Al Capone x Reader: Questions

Start from the beginning

"Didn't really have a choice." He laughed. You raised an eyebrow.

"Sure you did." You said

"Oh really?" He asked. "What would you have done then?"

"Try to avoid the guy talking about world domination? I don't know," You shrugged. "It's been my experience that a guy who wants power doesn't like to share it."

"You have experience?"

"...I spend a lot of time in museums. You tend to learn a lot." He looked at your for a moment. Then he spoke up again.

"You still haven't answered my question, doll."

"Y/N. Uncle needed help, I and I offered." He nodded.

"You close to your family?" You were confused.

"Why do you care?" You asked. Al didn't answer, and looked to be deep in thought.

"You know what? I don't. As soon as we find that tablet, you and your uncle are done." He said with a snarl, before getting up and stalking away.


Eventually, he came crawling back.

Well, not literally of course.

But he sure acted like he was.

"Nothing to do here," He sat down with a sigh.

"Manhunt isn't entertaining for you?"

"Dime a dozen." He said.

"Well I have to admit it's new to me." Your thought was that if you made friends with the enemy, it could help you and your uncle in the long run. You tried to shrug again, but your shoulder screamed in protest, and you tried to hide a grimace.

Al noticed and looked behind your chair. Then he walked away behind you.

You were surprised to feel the ropes around your wrists loosening. Not enough to let you go mind you, but enough that you could rest your hands on your lap. Then Al returned and sat down across from you. "That better?"

"Yeah," You said in surprise. "...Why did you do that, though?" You couldn't help but ask. "We're kinda supposed to be enemies, remember?" Al thought again for a second, and you thought that he would storm off again. What he said surprised you.

"It's kinda hard to be enemies with a such a pretty girl." Your eyebrows shot up to your hairline.

Two could play at that game.

"Fraternising with the enemy, then? That seems a little risky, even for you." You said with a smile.

"Always been a risk taker doll," He reached out and flicked your chin up.

"ALPHONSE!" Kahmunrah shouted. Al clenched his jaw, but stood up and approached the pharaoh. "The night guard and girl have been spotted in the air and space building. You're to capture them. Then he jerked his head. Use her as a bargaining chip."

"All due respect, we can easily capture them without her."


"I find that the best way to subdue someone is to break them. Killing Larry Daley's precious niece?" Your heart stopped. "It's the easiest way to get him to cooperate." He walked away, leaving no room for argument.

Al turned to you, and you shrunk back into your chair. Without a word, he untied you and hauled you up by the arm. You tried to fight, but Al clamped onto your other harm. "Trust me." He hissed into your ear, and led you out of the archive, followed by a pack of his men. When you got to the air and space building, he turned to his men. "Spread out. Find them!" Without a word, they left. Then Al let you go.

"We've already checked the modern art building. Go hide there." He looked over his shoulder. "You'll be safe there, but you have to hurry."

"Why are you helping me?"

"So many questions," He chuckled, but quickly grew serious. "You don't deserve this. Now go!" You turned to leave, but paused. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you turned around and threw your arms around Al's neck.

"Thank you," You whispered. He froze, but relaxed into it. Then he reached up and gently removed your arms.

"Go." You obeyed and took off running. You kept looking over your shoulder as you ran.

As soon as Al turned back to words the Air and Space museum, you stopped, and began to follow from a distance.

Cowering wasn't really your style.

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