Chapter Thirteen

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                    This chapter contains acts of domestic violence.

                    Please if this is a trigger, skip this chapter.


I could taste the metallic taste of copper from my lips where Warren had hit me. I knew I was reverting back to old habits, it was my way of dealing, a way for survival. "You'll never see him again," he spoke grabbing me by the hair of my head dragging pulling me up. I attempted to fight, to struggle, but the pain was too much. "You think you'll see him again," he grabs my face roughly his finger gripping so hard my inner jaw is pressed against my teeth," I'll make damn sure he never touches you again." I couldn't take it anymore, one minute this was happening and the next I had gotten bold enough to spit in his face and smile. The next thing I knew Warren had shoved me against the wall, doing whatever he could to attempt to break me. "I bet you feel like such a man," I taunted," ya know beating women, drugging them up, then passing her around like a used doll." His hands wrapped around my throat and I somehow developed the strength to fight back, attempting to break from his grasp.  I managed to use my elbow to break free from his grasp, I knew I didn't have much time as I made my escape running towards the entrance door of the house. I knew if I could manged to unlock it fast enough I could escape, I could run to the nearest hospital and get help. As I frantically tried to unlock the door it was too late, Warren grabs my hair again and then a fist went to my face all I remember was blacking out.

I woke up feeling like I had been beaten almost half to death. My muscles hurt every time I moved, I realized then I was alone. I managed to get up walking to my room, I closed the door grabbing my towel and moved into the attached bathroom I had. I turned on the water, feeling the steam as my shower continue to run I saw myself in the mirror. My face was swollen, black and blue, my nose was possibly broken. I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks I couldn't look at myself I was too ashamed. I got into the shower, sitting there quietly crying, I missed Happy, more than anything. I knew I needed to find something to get rid of Warren once and for all. Since he was physically bigger than me it's time to play his game, maybe I can use the drugs he's been sliding me to drug him up enough for an overdose. I smile satisfied with this idea I knew I needed to get cleaned up. I finished my shower, getting dressed going to find Warren. "Hey baby," I spoke softly wrapping my arms around him," I'm sorry for being such a bitch early." He looks up smiling," it's okay I love you," I leaned for a kiss feeling just purely disgusted of myself. He pulls me into his lap, our kisses grew rougher, I knew where this was going to end up, but I just had to play along with it. Happy could forgive me if this was just for survival purposes.

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A few weeks have passed since the fight and I've been more determined than ever to go on about my business, webbing Warren into my trap. I have been playing the good housewife, I even take my pills like a good little woman or so he thinks. What Warren didn't realize was that I had been pocketing them in my cheek, spitting it out and wrapping them until I've collected a nice pile. I had decided that tonight was the night, I decided to make his favorite dinner, mixing the pills into his water, with a devilish smile upon my face. I then got dressed in a knee-length dress in some cute heels. Hell, I even dyed my hair blonde which was the very color he had been begging for. "What's this," Warren questions surprised by the dinner I had planned I stood there smiling with pride."Baby," I whined playfully," It's our anniversary when we just started to be together," I give him a pouty look," I wanted to make it special." "Amazing," he smiles kissing me," I love the hair. Blonde is so sexy." I nibble his lip," you want me to join you," I question tempting him even more. "Sure," he smacks my ass as I gathered his things for the last time there we got into the shower. Afterward there we were having a romantic candlelight dinner as I sit happily watching him drink his water. "How's the steak," I question moving my hand towards him. "Delicious as usual baby," he smiles drinking the rest of his water by the time dinner was over he was already getting tired. "Come to bed with me," he commands kissing my neck, his hands wandering up my breast," I'd love to show you how grateful I am." I follow holding his hand, that night we made love, it was the first time in our whole relationship where he was ever gentle.

Early morning, I get up feeling his heavy body pressed against me, his skin felt cold I could smell the vomit. "Warren," I cautiously rolled to see his eyes staring at me, "Warren," I reached my hand over feeling for a pulse that I knew wasn't there. Relief washed over me as I realized that Warren was dead now, my nightmare was now over. I get off the bed moving over to his side where he kept a burner phone and made the call. "Hello," his raspy voice spoke it sounded as if he hadn't' slept for days. "Baby," my voice cracked," Baby I need you to come to get me. Warren is dead. I did it."  "Mckenna where are you at," He questions I could hear shuffling of paper and mumbles on the other end. "Just get Juice to track this burner," I replied," because I have no clue where I am at. Warren is dead," I repeated breaking down into tears," I'm free Happy. The nightmare is over." "I'm on my way," he continues," Mckenna just hang in there, don't touch the body we'll handle it." "Okay," at this point I was crying," I love you Happy." "I love you more," he answers before we hung up. I managed to grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and decided to sit in front of the bed. That's when it finally sunk into me, the no more running, no more looking over my shoulder, and damn it felt good to me.

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