Chapter 5

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You and Blue stayed in Underswap for quite a while - at least until Ink and Dream came to find you... You all ended up spending the afternoon together in Blueberry's AU, obviously having to leave to return to the castle as you were still in need of 'protection'.

So, you were now sitting in your room reading (f/b) - you may have read it more than a few times but it was your favourite so who could blame you? You only looked up as you heard a light rapping on your door.

"Come in!" You called and watched as the door was slowly opened, placing a bookmark on the page you were at and putting the book down. Ink entered your room with a sheepish expression, giving you a small wave. You smiled and waved back, patting the side of your bed to invite him to sit down with you. He seemed slightly taken aback by the offer but eventually made his way over and sat down next to you. "Heya Inky, what can I do for you?" You asked with a smile making him blink before smiling back.

"I um... found this," He said quietly as he handed you a small notebook. You took it from his hands, looking at the cover. It was (f/c) and had (y/n) scribbled on the front of it in slightly hurried writing. While flipping through it, you realized that it was your old art book, you had started making this after Ink encouraged you to draw something. You smiled at the artistic skeleton, who had a shy look on his face.

"Thank you Ink," You said genuinely, hugging him from the side. He tensed slightly before relaxing into your touch and returning the embrace.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to draw something together? We haven't done it in a while and I'm curious to see how you've improved!" He offered with a slight bit of reluctance. You automatically nodded, standing up and beginning to walk out of the room."Yes! Let's go!" You called when you realized he wasn't following you. You heard a small sound of confusion before seeing a dazed Ink jogging out of your room to catch up with you - he must have spaced out again! You chuckled at this realization and walked together with him to his room. It was bright and there were many pictures and paintings plastered along the walls. You gawked at the beautiful images, each one seeming more astounding than the next. You didn't know where to look! Ink truly was an artist...

A lone bed and easel were located to the right of the room, while a closet and his brush were located to the left. Ink watched as you gazed around his room in wonderment, a smile stretched across his skull as he studied you.

"You really are amazing Inky," You eventually breathed out, not noticing the rainbow shade that lit up on your companion's skull at the compliment.

"T-Thanks! Anyway, should we uh... get started?" He questioned somewhat awkwardly but you nodded at him for encouragement, not wanting him to feel let down. You actually felt yourself getting excited as he got the things together. You were happy that you were able to spend time with the trio again, they truly were some of your best friends! More like family at this point...

You and Ink stood next to each other with the easel set up in front of you both. You had both decided that you would each take turns to paint one thing for the picture - freestyle it almost. You started, painting some hills and pathways upon them. Ink smiled at your work and you could tell ideas were already racing through his skull. He went next and painted a peaceful looking cottage on top of one of the hills, using detail you could only dream about using. Then it was your turn again and you drew a bench near the cottage, quaint but also powerful. Ink added on to that calm atmosphere by painting the background a dark indigo, making the scene a nighttime image. You then worked together to add in all the stars and the moon. At one point, Ink accidentally bumped against you, causing you to jolt your brush and paint his hand.

"Oops, sorry Ink!" You apologized but he simply laughed with a sly look.

"Oh, it's fine (n/n)~"

"Wait, what's that look for? Ink, no!"

You yelped in surprise as he swiped his brush across your face, coating your nose and parts of your cheeks in paint. You blinked at the skeleton, who was laughing smugly, before smirking as you got an idea.

"Oh yeah?" You said with a mischievous tone, placing your fingers into the paint palette before smearing them across his left cheek. He seemed shocked at your actions, but smiled once he came to his senses and picked up one of the paint bottles.

Uh oh...


So that's how it ended with you two completely covered in paint, standing in front of a not-so-impressed Dream and a confused Blue.

"Really guys?" Dream sighed holding the top of his nasal bridge between his forefinger and his thumb. You shrugged, giving him an innocent smile. Ink was smiling too and had a completely 'I know I've been a little shit' look on his face.

Blue raised what was essentially an eyebrow, raising a finger to point to you.

"Why's your hair (f/c)?"

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