Truth or Dare?

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"I'm gonna have to go with dare." said Abby. Yas!

"I dare you to ask out Daniel!" I said.

She looked at me. The look I get a shit ton. The look that says "hell to the no." But she knows she has to! Rules of the dare.

Also, there's other rules like; no asking out anyone 7th grade and up and no asking out anyone 4th grade or lower and no kissing. Stuff like that.

Abby groaned. "Do I have to, Bella?"

"Yes, shortcake! Now go." she shot me another look. This time it didn't say no, this time it was more like you'll regret your idiot desicions.

Which I knew I would. She's going to make me ask out Harrison.

But that's another story, one that I have so much time to tell.


Yass, ik it's short as'f.

Soon, you'll find math masters in this, more Harrison, and a SHIT.TON. more truth or dare!

Also more info on Brendan.

Ugh, that ass.^

So far, I'm kinda team Nobody.


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