Wut is happening?!

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(My POV)
I was watching the final episode of sonic X so long sonic. I was upset because shadow had disappeared and I have no idea what happened to him. He was always my favorite character, he wasn't bind it to just being straight up good or being straight up bad that's what I loved about him.

Later that night before I went upstairs to get ready for bed I saw a shooting star and I could not help but make a wish.

(Me) I wish that I could meet Shadow and be part of the Sonic X TV show world.

Later that night right when I was about to climb into bed a bright light started to glow around me! And the last thing I saw was darkness.


When I woke up I was surrounded by people and vehicles. As the people began to complain and ask each other what the heck I even was and all that I asked myself what they were even staring at.

The police officers tried to capture me but I ran from them. I was questioning in my own head how I was even running so fast in the first place, and so when I looked down at my legs I gasped at what I saw. My legs were a royal blue color! Not to mention I wasn't wearing any clothes!!

It didn't take long for me to realize that I was being chased by a bunch of race cars. And my eyes became the size of dinner plates when I realized who the drivers of these vehicles were. It was the S team from sonic X!

Apparently the leader wanted a race, I smirked at the idea and decided to give him what he wanted. I began to speed up and before long I created what can only be known as...... The sonic boom.

I was now floating in the sky watching the beautiful lights below me. I had to admit it was pretty. But then my eyes widened at the site of a pool! It wasn't the fact that I was above water that was the problem because I could swim perfectly fine. It was the realization of how Highup I really was that was the problem.

I then landed directly into the pool and tried to swim my way out. Unfortunately with the amount of energy I had at the moment I was struggling. But then I heard someone dive into the water after me, when I looked up I had a shocked look on my face. A little boy that was still wearing his pajamas dove into the water to save me and then he pulled me out of the water to the surface.

(Chris) wow that was a close one. Are you all right?

(Me) {Cough} yeah, thanks kid.

Chris looked at me confused and shocked. He wasn't expecting me to be able to talk and I couldn't blame him, I mean how would you react if you found a hedgehog the size of a Eight-year-old child that could talk?

(Chris) I didn't know that you can talk.

(Me)...well I can do a lot of things.

He found it cool that I could even talk in the first place. And to be honest I wouldn't blame him if I found an animal that could talk to I would be impressed. He asked for me if I had a name and I answered in a similar way sonic did.

(Me) well of course I have a name, my name... is Emma.

Has he let me in his home I asked him if he had any clothes that I could borrow since I refused to walk around in nude like sonic did. He helped me find a good outfit that would fit me and so now here I was, walking in the blue burr's shoes. Both figuratively and literally.

How I become Sonic the hedgehog Where stories live. Discover now