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"Okay, take your heart maps out. If you're not done, then oh well," said Mr. Sand. Then I thought back to yesterday.

"Mr. Sand, will we be sharing our heart maps today?" I asked him.

"No, tomorrow," he replied.

I put my head in my palms.

"Is everything okay, Isabelle?" asked Mr. Sand.

"Yeah, everything is perfect."

"Okay. Can you take out your heart map?"

I don't know, can I?

"Of course I can."


"Brody, Dawson, Isabelle," started Mr. Sand and I looked up from my heart map. "Go to that table."

Sweet, he pointed at my table! I don't have to move!

I heard Dawson and Brody groan and I chuckled.

"Hey Barney," said Brody.

"Hi Birdy," I said to him and he gave me a death glare.

Brody's name is Birdy because he doesn't know how to spell his name. In English, he spelled his name Brdy... He forgot the O. When Mrs. Smith read his name, she pronounced it 'Birdy' because of how it was spelled.

"Shut up," he muttered.

"Here's mine. Read it," said Dawson shoving his heart map in my hands. Then Brody took it form me.

"Hey, Birdy. I was reading that."

"So I see," he said and looked at Dawson. "Lame."

I took a look at it and rolled my eyes. "You put chicken nuggets?"

"Yeah, yanno'm sayin man?"

Typical Dawson. His heart nap reminds me of last year.

"So tell me about you guys," said Mrs. Nuverth as Dawson raises his hand.


"What?" he asked.

"Do you have something you'd like to tell me about yourself?"

"I like chicken nuggets," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What kind of chicken nuggets? Like, HyVee chicken nuggets? Or McDonald's chicken nuggets? Or what else?" she asked him. Does that even matter?

"Any chicken nuggets!" he responded rather quickly.

Of course he would say any chicken nuggets. He's Dawson.

"Yeah. I actually know what you're saying" I said to Dawson.


"Alright guys," interrupted Mr. Sand. "We're switching up the groups now."

"Yas," I muttered.

"Isabelle, you go switch places with Isaac," said Mr. Sand and I moved to the back table. He told everyone else where to go and who to switch with until we were all in different groups.

I was with Karter and Daniel...

This is not gonna go well.

School.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora