of me.  "Hes been keeping an eye on you if that helps." It didnt.

"What about Alex?" Ellie and Carson looked at each other, and back to me.

"I need a shot." Ellie says to Carson who shakes his head.

"You're on the clock, Ellie. Just tell her."

"Jamie, he has a girlfriend." She starts rubbing my back.

"Yeah, me" I throw my hands out drunkingly. Hes just being a very good boyfriend."

"No, Jamie, he HAD a girlfriend. Before you two even met. Damon didnt think youd believe him, so he never told you. Hes actually in an odd relationship. Its conplicated."

I look at them both, and slowly lay my head down. "I need to sleep."

"Tale her to my room." A rough voice says from behind me. I dont need to look up to know its Damon.

"Damon, I dont think..." Ellie starts.

"Quiet. I'll take her." Damon slides the bar stool and my head falls. Who knew my head was so flimsy. Maybe itll just fall off and roll right out of the hotel.

I feel Damon pick me up, and I drift in and out of consciousness.

"Sleep" is the last thing I hear before my eyes shut completely.

I woke up, and glanced at Alexa on his bedside table. It was 7pm. I slept the whole afternoon. 

Damon walks in, and loosens his tie.

"Damon can we talk."

"I'm getting ready for an event later this evening. Actually," he turns toward me, "you should come."

I twist my face in confusion. "Why?"

"You're mom is going to be there."

I realize I've only spoken to my mom a few times since I moved. "I dont want to go."

"Okay, that's you're choice."

"I dont have anything to wear."

"I can have a dress sent up."

"My mom wont want to see me, and I'll probably embarrass her."

At this, he comes over to the bed and sits down, taking my hands. "Trust me when I tell you, she'll be proud of you for being there."

I let Damon have a dress sent up, and I beg Ellie to join us but she says she has to work.

Damon rides with me quietly to the neighboring hotel for the charity event my mother helped to organize.

I see her immediately when I step in the door. Damon grasps my hand tightly as I walk up to her.

"Hi mom"

She turns and covers her mouth. "Jamie! I'm so glad you're here! You weren't picking up, but in glad you got the voicemail." I didnt, but I didnt say otherwise.

"She was excited to see you, even though shes been very busy with work." Damon covers for me.

"Oh, Damon! What a coincidence that you know Jamie. I always wanted to introduce you two." I look to my mom who's grinning widely, and Damon who keeps a light business smile.

"Its a funny story how we met. Maybe I can tell you later. Weve become pretty good friends over the past few months."

My mother's face drops a bit. She had hoped I would have moved on from Jeff, and found a nice boyfriend.

"I see. Well, i hope you both enjoy the event." She pulls me in for a hug and whispers I love you in my ear.

Damon and I dance to a few songs, and join in on the auction.

At the end of the night, I realize how quiet hes been all night.

"Damon, I owe you an apology." I touch his arm lightly in the limo.

"No, you dont. You made it clear you wanted to be friends, and I didnt respect that. I'm the one that should be apologizing. It's not my job to protect you." He pulls his arm away and stares out the window.

"I know you have feelings for me, and it makes a friendship complicated." He doesnt move. "I sont think we should be friends anymore."

Unturning from his position he says, "I agree."

Tears fell silently, and I watches out my side of the limo as the city passed by.

We walked into the hotel, the space between us obvious. He loosened his tie before stepping into the elevator with me. It was time for my shift to start. The elevator stopped at the 4th floor, and Damon stepped out, not even looking at me with the door closing behind him.

I made a mistake. I was so scared to ruin a friendship that I lost him completely.

I realized the elevator wasnt moving. It was stuck. The emergency light was on. I tried pressing the open door button over and over but nothing happened.

"Hello!" I yelled, hoping someone could hear me.

The doors suddenly opened and Damon was standing the frame looking like he just ran a mile.

He steps in, right toward me, and his lips smash against mine.

I melt into him, forgetting who we were or are. I relish the moment before it's gone again.

I gently push him off of me, and his forehead leans against mine.

"Damon, what are you doing?"

"I'm destroying in lines that may be left. I love you Jamie. I love your friendship, and I love you."

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