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Hey guys. Yeah, I put American Dream by MKTO up there. No reason though, except for because it's my second or third favorite song! It's great, really great.

"We have our marathon today," said Mr. Sand.

No shit, Sherlock.

"Oh do we, now?" I said quietly.
Ella, being the psycho she truly is, started laughing.

"Everything okay, Ella?" asked Mr. Sand.

What's up with teachers these days? Just because we laugh, doesn't mean we're mental (which we are).

"Oh, y'know-girl stuff. You don't wanna get caught up in that," I said.

Ella laughed harder.

Of course.

"Yeah! Girl stuff, ew," said karter. I glared at him.

"You wouldn't know," I told him.

"Or would he?" muttered Ella.

Okay, my turn to laugh now.

"What was that, Ella?" asked karter.

"Real intimidating..." I said.


"Bella," said Abby, out of breath.

"I thought you were in front of me!" I told her.

"Bella, we all know I'm never in front of you on these things!"

"Good thing I took an extra long stop then. I was about to get back on my bike a minute ago, then I was like mm, no."

"Aaaaand that's the Bella I know," she said.

"And everyone loves," I finished.

"Well, probably not them two," said Abby. I looked to where she was pointing, which was at Brendan and Brayden. "Or at least not one of them for sure." That one Abby is talking about? Yeah, that would be Brendan. I mean, Brayden probs doesn't love me either, but Brendan hates me. Or at least right now. Pretty soon he's gonna want to kill me. Or so I hope.

"Probs not, Abby. Probs not."

"So you're gonna say that now?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I always do."

"I've never heard you say it!"
"Well, I always say it at home," I said, "not usually at school." She nodded. "B-T-dubs, can I sit with you and your parents at lunch? Mine aren't coming, as usual."

"Yeah, I think so," she said.

I get it, she's got Miriam to sit by, too. Their four-person lunch. God knows if Thatcher will be here, that would make five.

I hate the fact that we have to have our parents come eat with us for shiz like this. My parents never can! My dad works from god knows what time, to five thirty.
"Thanks Abby!"

"Let's keep going now," she said.


"When's the next stop?" I asked, out of breath.

"Up here, I think," said Abby.

"You think?"

"I think."

"Great. I'm really thirsty," I said and pedaled faster.

"Bella! Slow. Down."

Abby is obviously out of breath, too.

"The stop is right there. Hurry up," I said, finally making it to the last stop.

"Oh my god, Bella. Go fast enough?"


We went back to the school no problem. Mostly because we went slow almost the whole way there, so it was quite easy.

"Hey, Ella," I said as I walked in the room. "Who's skittles?" I asked, trying not to call them shittles. Not easy.

"I don't know."

"They're mine," said Alec.

"How'd you get them?"

"I can't have salted nut rolls."

I tried not to laugh when he said nut. I mean, c'mon! Nut rolls? He's allergic to nut rolls. Sorry, I have a very dirty mind.

"Wait, we can eat those now?" I asked.

"Yeah," karter said. Nobody asked him.


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