part 2

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"Jamie you are the best best friend anyone could ask for!"

Another night of deliveries, with Ellie keeping me company by thanking me every five seconds.

"Ellie, it's nothing. He just wanted to know if I needed anything, and told him I was there with you."

Her smile was ear to ear, as wide as a canyon.

"He said you were friends." I gripped the steering wheel a little harder, and bit my tongue. "Did you know hes the owner? Of the entire hotel? That's insane! How do you know him, anyway?"

"I dont. I really dont. I delivered that Sir Leonard order to him. That's it!"

My hand slammed on the steering wheel, causing her to jump. I felt guilty. I dont get angry very often bit when I do, well, I do.

"I'm sorry Ellie."

She stared out the window, refusing to look at me. "You cant keep pushing people away because of Jeff, ya know."

I didnt push people away, even though it probably seemed like it. I just didnt feel like I needed a lot of people in my life. I needed my parents, her, and myself.

"Ellie, I just dont know him and dont want to, that's it."

As if fate were stepping in, Ellies phone rings. I glance down at the screen and see "BOSS" across the screen.

She grabs it without turning. "Hello...yes, sir...uhhh," she glances toward me for a moment before quickly turning away. "Not a problem."

She turns forward finally. I can see tears still in her eyes.  "Can you take me to work?"

I let out a breath and head toward Seven Seasons. Ellie rushes from the car, practically running. "Ellie! Wait!" Her brown shoulder bag in on my floorboard. Shes already gone, though. I throw the car into park, and grab the bag as I head inside.

I'm not even sure where to find her. Her cell phone is in her bag as well. Left with not much other choice, I dial her boss.

He picks up quickly, sounding out of breath.


"Hey, its Jamie. Ellie left her bag. I'm not sure where to find her."

"She's in my room. Would you mind bringing it up?"

I couldn't help but twist my face up at the idea that she was in her boss's private room, especially late at night.

"Yeah." I reply and quickly hang up.

Four floors laterx I'm exiting the elevator and finding Mr Caine's room.  Before I get there, I see him waiting in the hallway. His business suit is still on and looking crisp.

"Where's Ellie?"

He looks down the hall like hes wondering the same thing. "I'm not sure. She was up here, but she must have finished before I got back up."

"Oh, so should i leave this with the front desk?"

He looks down at the bag, and down the hall again. "She'll likely be back up if you want to wait. She took my entire laundry basket by mistake, so one of the other housekeepers will have to send her back up."

That sounds just like Ellie. Shes a smart girl, but can make the dumbest mistakes.

"Yeah, sorry about that."

He leads me to his door, unlocking it, "Shes new. I expect mistakes which is why the new ones train on my room first."

I step inside, and take in the beautiful sight again of his room. I've always loved art. My parents had their own private gallery, and would let me spend hours painting in there.

"You can take a seat wherever. I actually wanted to chat with you for a minute." He takes a seat on the bed by the window, and leans his arms on his legs.

"Is it about Ellie? Please dont fire her."

The last thing I needed was for her to have any more of a reason to be angry with me.

"No, Jamie. I actually have a confession to make. I'm an honest man, and just wanted to let you know that I know you were lying about your parents. They are well-known enough that everyone knows them, and knows who their daughter is."

I bit my lip, thinking how I should play this. "I'm really sorry. I just didnt feel like my family was relevant information."

He stood up, and chuckled brightly. "You sound like your mom. Which brings me to my question of why you're delivering food in Chicago when your a Draford. Not to be rude," he started pacing the floor, "but your family has more money than me."

I stood up, angry that he would bring my parents intona conversation about me. "My family may have money, but I dont. I wanted my own life that isnt about being a Draford. So, I moved here. I shop at thrift stores, eat ramen noodles, and work just like everyone else."

He moved toward me slowly, taking in my anger. My fists were balled up, and his close proximity would put him at risk of a swing if he continued much further.

"I respect that. I dont respect liars, though. It doesn't matter to me if you're a princess or a pauper. I just wanted to know the kind that Miss Ellie Nellis associated herself with."

Ouch. I felt the sting of his words. "I'm sorry," I let go of the anger. "I shouldnt have lied. I'm not normally a liar, and Ellie is a good person. I just wanted to leave my life behind."

He walked over the a desk and started shuffling through some papers. "I also know why you left Florida. Its none of my business, and I wont bring it up again but I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I hope your new boyfriend works out better than the last one."

Fuck. "About that, I actually lied about that to."

"I know."

Right on time, Ellie walks through the door carry a basket. Shocks sweeps over her face and she drops the basket. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Mr. Cain."

"Its fine Ellie. You're training. Laundry is emptied into the housekeeping basket. The guests room basket is only taken for cleaning by request." He moves to pick up the basket, and sets it aside. "You e done good, though. Jamie brought your purse. You can go out it with your other things and help downstairs if yoid like."

"Yes sir." She takes the purse from me, whispering her gratitude. Even at work, she cant go ling without her phone.

After she leaves, I stand awkwardly wondering how to say "okay I'm leaving" without sounding as awkward as I feel.

"If you're not busy, you can stay a minute."

"I have to work."

He smiles, and let's out a laugh. "Again with the night deliveries? Is there nothing that will keep you from doing them?"

I think for a minute. "No. Since we're being honest, it's too good of money at night."

"I can give you a position here with Ellie..."

"No," I interrupt. "I'm not good with regular jobs. That's why I didnt follow in my parents footsteps. I dont care for being around the same people, especially if I get stuck with people I dont like."

Understanding crosses his face. "Got it. Like I said, call anytime for any reason."

"Got it." And i left to finish my shift.

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