Chapter 6

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After you and Ink had cleaned yourselves up and finished the painting you were working on, it was beginning to get pretty late. The sun was starting to set, turning the sky some beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow that you admired from the viewpoint of the window in your room.

The boys were in the kitchen as you relaxed, enjoying the moment of peace and quiet after your admittedly hectic day. You loved the trio but man, were they exhausting! You couldn't help but feel a little guilty about forgetting about them and all the fun times you had shared together - even though you knew it wasn't your fault. However, it did make you wonder how you had lost your memories in the first place; surely it hadn't been because of the boys...


You were interrupted from the distressing thought by a loud shout that undoubtedly came from the kitchen.

"(Y/N)!! WE UH... MAY NEED SOME ASSISTANCE IN HERE!" Blue yelled causing you to sigh and roll your eyes.

'What have they done now?' You thought playfully, exiting your room to go to the kitchen.

You found Dream standing just outside the doorway and his eye sockets lit up upon seeing you. You gave him a small smile as you came over to him. He returned it before holding out a hand as a signal for you to wait and entered the kitchen - you heard him whisper something but couldn't catch what it was as he came out again and took your hand in his.

"Close your eyes," He instructed making you raise an eyebrow. He simply shot you a reassuring smile and squeezed your hand a little. "Trust me," He added and you nodded before obeying, closing your eyes. As soon as you did, you felt Dream gently begin to tug you forward, undoubtedly leading you into the kitchen. His hand then left yours and you listened to him walk a few steps away from you.

"Alright (n/n), you can open your eyes now," You heard Ink tell you. You slowly opened your eyes, blinking slightly at the brightness of the room. Once your eyes had adjusted, they widened at the sight of three skeletons standing around a beautifully decorated cake. They all wore smiles as they waited for your reaction.

"What's this all about?" You asked with a grin making Blue giggle happily.

"We wanted to make you something to welcome you back into the Star Sanses! So we made you a cake! It's a (favourite cake) too - just for you~" He chirped shooting you a wink. Your smile grew as you made your way over to the bubbly skeleton, enveloping him in a hug.

"Aw, you boys are so sweet sometimes!" You cheered failing to notice the glares that Dream and Ink were sending Blue, who had a prideful smirk on his face as he soaked in the attention he was receiving. You released him from the hug and planted a quick kiss on his forehead, making his skull turn a bright shade of baby blue. You then walked over to Dream and Ink and did the same with them, giggling as their skulls turned yellow and rainbow. Bashful skeletons were definitely one of your favourite things! "Thank you guys, seriously this is too nice," You told them as you walked past to pick a slice of the treat they had made.

Three skeletons stood shock-still as you proceeded to cut up the cake and place a slice on four plates. They were stunned to say the least. You were their friend so... that's why they felt so happy around you right? That had to be it. After all, what other explanation was there?


You and the boys gravitated your way towards the living room, taking your respective seats and deciding on a movie night to waste the hours away. You were seated with Blue to your right and Ink to your left - Dream had seated himself on one of the armchairs and was curled up comfortably. Blue was buzzing from the sugar that had been inside the cake (you had eaten in the kitchen) making you laugh and Ink sigh. Looks like Blue was gonna have a lot of trouble getting to sleep.

You however, were already feeling slightly drowsy but you were also determined to stay up and spend some more time with the boys before calling it a night. You yawned lightly before nodding to yourself. Yeah... you could manage one or two movies, no biggie. You got cozy on the settee and watched the first movie together with the boys.

Throughout the film, you couldn't help but sneak a few glances at the guys and snicker quietly at their different reactions: Ink would seem pretty uncaring but perk up slightly at the dramatic or emotional scenes, Dream seemed to enjoy the scenes that developed the characters relationships with one another and, Blue appeared to be totally invested in the story and even quoted some of the lines he knew from his favourite characters, making you all smile at his childlike mannerisms.

The movie soon came to a close and you could feel your eyelids start to grow heavy from drowsiness. You sighed softly and leaned back into the settee.

'Just a five minute rest...' You thought and closed your eyes as you yawned again. One of the boys must've heard you because you heard one of them get up and move closer to you, letting you lean on them. You smiled contentedly as you felt yourself relax and fall asleep...

In Dream's arms:He smiled down at you as he lent back, allowing you to fully lean into him. You had a peaceful expression on your face as you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, sending pleasant tingles racing down his spine. Dream had no SOUL to cherish the moment with... but he did have happiness. The positive feeling was flowing through his system like wildfire as he held you close to him. He was glad you were back with them... You had no idea how much he had missed you. One day, he'd let you know... but for now... he was content with just holding you in his arms.

With Blueberry:Blue grinned as your head fell upon his shoulder. He enjoyed seeing the relaxed expression you held on your face as you snuggled into his side, you reminded him of a kitten... You were cute like one too. His skull flushed at the thought as he reluctantly lent his skull against yours. The energy boost he had received from the sugar had finally run dry, leaving him exhausted as well. He wondered what your reaction would be if you ever found out he was planning on sleeping with you... Well, he can worry about that in the morning. For now, he was happy to have you so close to him as he too drifted off.

On Ink's chest:Ink's face heated up as soon as your head fell atop his chest. One of your hands had reached up and clutched the material of his scarf, making it so that he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. Not that he did... He was happy you trusted him enough to sleep on him. Ink sighed as he cupped the back of your head with one of his gloved hands, feeling your hair brush against the tips of his phalanges. He wasn't sure what he'd do if you ever found out the truth about him. About who... what he was. He let that thought slide though as a grin spread across your face. He could get used to this...

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