part 4

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Morning came too soon. It was actually mid morning. I woke, alone, in Damon's bed. Rolling over I see Ellie standing next to  me.

"Explain." She points down to my wrist.

"Wheres Damon?" I whisper-yell.

She glances around. "He's in a meeting. He left a note. Oh my god, did he do that to you? I'm going to fucking kill him!"

"No Ellie! It was a customer. He grabbed my arm, and pulled me inside. I got away, but not without a few marks."

I climb out of bed, and head for the shower.

"What the fuck, Jamie? I guess you didnt tell him?" She stands at the bathroom door, arms crossed, looking like a snake that's about to bite.

"Its none of his business. Hes a good friend, but he worries too much already." I hop in the shower, and turn the water on, attempting to drown out her voice.

"Because you're fucking reckless! And of all people, YOU!" She slams the bathroom door, causing me to flinch.

I shower quickly, washing my hair thoroughly, as if I can wash away every bad thing that has ever happened. Damon is nice enough to keep spare clothes in his room--variois sizes for workers, or even guests, who may find themselves needing a change of clothes.

I glance at the note he left on my way out. "Going out tonight. The three of us with a couple of my buddies. Itll be fun." Followed by a cutesy XOXO.

I turn the note over, and grab a pen. "Sounds fun. Meet you here at 7."

I decided to take the day off. My bank account was looking pretty good from all the hard work I'd put in. I needed a break. I decided to peruse hotel until it was time to get ready. Damon hired the best decorators for both the hotel and his personal room. The hotel was tasteful in every room, with small local touches hanging around, giving it a bit of personality.

I decided to check out the bar. I didnt drink, bit bars had the best food and it was lunch time.

"What can I get you miss?"

"A coke is fine."

He places the coke on a coaster, and gently slides it over. "Business or pleasure?" I nearly choke on my drink.

"Uh, pleasure. I'm friends with the owner, and my friend Ellie works here."

His eyes grew big and he took a step back. "Oh! Your Jamie! I'm Carson." He held out his hand, and I took it for a firm shake. He was a strong. "Shes a good girl, I'm glad to finally meet the bestie, as she refers to you."

I took in his appearance. I should have guessed. He was young, blonde hair, a perfectly chiseled face. His sleeves were pulled up to reveal hairy arms, and large biceps. That was definitely her type.

"Well, hey, its was good to meet you. Hopefully we get a chance to hang out."

He smiled and gave a thumbs up, and quickly moved to take care of the next customer.

I made my way back through the lobby, before snacking directly into Damon.

He holds my shoulders to steady me. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, just headed to go get ready!"

He takes a moment to look at my wrist again. "You need to see a doctor before tonight. Theres a MEC clinic next door."

I look at my wrist and realize it's getting more swollen. "Yeah, I probably should."

"That must have been one hell of a fall." He turns his head up, clearly upset at seeing my injured.

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